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factoid: puntlanders in somali politics

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Originally posted by ThankfulSP:


ah! hamse, you remind me of Abdiqasim. This means Galmudug leads with 3 Presidents (Abdiqasim, Aideed and Darmaan). And Honestly if YEY is counted, I insist Darmann should. No one accepted YEY as a Somali President.

No one? Are you being delusional again? The world did!!! Of all the names you mention AT, show me EVIDENCE of anyone getting a reception similar to the ones of Abdullahi Yusuf in the pics I produced. You're naming guys that can't even wear the same shoes of Yey, when it comes to acceptance.


Maybe not in your imaginary world he wasn't accepted but internationally he was definitely was.







ThankfulSP, this blantant denial of Halyey Yusuf's presidency by the ONLF riffraff of SOL should come to you as no surprise. After all, they have never gotten used to the words, "Somali" and "President" being in the same sentence ever. All they've ever know have been Ethiopian Presidents and Ethiopian Kings. And unfortunately, as the way things are going-- with our resident internet warriors, A&T & Zack, at the helm of this incompetent freedom movement called O.N.uff-- we gonna first have to see a blue moon before they can ALL become comfortable with the words..."His Excellency the Somali President So and so"! :D

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Reading this topic, Im reminded of this quote: "there is a natural aristocracy among men, the grounds of this are virtue and talent".


Ku dayo puntland, ku dayo!

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

Dadkan puntland jooga horta faan badana

Xaaji, arrimaha meeshaan laga hadlayo haday run yihiin, faan ma aha. Laakin xataa faan haday naga tahay, adigu maxaad uga xajiimootaa faanka reer Puntland, waa su'aalee? :D

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:

ah! hamse, you remind me of Abdiqasim. This means Galmudug leads with 3 Presidents (Abdiqasim, Aideed and Darmaan). And Honestly if YEY is counted, I insist Darmann should. No one accepted YEY as a Somali President.

Since we're rewriting history, I insist Ina Jees be caunted twice. That way, Tolka gets 2 presidents as well.

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Originally posted by Hamse:

a complex region blessed with highly intelligent and very industrious people according to various foreign authors has dominated somali politics since after independence.


2 presidents (cabdirashiid cali sharmarke, cabdulahi yusuf yeey)


4 prime ministers
(cabdirsaaq xaaji xuseen, cali khaliif galayr, maxamed cabdi yusuf, xasan abshir farax, cumar cabdirashiid cali sharmarke)


40 ministers
and deputy ministers


3 police cheifs
including qoorsheel, maxamed abashir, matukade, etc



i'll post pictures and goods later.

and Yet ,,, They not happy ,, :D:D

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When a country fails, the blame usually lies on the leadership or lack thereof. So thank you very much for exposing those who let Somalia down. If anything, this should be no source of faan. You have utterly failed and thus should never again lead anything by golly anything you touch turns into a disaster. Just look at Somalia and look at Pirateland erm Buntland. Waxaaba tihiin saancad lasoo diray: Balaa idinka daba higleh. Now, if anyone could suggest how we should deal with this curse.... I like to hear it. :D

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Red Sea, I guess your short hiatus away from SOL has not taught you anything... :D


Ina Cigaal oo reer marfashland kasoo jeedeyba mar buu prime minister Soomaliya u ahaa. Intuu madaxda ahaa wax uu u qabtay Soomaali oo wanaag ah wali lamahayo, waxaan ka ahayn inuu marfashland yiraahdo Soomaliya ayaan ka goonayaa. Marka siyaasada iyo soomalinimadaba meeshaas ayaad ka taagentihiin. Mudo labaatan sano ku dhawaad ah waxaad ku dhawaaqeeseyn inaad Soomaliya ka go'aysiin. Ilaa iyo hadana wax ictiraaf-ah oo aad heesataan oo aan ka ahayn inuu Daahir Riyaale uu idiin noqdo, a modern day Bucur bacayr to your lot...


Marka haduu ruux 'failure' yahay, idinkaa 'failure' buuxda ah oo taarikhda ayaa xusaysaa waxaad runtii tihiin. Marka hadii taariikhda aanu baar baarno, ceebo badan oo aad leydihiin baa soo if-baxayee ee waxaa fiicnaan lahayd, reer marfashow inaad ceebihiina la aamustaan.


Wabilahi Tawfiiq.

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Every society has good ones and bad ones. Son and Father, Abdirashid Sharmarke and Cumar Cabdirashid come from the nobility of Bossaso. Father was killed by Yey's "jaqaaq" militias and the son is now undermined by Faroole.


Admittedly, Abdirisaq xaji xussen was a good somali too, save for the fact he embazzled millions in his days.

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Mr. Buntland,


Ina Cigaal nin u dhigma siyaasad miyaad haysaa?


Ina Cigaal wax tar wuu ka tagay oo maanta nin wax kasheeganayaa majiro. In fact Somaliland waa ninkii ka badbaadiyey civil war. Waa ninkii SNM disarmament ku sameeyey, wiilashii xunbada afka kasaydhayey oo markaa soo cunay Siyad Barre iyo cadhaagisii waakii intuu madaxa iskula dhacay kadib walaaleyey kana dhigay ciidamo Qaran oo midaysan kuwaaso aad maanta aragtid halkay ay marayaan.


