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General Duke

Greatest Lie in Somali history... Audio

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1. We are fighting for Islam many children met their deaths with this falsehood.


2. The re liberation of Somalia gang in Asmara caused more bloodhsed.


3. Today, Sharif, Illeterate Sakin, Ibbi and others of the liberation are calling for Ethiopian, Kenyan and others. Why did they fight them in 2006 and why did all those Somali's die?.

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.Note Sharif Ahmed as late as September 2008, attacked AMSIOM for using heavy mortars against the people of Somalia. Also Inadcade attacks Sharif for not being "Islamic" and today works for him as leader... :D


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Zubeyr_1.jpg The boy who killed Umar Hashi & 60 others in Beledweyne[/b]


The biggest lie, the Diaspora fund rasing the mindless fake demonstrations have led to this point.

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Unbelievable !



It is hard to take anyone seriously nowadays, they all have hidden agendas.....The only people who seem to have no hidden agendas are the Al-shabaab but they lost the plot long time ago. How can you justify killing 100s of innocent people to get rid of few bad guys?????

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My God, Ibbi was the most extream of all of them, quote (If you fly on Ethiopian Airlines your hajj is void)lol, and now he is asking for their assist. Hypocracy runs through their blood veins.

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Men who can not be honest can not lead. Sharif Ahmed is by far the worst leader in Somali history, the most ueducated as well.


The funny thing is theyr daft supporters are really confused, how could all their efforts and fake nationalisam and religious ferver cost them so dearly.

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Prof. Ibbi November 2007: " qofka aad taqaanaan in uu u hiilinayo XABASHI ama QABIIL, guur ma galo oo GABADHIISA lama geyo, lama guursan karo, gabadha ka soo baxdana waa kuwa xuural-caynta la dhahayay'e taasna gacan ku siiya,... tusbax go'ay Allah haka dhigo wax Alla iyo wixii taageera."


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Dhubadoow , saxb meesha waa meel quruntay,dadka soomaalinimadu iyo daacadnimadu ka dhabtahay waa wax aad u yar, fara ku tiris, Hadayna sidaas ahayna mar hore baa Soomaaliya xal loo heli lahaa,Umad aqoonyahan kii iska dhamaysey meel ma gaarayso.


Waxii durbaanka loo tumayey waxa uu ahaa damac siyaaseed, Cidna ma kala jecleeyn inta soomaali ku dhimata. Rajadii ugu wanaagsaneeyn ee Soomaali dhowaan soo marta waxa ay ahayd shirkii Khartoum.


Markaa hada hala digtoonaado munaafiqiinta. :mad:

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Folks, don't fall the blatant propaganda of this thread and its likes around.


The Xabashi stooge, whom the initiator of this thread day in and out cheered, miserably failed with his Xabashi masters around. His cheerleader wishes the whole country to fail only because the Xabashi stooge couldn't lead. Xaasidnimo waxaas la yiraahdaa oo dalkii laga hormarsiinaayo danta shaqsi. Then again nothing is new what is being spewed by the initiator of this thread.


C/raxmaan Ibbi meel uu ka yiri maleh Xabashi hala keeno dalka, neither labada Shariif. Find a news article ka codsanayaan dalka la keeno Xabashi.


Sh. Aaden Madoobe did that plea, who himself is a senior remnant of Xabashi stooges from dowlad ku sheegii that failed. Aaden Madoobe is not Ibbi, nor is he labada Shariif.


Marka do not fall for the propaganda this threads reeks of.

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The Zack   

^You got that right! General Duke is the Rush Limbaugh of Somalia. He is wishing the country to fail since his adeer couldn't lead. All he is trying to say is Yey was the best taasna anagoo jiifno xitaaa nagama dhaadhaceyso anagoo soo jeedno iska dhaaf e.


Generaaale, Yey was the worst traitor, xabashi cheerleader in the Somali history. Worse than all these guys you mentioned on this thread. History can't be changed.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar:


C/raxmaan Ibbi meel uu ka yiri maleh Xabashi hala keeno dalka, neither labada Shariif. Find a news article ka codsanayaan dalka la keeno Xabashi.



Either you are not very clever or you are just trying to find excuses; I think it is the latter. The man accepted the request of his " parliament" to call for neighbouring and other international troops. He( your beloved Somali wadani) even stated that these troops would come from IGAD( Ethiopia and Kenya) and the Arab league( yeah right). He also said that they were not coming to inflict suffering on the population. You think the troops are coming from Czech Republic and Polan, lol? In any case, he is the leader of this entity :D

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^^ No. No. This is propaganda. The man did not agree to these things. Sh. Sharif did not either. This is a Xabashi plot to undermine Sh. Sharif. Adan Madoobe (the Speaker of parliment) does not speak for anybody else but himself. :D:D


You couldn't make it up...

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