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General Duke

How their attacks mayhem helped TFG: Al Shabaab the awakening

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How the attacks helped: Al Shabaab & the awakening


Some of the smooth talking members of SOL, had a problem with an anlyusis that the Duke made a while back that the senseless mindless attacks of the Al Shabaab and their threats against civilian use of the airport would strengthen the common sense brigade which makes up the TFG. “How” they screamed and scratched their aged gray hairs unable to fathom how basic cause and effect works.


Well the international support has been gathering for the TFG the IGAD meeting in Nairobi. However a striking resultof their latest action is the internal warfare that has erupted between the armed “opposition” at the heart of it Al Shabaab has split into clans with Fuad Shangool and Abu Mansuur being isolated, blamed and soon targeted by their fellow anti government looting brigade.


Insuregents have split into clans, minorities and unwanted targeted by Ahmed Diriye and his group ;)


Now back to the news..

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A. Dirie: Al-Shabaab ayaa noo hanjabtey

5 Oct 5, 2008 - 5:55:15 AM


Afhayeenka gole isku magacaabay dhaqanka ****** Axmed Diiriye Cali ayaa si weyn u dhaleeceeyay ururka hubeysan ee Al-shabaab, wuxuuna ku eedeeyay inay dhibaateynayaan shacabka, ayna doonayaan inay iyaga dilayaan.


"Adeer, ma garan karno kooxdan noo hanjabtay waxay doonayaan, mana ahan kuwo ka shaqeynaya diinta iyo danta shacabka Soomaaliyeed" ayuu saxaafada gudaha u sheegay Axmed Diiriye.


Diiriye, wuxuu sheegay in Sheekh Mukhtaar Rooboow [Abu-Mansor] oo ah afhayeenka Al-shabaab uu diiday in gargaar la gaarsiiyo shacabka ku dhaqan gobolada dhexe ee Somalia; taasna ay tahay mid uu ku beegsanayo dad gaar ah.


"Garoomada ku yaala Bay iyo Bakool waxaa kasoo daga diyaarado iyo dad shisheeye ah, garoonka Muqdisho iyo kuwa Gobolada dhexena wuu diiday Abu-Mansor inay shaqeeyaan, taasi waxay noola muuqataa mid dano gaar ah laga leeyahay" ayuu yiri Axmed Diiriye.


Sidoo kale, wuxuu sheegay in Abu-Mansor uu ogaado in dadka ku nool gobolada dhexe ee uu u diiday gargaar in la gaarsiiyo ay yihiin bani'aadam isaga la mid ah, hadii uu ku adkeysto diidmadiisana ay iska dhicin doonaan.


"Waxaa jirta in rag ka tirsan kooxda aan la garanayn halka ay u jeedo iyo waxa ay doonayso [Al-shabaab] ay ku baaqeen in la dilayo odayaasha ******, iyaguse ay diyaar u yihiin inay dhintaan" ayuu yiri Axmed Diiriye oo intaas ku daray:


"Hadii nala dilo geeri waan u joognay, balse ha ogaadaan kuwa farta nagu soo fiiqaya oo noo adeegsanaya ciyaalka yaryar ee aan waxba ogeyn inay iyaguna naga dambeynayn oo la dili doono".


Axmed Diiriye, wuxuu sheegay in odayaashoodan ay maleysanayeen in loo abaalgudi doono, balse loo hanjabay iyadoo la ogyahay dhibaatooyinkii ay soo mareen.


Sheekh Fu'aad Shangole oo ka tirsan xoogaga Al-shabaab ayaa dhawaan ka sheegay Suuqa Bakaaraha in la toogto odayasha ******, isagoo ku eedeeyay inay ka shaqeynayaan arimo ay ku burburinayaan muqaawamada.


Hadalkan uu Axmed Diiriye ku eedeeyay Ururka Al-shabaab ayaa ah mid aan horay looga baran; wuxuuna ku tilmaamay kooxdan inay yihiin kuwo aan doonayn nabad ka dhalata Somalia, isagoo ugu baaqay inay nabada dhinacooda ka raacaan.


Garowe Online, Muqdisho

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****** Council spokesman 'threatened' by al Shabaab

5 Oct 5, 2008 - 4:00:45 PM


MOGADISHU, Somalia Oct 5 (Garowe Online) - The spokesman for a self-appointed Somali clan union – the ****** Tradition and Unity Council – told reporters Sunday that council members have been threatened by local insurgents.


