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General Duke

Galkacyu: Puntland troops arrest masjid Salahudin Imaam

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xaaji xunjuf, waa runtaa oo wax walba waa suura gal, laakiin waxaad ogaataa xaggaa puntland weli waa laga miyir qabaa oo xaqiiqadu waa ka fogtahay sida wiilasha SOL jooga ee calanka Puntlad ganbaysani ay dadka u sheegaan. xagga Puntland dadka ayaa ilaaliya nabada iyo istiqraarka, kooxdan dalalku ku shirkoobeenna, waxa hadba ruuxaay afduubaan ka dhigtaa waa dadka adeer


bal u fiirso sida ciyowba sheekha looga sii daayey oo uu maanta fasax u yahay :D


nimanka aad cagahooda tilmaamayso ciidan sidii turkidii hore u tababaran bay si xeeladaysan u cid geliyeen, anigu waxaan ku talin lahaa in farsamooyinkaa laga barto xaaji :D

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Thats a valid point the people of Puntland are by and large sober folk. That’s why they supported Yusuf, Cade and now support Faroole against the mad mindless heretical groups some people who out of anger would explode support. This man in question made some silly comments and has been touched by the state security apparatus, others have been chased out of the state altogether.


The reason Al Shabaab & their gullible supporters have lost badly in Puntland is to do with the people of that state, who have worked with their young men, PIS or otherwise to hunt this group down.


In support of Puntland we wave the states flag,along with the Somali flag not pictures of Osama Bin Ladan as some would have us do. :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Thats a valid point the people of Puntland are by and large sober folk. That’s why they supported
Yusuf, Cade and now support Faroole
against the mad mindless heretical groups some people who out of anger would explode support. This man in question made some silly comments and has been touched by the state security apparatus, others have been chased out of the state altogether.


The reason Al Shabaab & their gullible supporters have lost badly in Puntland is to do with the people of that state, who have worked with their young men, PIS or otherwise to hunt this group down.


In Puntland we wave the states flag,along with the Somali flag not pictures of Osama as some would have us do

Duke, you are very clannish man: when listing the presidents of Puntland, you should include Mohamed Abdi Hashi who was the second president :D of Puntland. He may not be from your sub sub clan, and might have opined strong opinion on the man in Yemen, but he was nevertheless one of Puntland leaders.


I am just correcting you, young man :D

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

xaaji xunjuf, waa runtaa oo wax walba waa suura gal, laakiin waxaad ogaataa xaggaa puntland weli waa laga miyir qabaa oo xaqiiqadu waa ka fogtahay sida wiilasha SOL jooga ee calanka Puntlad ganbaysani ay dadka u sheegaan. xagga Puntland dadka ayaa ilaaliya nabada iyo istiqraarka, kooxdan dalalku ku shirkoobeenna, waxa hadba ruuxaay afduubaan ka dhigtaa waa dadka adeer


bal u fiirso sida ciyowba sheekha looga sii daayey oo uu maanta fasax u yahay


nimanka aad cagahooda tilmaamayso ciidan sidii turkidii hore u tababaran bay si xeeladaysan u cid geliyeen, anigu waxaan ku talin lahaa in farsamooyinkaa laga barto xaaji

Dadku wa muhim inay dawladooda la shaqeyaan laakin dawlado mar mar ama koxaaha ashahaado la dirirku way fogaanaysa imika oo kale nin salaad tujinaya aya la odhanaya wa irhaabi hala xiidho nabbadu ka so horjeeda ma diidani ina nidaamka la ilaaliyo iyo sharciga laakin wax walba xad bey leedahay waxan xasuusta maalin hore faroole oo tirakoobaye masjidada buntiland :D tallow kamaradooyin na ma ku xidhay masajidada oo dhan si uga dawado waxay wadaadadu ku hadlayaan,khadka na ma u gudbiye adis ababa, si melez na u khaawiso :D Wadaadkayaga dalkayaga Muj sh adan siiro wuxu yidhi waadadu mawqifkooda ha cadeyaan anagu tasanu ka shaqeynayna markay wadaada dalka oo dhan ha cadeyan fikirkoda ku sahabsan dadka xagjirka ah


Xiinfaninow horta hadaynu u noqono nimanka cagaha dhadheer eeh aad moodeysid inay noo soo dhuunteen waanu ku dabba jirna badhitanadi na wa socdaan kow dhe wa niman jabhad ah , anagu ba jabhad baanu ahaan jirnay 20 sanno ka hor marka wanu naqana qaabkay u socdaan. iyagu wa jabhad bila xeeb ah mooyane :D ,war inta dhaafsisan ciidamada sirdoonkaynu la sugeyna waxba ha i qod qodin. Xiinow :D

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Xiin: lol@ clannish . H.E Mohamed Abdi Hashi a great President did not fight Al Shabaab or any mindless morons in his time. Yusuf did, Cade also did and so is Faroole facing them today, nothing to do with clan, just historical fact. And note that Shiekh Jama Abdi-Salaan is closer to me than anyone and I detest his stance with regards to the fake Jihad. Also the man who was arrested yesterday is my kinsman again by Blood, that does not change anything. Just educating you on the facts old man :D:D


The people come first, not the fake Jihad..

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Xiin Kaasi madaxweyne kumeel gaadh ah bu aha musan ahayn madaxweyne dhab ah , miyanad ogeyn inu cabdilahi yusuf eldored telefoon ka so diray oo u yidhi hada deer xukunka halaga wareejo ina cabdi xashi lix bilood xita ma dhamaysan miskinku :confused:

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The Zack   

Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

quote:Originally posted by General Duke:

Thats a valid point the people of Puntland are by and large sober folk. That’s why they supported
Yusuf, Cade and now support Faroole
against the mad mindless heretical groups some people who out of anger would explode support. This man in question made some silly comments and has been touched by the state security apparatus, others have been chased out of the state altogether.


