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Puntland Parliament

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I am new to Somalia Online. smile.gif


Can someone please tell me what is happening with the Puntland Parliament meeting?


Information is very hard to locate.




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Not another 'investor' with that bogus company called Resources. Why, I thought 'art' was enough for you guys to, who might have been informing.


Apparently not.


And what you were looking, just the breaking news is in: The Buntilaan parliament cancelled its contract with Range Resources Ltd. Sad for you, I guess. Better find another 'investing' endeavour in Liberia or Sierra Leone. :D

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This article highlights the safety of puntland and the need for economic development which can help fund somali universities. Developments such as that which range resources wishes to do will be a massive bonus for the local economy of puntland. Economic developments will improve the standard of living in somalia which some of the expats enjoy.



U. Minnesota: Minnesota group to visit Somali education system

523 words

28 June 2006



© 2006 U-Wire. All Rights Reserved.

U-WIRE-06/28/2006-U. Minnesota: Minnesota group to visit Somali education system © 2006 Minnesota Daily Via U-WIRE


By Marni Ginther, Minnesota Daily (U. Minnesota)


MINNEAPOLIS -- What might have looked like a dinner among friends


Monday at the Riverside Avenue Perkins was, for some, the beginning of an important journey.


About a dozen people representing several Twin Cities colleges and local Somali organizations met there for a farewell dinner. Six of them are leaving for Somalia on July 1.


The group will attend educational conferences, meet students and professors and possibly teach classes, said Jennie Kratzer, co-founder of Somali Family Services, a Minneapolis organization serving Somali immigrants. The group will spend time at Somalia's Nugaal University and Puntland State University learning how to improve Somalia's education system.

The country's lack of a unified government and deep divisions among political factions made a stable educational system difficult in recent years.


Somali Family Services and Minneapolis Community and Technical College have raised enough money from the Somali community to give 30 students at the universities a $300 scholarship. The money will cover a year's worth of tuition, said Abdurashid Ali, co-founder of Somali Family Services.


Group members will also work with students and educators at the two universities to form stronger ties with Somali students and professors here in the Twin Cities.

"We want to bridge understanding on three levels -- college to college,


professor to professor and student to student," said Deborah Johnson, a former University faculty member who now teaches at Inver Hills Community College.


Johnson, who teaches intercultural communication, is also the adviser for a Somali student group at the college. She said that after the trip she will have her students keep in contact with people she meets in Somalia.


"We want to make these connections on a really personal level," she said.


The prospect of making personal connections with students in Somalia was one thing that drew University global studies senior Nimo Farah to attend the dinner.


As former vice president of the Minnesota Somali Student Association and an active member of the University's Somali Student Association, she said she wanted to learn more about the work the group will be doing.


"I want to see how we can involve students in this kind of work -- in


mentoring or raising money for these universities in Somalia," she said.


Farah, who is a Somali immigrant herself, said she also wants to form ties with students back in Somalia simply to show them they haven't been forgotten.


"People think you become American and you forget your culture," she said. "But you have to remember there are students in Somalia, where everything is war-torn, yet they're still seeking an education. And here, we complain if we have to do homework while our favorite TV show is on."


The group will also make a documentary of the trip, which will air on Twin Cities Public Television sometime after the group returns July 25.




Distributed via M2 Communications Ltd -

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Mr or is it Ms TP100 – Here is a brief summary of the most recent goings of Puntland’s parliament.


As you might have sussed out the Speaker of the house, Mr Osman Dalmar Yusuf, was forced to resign, which he eventually did on the 24th of July albeit reluctantly, subsequent to a well choreographed internal revolt initiated by a group of MPs who viewed the Speaker as too close an ally of the administration, the President and certain high profile ministers in particular.


On the 21st of July, a motion was presented to the Secretariat calling on the Speaker to stand down for, as noted in the motion, he no longer had their vote of confidence, regarded him as a non-entity, spiritless, ineffective and incapable of carrying out his duties as the Speaker of the House. Not only did the motion raise questions about his integrity, but the Speaker came to realise that his position was untenable, for he neither had the backing of his Deputies both of whom advised his resignation, nor could he rely on Adde’s government for support in attaining his post. The final straw, if you will, that saw the downfall of yet another Speaker. Not surprising since Mr Dalmar was not someone of great stature not only within the parliament, but also amongst the general public most of whom wondered as to what the fuss was all about. Perhaps, a brief reflection as to rise of Mr Dalmar to the chairmanship [speaker of the House] might be in order. Unfortunately, I shall not be able to avail that at the moment; perhaps another spirited SOL member could do the honours, and whilst one is at it, one perhaps could indulge us as to the fate of the former Speaker, Mr. Yusuf H. Said, the longest serving Speaker, a formidable chair and a highly respected man in Puntland. Oh, well...


Nonetheless, I understand his Deputies are the caretakers of the parliament’s proceedings at the moment whilst certain prima donas who fancy themselves as the Maximus that shall put Adde’s ambitious plans in check, are hurriedly lobbying to secure the post. It is expected, a Speaker shall be crowned some time next week. And as they say in that part of the country, business as usual.


Hope that helps,


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SamuraiW - thankyou very much for your reply. That does help alot.


Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar - I am a bit surprised by your reply.


I have never indicated I am an investor in Range Resources Ltd or have any affilition with this company.


Why cant I ask a general question without being told to go invest in Liberia or Sierra Leonne???


Cant I be interested in African Politics?


Cant I be researching recently democratically elected governments across the globe?


Cant I be researching the Horn of Africa and the differences between Somalia and Somaliland and Puntland?


Heck - i could even be researching the dymanics of internet chat forums.



I came to this forum to engage in constructive discussion about the various issues in Somali politics.. hence i asked a question about the Puntland government in the Politics thread!


And for what its worth Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar, i checked as many English websites as possible before asking the question on SOL. Thats why I asked the question, because there was very little information out there.


Yours sincerely



PS - SamuriaW - thanks again for the reply. I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to answer my question.

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