Ahmed Dirie, spokesman for the ****** Council, said al Shabaab fighters had issued an order calling for the death of council members.



Ahmed Dirie

"I don't know what this group [al Shabaab] who threaten us want, but they are not ones working for the religion or the interests of the Somali people," Dirie said.


He accused al Shabaab spokesman Muktar Robow "Abu Mansur" of being "an obstacle" to the delivery of humanitarian aid in Mogadishu and the central regions.


Dirie said that, while airplanes and foreigners land safely at airports in Bay and Bakool regions, "Abu Mansur has refused for airports in Mogadishu and the central regions to operate and it appears to me there are hidden agendas."


Mogadishu and the central regions are predominately home to ****** clansmen, while Abu Mansur is a member of the Digil and Mirifle clans that traditionally inhabit Bay and Bakool regions, including the town of Baidoa.


Al Shabaab insurgents have targeted Mogadishu's airport with mortars at least four times since September 16, when the guerrilla group issued a threat to shoot down airplanes using the airport.


Airport-related violence has killed upwards of 80 people and helped drive a deeper wedge among the insurgents, who were already reeling from the armed resistance's split into pro-peace and pro-war camps. [ READ: Islamic Courts, al Shabaab ‘on verge of war’]


****** Council members have opposed the airport attacks, along with airline companies, civil society groups and the Islamic Courts.


"If we are killed, we were already waiting for death. But those who pointed us out and use small children who don’t know anything [to kills us] will follow us and will be killed," Dirie said defiantly.


Recently, al Shabaab member Fu'ad Shangole declared inside Mogadishu's Bakara Market that ****** Council members will be shot after accusing them of "working to divide up the muqawama," a reference to the armed resistance.


It is a change of fortune for Mr. Ahmed Dirie, who was arrested in November 2007 by the Somali government for allegedly supporting the insurgents. He spent more than two months in jail.


In recent weeks, Dirie and ****** Council Chairman Mohamed Hassan Haad led a council delegation that visited towns between Galkayo and Beletwein.


Local sources reported that the council elders pushed for the establishment of a regional government for ******-inhabited areas in the central regions during their road trip, but received "mixed reaction" from region to region.


According to insiders, the idea for a ******-based regional administration originated after the Djibouti Agreement between the Somali government and an Islamist-led opposition alliance.


A former government official in Puntland, who is an insightful analyst of southern politics, tells Garowe Online that "a process of Hawiyism" is going on in Mogadishu and the central regions.


"The intention is to drive out al Shabaab from ******-dominated Shabaab's major bases are in the Jubba regions, the Shabelle regions and also in Bay and Bakool," said our source, who did not want to be named for security-related reasons.


He described al Shabaab fighters as "without clan," while noting that the Islamic Courts factions were originally conceived in the 1990s as clan-based courts protecting sections of Mogadishu.


According to the analyst, "c lan-based groups within the Islamic Courts umbrella now support the peace process and want a share in the government, a move that largely alienates al Shabaab."


Source: Garowe Online

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Thus its old Clan spokesman who now complains about young kids being sent after him, he never complained when innocent men were being targeted outside Mosques by the confused group...

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What about Hiiraan?


Odayaasha dhaqanka ee gobalka Hiiraan oo cambareeyay hanjabaada Shabaabiyiintu u jeediyeen hey’adaha sama falka.


Golaha odayaasha dhaqanka ee gobalka Hiirana oo maanta kulan ku yeeshay magaalada Beled weyn ee xarunta u ah gobalkaasi ayaa waxaa ay soo saareen cambaareyn ka dhan ah warkii dhawaan shabaaiyiinta kasoo yeedhay oo ahaa in ay beegsanayaan qaar ka mida hey’adaha samafalka.


Golaha odayaasha dhaqanka ee gobalka Hiirana oo maanta kulan ku yeeshay magaalada Beled weyn ee xarunta u ah gobalkaasi ayaa waxaa ay soo saareen cambaareyn ka dhan ah warkii dhawaan shabaaiyiinta kasoo yeedhay oo ahaa in ay beegsanayaan qaar ka mida hey’adaha samafalka.


Guddoomiyaha golaha odayaasha dhaqanka Dacar Xersi xooshow oo kulankoodii kadib shir jaraa’id qabtay ayaa sheegay in ay aad ugasoo hor jeedaan ayna cabaareynayaan hanjabaada Shabaabiyiinta oo uu ugu baaqay in ay fikirkaa qaldan ka laabtaan.