The reason Al Shabaab & their gullible supporters have lost badly in Puntland is to do with the people of that state, who have worked with their young men, PIS or otherwise to hunt this group down.


In Puntland we wave the states flag,along with the Somali flag not pictures of Osama as some would have us do

Duke, you are very clannish man: when listing the presidents of Puntland, you should include Mohamed Abdi Hashi who was the second president
of Puntland. He may not be from your sub sub clan, and might have opined strong opinion on the man in Yemen, but he was nevertheless one of Puntland leaders.


I am just correcting you, young man


Xiin, the interims don't count ninyahow.

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xaaji xunjuf, sidaan hore u iriba waddaada reer puntland waa dad indheer garad oo caarad ka ahaa fatwooyinka dadku lagu saxayey ee aqoonta xambaarsanaa, waa laga yaabaa mid yar oo xammaasadaysani inuu iska yara qaylqayliyo oo uu waxa shafka ka fadhiya iska neefiyo laakiin, bi ra'yil jamhuur amniga iyo istiqraarka in la ilaaliyaa maslaxada dadka islaamka ah baa ku jirta, adan siiro ikhyaarta culumada reer puntland ku xiran oo la haysa buu ka midyahay :D


midda kale, PIS tu waa urur shisheeye oo taa layskuma haysto adeer, waxaa laysku hayyaa malaga faaideysankaraa oo dawladda puntland ma la hoos keeni karaa si ay ugu adeegato ee danaheeda amniga ah ugu xasiliso. waxaa muuqata inaan libaax murabiyoo noqon karin, nin la teg bartay, aan dhig laga dhaadhicin karin, oo waa kuwaa hadba wadaad tafkiir kiisa cabirayya iska qabsanayya oo police, darwiish, iyo sirdoon intaba dawrkooda isku hayya, shaki iigama jiro in wiilasha jaajuusnimada iyo mukhaabaraadka ay yaqaanaan laga faaideysandoonno, laakiin inay anagii nagula soo noqdaan lagama yeeli karo adeer :D


taasi waa taa


tan labaad, xaaji xunjuf, horta siilaanyo waa nin xiniinyo badan oo siyaasad ahaan qaangaaray , laakiin nimanka reer galbeed guul aan la inkiri karin bay gaareen, oo hadda taa waxba lagama qabankaro :D

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The Zack   

Duke, when you realized that the failure of the TFG won't do good for you, when you also found out that it wasn't worth to wish for Sharif's failure to prove that Yey was actually a good man :D:D .


On a serious note, Alshabaab minus its crazy foreign ideology is the best option for Somalia.

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The Zack, & Xaaji Xunjuf,


duke waa dhallinta soo koraysa, marka aqoontayda iyo khibradayda la'aanteed wuu dhumayaa :D , I feel obliged to correct him on historical facts.


....and you two know that Mohamed Abdi Hashi was Puntland's second president. Duke’s deliberate omission will not alter that fact :D .

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No investigation was carried out how the suicide bomber crossed all the government check-point but the is report says that he was among the security guards of Somali interior
Minister, Sheikh Abdikadir Omar Ali

You can not trust these people, as they say.

"A leopard can't change his spots"

One must be wary of anyone who was gullible enough to support Al Shabaab, or the likes of Sharif Ahmed. :D

again? Least they start teaching you revisionist history, Mohamed Abdi Hashi fought who :D

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Xiinfiinow hada ma waxad I leedahay Buntiland culumadoodu way ka cilmi badanyihin culumada kale cajib Mise af carabigay naga badiyan ba sheekadu lol. Kow dhe Horta anigu wadaada afka ka xumbeya anigu ma so dhaweysto sabab boqol kitaab bay ku furayaan oo aad garanayn meel ay ka keenan,. Iyo boqol xadiis oo aan hore lo maqal, marka wa in laga foojignada , Dee faroole ma muuli karo Pista ashahaado la dirirka ah isaga kama amar qaatan waxay ka amar qaatan cowke adeerki kii diyana la odhan jiray wa siidanu wararka ku hayno. Nimanka pista dawlada wa ka sareyan babad mooda dadka laakin dhibato fara badan bay ku hayan


Muj Siilanyo wa runta wa siyasi rug cada ah fahansan waxa geeska ka socda nimanka reer galbeedku wa yaqanin dantooda 40.000 ba la siiye kuwi babuurta kirieystey meeshuna wa Africa marka tana la soco, Wax aan la qaban Karin ma jirto hadaad wax walba aad xoog saartid wax kasta wala qabban kara. Anagu ul iyo diirbaanu nahay xiinow lanama kala xadi karo :D

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Originally posted by The Zack:



On a serious note, Alshabaab minus its crazy foreign ideology is the best option for Somalia.

As usual you are not making much sense , apart from your last point above.

Which highlights perfectly the case many of the fake Jihadi supporters find themselves in today. The Somali people have found out with great pain and tragedy that it was al so false. The likes of you want to live in the comfort of the west, and scared to death of the security forces in their new countries. Its fear that makes you and others not come out

Even our Maadey, though far braver and more deluded for all his talk would never put himself on the line and come out... :D

Come out come out lads, hypocrisy is a sin remember...[ Also Yusuf won the war, his strategy has been vindicated and will be used in the future, his Puntland State stands and moving forward, Sharif Ahmed proved to be far too weak and AL Shabaab are stuck in the bogg, isolated and pariahs to the people You are still to get out of Jail lad :D

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