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Somalia: WFP Food Aid Ship Hijacked Off Coast

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WFP has announced that the MV Rozen, a WFP-contracted vessel, was hijacked off the coast of north-eastern Somalia, somewhere near Bargal, north of Hafun in the state of Puntland at around 0935 yesterday, Sunday, 25 February 2007.


Such acts of piracy might undermine the delivery of relief food to vulnerable people in Somalia and could further worsen the prevailing precarious humanitarian situation



Peter Goossens, WFP Country Director for Somalia


On board the vessel are 12 crew members, six Sri Lankans, including the captain, and six Kenyans.


The ship had just delivered 1,800 metric tonnes of WFP food aid and FAO equipment in Berbera and in Bossaso and was sailing empty back to Mombasa. The ship is now reported to be anchored off Bargal, in Somali waters.


Previous hijacks


Early last year, MV Rozen escaped an attempted hijack in southern Somali waters. Her sister vessel, the MV Semlow, was hijacked with WFP relief food on board for more than 100 days in Somali waters in June 2005.


The crew was released unharmed. Another vessel with WFP food aid, the MV Miltzow, was also hijacked for 33 hours in October 2005 while it was in the process of unloading food in the port of Merka.


Safet concerns


"WFP is highly concerned about the safety of crew members and the vessel. Such acts of piracy might undermine the delivery of relief food to vulnerable people in Somalia and could further worsen the prevailing precarious humanitarian situation", said Peter Goossens, WFP Country Director for Somalia.


WFP is currently in close contact with Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG), the Puntland authorities, and with the vessel's agents, to obtain the most accurate information and to ensure the earliest release of the vessel and crew.


In 2005, after the hijacks, WFP temporarily had to suspend deliveries of food aid by sea for some weeks, but since then sea deliveries have been uninterrupted, even during the worst days of the conflict between the TFG and the Union of Islamic Courts (ICU) at the end of last year.


In 2006, WFP delivered some 78,000 metric tonnes of relief food to 1.4 million people affected by drought and floods in southern Somalia.

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I doubt your sincerity. It's pretty disgusting that you'd use the suffering of others(i.e. Human trafficking) to mask your hate for Puntland. Be a man and say what's on your mind.

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I’m not being sincere at all. I’m exposing the ill way of doing business in Butland. Kidnapping ships delivering humanitarian needs and food assistance to the needy and exporting people, taking their cash and dumping them in the water are some of the few dirty businesses conducted in Butland.

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You're very childish. The region is called Puntland, not Butland, but Puntland. At least you admit you could careless about what happens to these people, you're good just as long as you get to 'score' one against Puntland, eh? You really need some help. Go get some counselling, resolve your issues, and come back when you've grown up by a decade or two. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Jaylaani:



I’m not being sincere at all. I’m exposing the ill way of doing business in Butland. Kidnapping ships delivering humanitarian needs and food assistance to the needy and exporting people, taking their cash and dumping them in the water are some of the few dirty businesses conducted in Butland.

Such hate is amazing. Somebody has 5th degree cuqdad. :D A few individuals do not represent the whole population. A couple of human traffickers and some armed gangs on fishing boats certainly do not represent Puntland as a whole.


Just like the actions of 'Somalilands' government such as the Zamzam rape, and killing of minorites and burning of minorities in Hargeisa certainly do not represent you does it?

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Originally posted by Jaylaani:

Why are you taking it so personally?


Are you condoning what the Butland authority is doing?

Who said it is the Puntland authorities?


It is a few individuals.


But you already knew that.


Ciidamada Puntland iyo kuwa Maraykanka oo kusii qul qulaya xeebta Baargaal

Last Updated::2007-02-26 13:07:43


Bosaso:- Ciidamada Puntland ayaa kusii socda deegaanka Baargaal ayadoo la sheegay in ay ciidamadaasi

ay mareen dhinaca bariga iyo Bada.


Ciidamadan ayaa la sheegay in ay usocdaan sidii ay wax uga qaban lahaayeen Markab lagu afduubay nawaaxiga degmada Caluula.


Markabkii MV Rozen ayaa la sheegay inuu hada joogo nawaaxiga xeebta Baargaal, ayadoo halkaasi ay ku heystaan dabley hubeysan.


Hay'ada WFP oo uu markabkan u kireysnaa ayaa sheegay in aysan weli soo gaarin wax codsi ah oo ka yimaada kooxda wax afduubay.


Maraakiibta Maraykanka


Marka laga yimaado ciidamada Puntland ee loo diray in ay arrintaasi wax ka qabtaan, ayaa ayaduna waxaa jira Markab nooca dagaalka ah oo uu Maraykanka leeyahay oo la sheegay inuu asaguna usoo dhaqaaqay dhinaca xeebta gobalka Bari sida ay xaqiijiyeen xubno kamid Puntland iyo hay'ada WFP.


Markabkan la afduubay ee MVRozen ayaa keenay dekkada Bosaaso 1500 tan oo cunto ah oo ay keentay hay'ada WFP, wuxuuna dib ugu noqonayey magaalada Mombasa ee dalka Kenya.


Isla markabkan Rozen ayaa sanadkii lasoo dhaafay lagu weeraray meel aan ka fogeyn xeebta Muqdisho, ayadoo uu wakhtigaasi ka badbaaday markabkan afduubkaasi la isku dayey.


Xassan Ciise

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Boosaaso: Ciidamada badda Puntland oo ku baxay goobta lagu haysto markab shalay la qafaashay.

26. Feb 2007





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Boosaaso(AllPuntland)- Ciidamada badda dawalad goboleedka Puntland ayaa ku baxay deegaanka Raascasayr ee gobolka Bari halkaasi oo kooxo hubaysan ay ku haystaan markab rar u dajiyay hay'adda cuntada adduunka ee WFP.


Cutubyo katirsan ciidamada badda ayaa ka dhaqaaqay xeebta magaalada Boosaaso sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen masuuliyiin ka tirsan dawlad goboleedka Puntland.


Ciidamada badda ayaa sheegay inay sida ugu dhaqsaha badan gacanta ugu soo dhigi doonaan markabka, kooxaha afduubtayna ay caddaallada hor keeni doonaan.


Dhinaca kale ciidamada badda Maraykanka ayaa ayana kusoo dhaqaaqay deegaanka badda ee Raascasayr si ay usoo furtaan markabkaasi.


Markabkan oo maalintii shalay ay afduubteen kooxo hubaysan ayaa waxaa leh shirkadda Mutaco Shiping ee dalka Kenya , waxaana uu rar kusoo dajiyay magaalooyinka dekedaha leh ee Berbera iyo Boosaaso.


Kooxaha afduubtay markabka ayaa hadba dhinac u kaxayaynayay markabka illaa shalay, hase ahaatee wararkii ugu danbeeyay waxay sheegayaan in haatan geeyeen Raasiga loo yaqaan Raascasyr.


Afduubka maraakiibta ayaa si aad ah hoos ugu dhacay lixdii bilood ee lasoo dhaafay, lamana garanayo arimaha dib usoo cusboonaysiiyay.


CCC Farayaamo


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Too much damage control isn't gonna do you any good.


Waving the "dead" Somali flag is not gonna make you patriotic.


You're what you're.



BTW, what happened to the new Butland navy forces?

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Taako, there's no point. This is the same guy who said Reer Mudug were primitive and acted in an unislamic way. I expected this type of behaviour from him. What I'm shocked at is the inaction of the MOD of this section. I'm sure this dude has broken a couple of 'golden' rules already, so exactly why hasn't he been sanctioned yet? :confused:

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