“dadkeenu way dhibaateysan yihiin,waxaana ka codsanaynaa beesha caalamka in ay laba jibaarto kaalmada bini’aadanimada,kuwa hey’adaha amaankooda khal khalk gelinayana waxaan ugu baaqaynaa in ay afkaarohooda qaldan badalaan”ayuu shir jaraa’id ka sheegay guddoomiyaha golaha odayaasha dhaqanku.


Warka kasoo baxay Odayaasha ayaa kusoo beegmaya laba ,maalin kadib makii maliishiyada shabaabiyiintua ay sheegeen in ay beegsanayaan

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Al-Shabaab oo weerartay beesha NORTH MOGADISHU


Muqdisho, Somaliya ( 05-Oktober-08


Xubin ka tirsan kooxda Al-Shabaab ee dagaalada ka wada koonfurta Somaliya laguna magacaabo Mr. Fu`aad Shangole ayaa warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo ina soo gaaray ey sheegayaan in dhawaan uu soo saaray fadwo ka dhan an mid ka mid ah beelaha Somaliyeed ee daga K/Somaliya, gaar ahaan gobolka Banaadir iyo nawaaxigiisa.


Mr. Shangole oo indhawaalaba laga daweynayay dhaawac kasoo gaaray dagaalo qaraar oo ka dhacay degmada Huruwaa horaantii sanadkan ayaa fadwadan ka jeediyay sida wararka aynu ku heleyno masjidka Abuu-Hureyra ee ku yaal Suuqa Bakaaro, wuxuuna taageerayaasha Al-Shabaab u sheegay in hantida iyo dhiiga dadka dagan laga bilaabo degmada Wardhiigley ilaa lagu geeyo degmada Xarardheere ey xalaal yihiin, islamarkaana ey howlaha Jihaadku ka socon la`yihiin dadka degan deegaanadaasi.


Fu`aad Shangole oo sidoo kale fadwadiisa uu ka jeedinayay masjidka Abuu-Hureyra ee Suuqa Bakaaro ku weeraray odayaasha dhaqanka ******, kuwaasoo uu ku tilmaamay rag fidno isku urursaday islamarkaana wax aan isku *** iyo fidno aheyn soo wadin.



Halkan ka dhageyso jawaabta Axmed Diiriye


Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay oo uu Mr. Fu`aad ka hadlo deegaanada iyo dhiiga beeshan ee uu iminka u xalaaleeyay taageerayaashiisa, waxaana cajal laga soo duubay mudo sanad ka hor uu sidoo kale ku tilmaamay deegaanadan iyo dadka degenba kuwo gabaad siiya gaalada iyo waxa uu ugu yeeray cadowga oo ku raaxeysta.


Hadalka Fu`aad Shangole ayaa sidoo kale kusoo beegmay xilli ey kooxdiisu iclaamisay dagaal ka dhan ah Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo taageerayaashiisa.

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General Duke it seems like your now debating with yourself.


Your such a clown.


No ones takes a triblist lowlife such a yourself serious.


Oh please do me the favour as not to reply to my message because i don't want to give the impression that i want to debate with you.



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Maliishiyooynkii maxkamadaha oo isaga baxay magaalada Beled weyn kadib markii ay shacab careysani dhagxaan ku weerareen.


Natiijada ka dhalatay dilkii maanta magaalada Beledweyn loogu geystay Alle ha u naxariistee guddoomiyihii golaha dhaqanka ee gobalka Hiiraan ay noqotay in shacab careysani ay dhagxaan ku weeraraan fariisimadii Maliishiyada maxaakimta taasoo keentay in ay magaalada isaga baxaan.


War goor dhweyto nagasoo gaadheya magaalada Beledweyn ayaa sheegaya kacdoon shacab uu ka biloowday magaalada Balad weyn iyadoo shacabku ay weerareen xarunta gobalka,saldhiga booliska iyo fariisimo kale oo maliishiyada maxaakimtu daganaayeen, waxaana ay taasi ku qasabtay in ay magaalada ka baxaan iyagoo dagay duleedka magaalada gaar ahaana deegaanka Janto Kundishe.


Wixii warar ah ee kusoo kordha kala soco carmooyin saacad kasta.

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