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Faroole Continues Rendition of Ogadēn Civilians

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Reports reaching the Ogadēn Online service desk from Garoowe town confirm the recent rendition of an Ogadēn civilians from the Eastern region of Somalia (Puntland) fiefdom that calls itself self-autonomous to the Woyane (Ethiopia)led regime in Addis Ababa.


The rendered civilians are said to be numbered 17 people. It is reported that these civilians were arrested and secretly handed over to the Ethiopian secret service in Galaadi. No one knows where are about these innocent civilians.


This is not the first time Puntland authorities have harassed, tortured, killed, and handed over civilians Ogadēni origin to Ethiopian security. Over a nice month ago Puntland Administration detained five Ogadēn Somali civilians in Boosaaso, who were travelling from Yemen to Ogadēn on 18th October 2009. Both the Puntland militia and Ethiopian Security extensively tortured the detainees and then one of the detainees was abducted and taken to a prison in Harar. On November 2, 2009, one of the prisoners in Boosaaso died of internal wounds sustained during the extensive torture subjected to him. Also, over a year and half ago, two senior members of the Ogadēn National Liberation Front (ONLF) were handed over to Ethiopian security by a Puntland minister. Just last week Puntland authorities have arrested the A'bsame traditional leader who is well know and well respected leader, he is still languishing in Garowe prison.

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Farole is and have always been devoid of dignity and decency. He is not stranger to shamelessly serve foreigners and is known for his servitude to others....

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Farole is in deep trouble for his inherent *********. What you expect of a man who has appealed to the animalistic instincts of his sub-clan family against another sub-clan family?

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