Sidoo kale, Ina Cigaal nin wax garad ah ayuu ahaa oo maskax iyo siyaasad wax ku dhacsada, muu ahayn nin shisheeya soowata oo shacabkiisa ku laaya. Taas Adeerkaa ayaa laga hayaa.


Mudada 20 sano ah ee aad sheegayso ninkasta oo si daacad ah wax u eegi karaa waxa uu ogaanayaa Somaliland in ay maanta faa'ido wayn gaadhay 18 sano. Hor mar ma ogiyey marnaba dib uma guran. Aqoonsiga aduunwaynuhu hadii uu yimaado wanaagsan, hadii iska maqnaadana kolay anigu waan jirayaa maalin maalinta ka danbays xoog iyo tayo ayuunbaad sii yeelanaynaa. Markaa yey wax ka halabeen? Ma ciil qabo. Alxamdulilah for Somaliland.


Faan madhan oo glass buuxin mo ogiye maxaad igu dhaanta. Hadii aan isbarbar dhigno Somaliland io Buntland; Somaliland ayaa meelkasta kaga horeysa dhaqaale, waxbarasho, nabbada, sharciga, ciidamada, policke, infastracture. Waxkasta oo maanta aad magacawdid waan leeyahay waana kaasii horeeyaa. Markaa ummada haku maqashee maxaad ku faanaysaa? Ma laba nin oo wasiir ahaa 60kii. lool inaalilaah. Allow hana cadaabin.


Taas kasoo gudub, anagu waxanu haynaa dad badan oo si daacad ah Somaliya ugu shaqeeyey hadana Somaliland ugu shaqeeya. Laakin idinku Somalia inaad wax yeeshaan ma ogiye wax tar malihidin.


Adeer, faanka uun iska sii wada. Kolay nafkale malihidin eh.

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Red Sea,


Horta ninkaan aad leedahay SNM buu qoryo ka dhigay...wuxuu qoryo ka dhigay majiraanee SNM-tii Cabdiraxmaan tuuur madaxdu u ahaa oo idinka xoreysay Afweyne, ayuu asagoo kaashanayah Axmaarada oo xukun raadis ah ayuu weerar ku qaaday oo qabiil ahaan u baabi'iyey--taasna marag madoonto weeyaan. Ilaa iyo hadana Ina Cigaal qooskiisii ayaa Riyaale, Bucur Bacayr idiinka digay. Oo waliba, hadaad tihiin dad danqanayah oo damiir leh, Riyaale oo ahaa Korneel NSS ah oo rag badan oo marfishland kasoo jeeda dhiigooda qabay ayaa maanta xoog idinku heysta oo maalin walba markuu rabo doorasho kusheega Shankaroon siduu rabo ka yeelo.


Ciidamada aad ku faanaysidna, cid aad maanta ka xoog badantihiin oo aad ka taya roontihiin majiro. Cilmi iyo waxbarashonah warkeed daa! Maamul-nah hadaan ka hadalno, xafiis yadiina dawllada Marfashland waxaa loo shaqo tagaa 8 A.M, waxaana laga rawaxaa 11 A.M oo waa laga garash doontaa. Marka hormarka aad sheeganaysiin, oo aad sedex saac ku gaari kartaan, ma ii sheegi kartaa??


Anigu waxaan idiin qirayaa dhanka fasahaadka iyo fusuqa inaad Soomaaliya oo dhan aad kaga horeysaan--shaki kuma jiro. Laakin wax kale oo horumar ah oo aad sameyseen oo muuqda majiro oo aan ka ahayn inaad dakadii aad lahaydeyn oo Berbera aad ku wareejiseyn Ethiopian oo cidan ilaalshada keensaday. Xataa dakaddii aad lahaydeen ayaad xamaalinimo kaweydeen oo xabashiddi ey keensatay dad Eethiopian-ah oo ka xamaasho. Marka Sharaf dhac itaa kabadan ummad kale oo Soomali ah oo sameysay majiraan.


Hadii ummada Soomaaliyeed dhibteeda ruux kataliyo, idinkaa ugu badan oo Soomalinimada aan aaminsanyn waxaan kahayn afarta habrood oo qabiilka iyo qurunka isku biirsaday.


Marka adigoo dhiiqadaas aad arkaysid lugaha kula jiro, Red Sea-- afka ha lasoo gelin dad kaa sharaf badan, kaa cilmi badan, kaa maal badan, kaa tayo badan, kaana xoog badan, kaana farabadan! :D

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Somali's have reached the bottom of the pile to the extent that there national aim is to travel and be in pictures with world leaders instead of making world headlines such as development, armies, economic success, travel and tourism, real respect.


why is this because of the very leaders the guy who started this post, talked about. Saxib you dont have politicians you have illitrate clan associates who destroyed an entire nation due to lack of justice and destruction. So in a way i think them because like the patriots of the 1966 attempted coup i wanted Somaliland back even if it was going to cost 200,000 lives.


now that it is back, i know that without our hidden leadership you wont accomplish anything for yourselves, if you think i am kidding, the future will prove me right.

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