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Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf oo sheegay in aysan wax Xukuumad ah ka jirin Soomaaliya

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Sabti, November 15, 2008(HOL): Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaaday in aysan wax xukuumad ah ka jirin Dalka Soomaaliya, isla markaana ay sharci ahaan dhacday Xukuumaddii jirtay.


Madaxweynaha oo la hadlayay Xildhibaanno ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo uu qado ugu sameeyay Hotelka Pinari ee Magaalada Nairobi waxa uu sheegay in Xukuumad ay lahayd Soomaaliya ay dhacday markii ay is-casileen Wasiirro ka tirsanaa Xukuumaddaas, kuwaasi oo tiradoodu gaareysay 10 Wasiir iyo 3 Wasiir ku xigeen.


Madaxweynaha oo qadada uu u sameeyay Xildhibaananda ay ku saabsaneyd in uu uga waramo xaaladda uu dalka ku sugan yahay iyo socdaallo uu ku soo kala bixiyay Dalalka Britain iyo Itoobiya waxaa uu sheegay in amniga dalka uu ka baxay gacanta Dowladda Federaalka, isla markaana ay haatan ku soo koobantay Dowladda Magaalooyinka Muqdisho iyo Baydhabo.


Waxaa uu intaas ku daray in intii uu shaqeynayay Maamulkii Gobolka Banaadir ee uu Guddoomiyaha ka ahaa Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere) ay Dowladda gacanta ku heysay inta badan ammaanka Dalka, haatanna ay xoogagga ka soo horjeeda la wareegayaan magaalooyin iyo gobollo ay dowladda horay uga talineysay.


Madaxweynaha oo Xildhibaannada la sii hadlayay waxaa uu ugu baaqay in ay si dhaqsi ah dalka dib ugu noqdaan, isagoo sheegay in ay jiraan howlo badan oo la doonayo in ay wax ka qabtaan marka ay dalka dib ugu noqdaan.


Hadalka uu maanta sii daayay Madaxweyne Yuusuf oo ah mid culus ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo maalmihii aynu ka soo gudubnay la hadal hayay in uu jiro khilaaf u dhaxeeya Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’iisal Wasaaraha, kaasi oo salka ku haya Wasiirro uu soo dhisay Ra’iisal Wasaare Nuur Cadde oo uu ka soo horjeestay madaxweynaha.


Wasiirrada uu soo magacaabay Ra’iisal Wasaaraha ayaa waxaa bannaanka ka ah wasiiro iyo wasiir ku xigeenno horay isaga casilay Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, kuwaasi oo uu Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya horay u diiday in dib loogu soo celiyo xilalkii ay iska casileen, halka madaxweynahana uu door-bidayay in Wasiirradaas jagooyinkoodii lagu soo celiyo.


Ugu dambeyntiina, Ra’iisal Wasaare Nuur Cadde oo isna ku sugan Magaalada Niarobi, isla markaana la kulmay qaar ka mid ah Mudanayaasha Baarlamaanka ayaa la sugayaa jawaabta uu ka bixiyo hadalka uu sii daayay Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf ee ah in aysan Dalka ka jirin wax Xukuumad ah.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu, Somalia

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Nayroobi: Madaxweyne Yuusuf oo sheegay in aysan dalka Soomaaliya ka jirin Xukuumad, Eedana saaray Col. Nuur Cadde.. Faahfaahin ku saabsan Qado Sharaftii ka dhacday Magaalada Nayroobi.

15. november 2008



Nayroobi(AllPuntland)- Madaxweynaha dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya Md. C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa hadal ujeediyey Mudanayaasha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ee ku sugan Magaalada Nayroobi, wuxuuna hadalkaasi kaga waramay xaaladaha qalafsan ee ay markan mareyso Soomaaliya.


Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in aysan dalka Soomaaliya ka jirin Gole Wasiiro, wuxuuna Madaxweynuhu sheegay in wasiiradii shaqeynayay uu shaqada ka fariisiyey Nuur Xasan Xuseen oo ah Wasiirka koowaad ee golaha Wasiirada.


Madaxweyne Yuusuf wuxuu sheegay in gobaladii dalka Soomaaliya intooda badan ay la wareegeen Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, wuxuuna taasi Masuuliyadeeda dusha usaaray Col. Nuur Cadde, oo ku amray Talisyada ciidamada dawladda in ay ka soo baxaan gobaladaasi.


Xildhibaanada baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa aad ugu riyaaqay hadalka Madaxweyne Yuusuf, oo ay sheegeen in uu runta abaaray, markaasna aysan dawladda Soomaaliya ka talin meel aan aheyn Muqdisho & Baydhabo gobalada Koonfureed, marka laga hadlo.


Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya wuxuu meel sare saaray Aqbalida Liis ay ku qoran yihiin magacyada qaar kamid ah Wasiiro dhawaan usoo gudbiyey Nuur Xasan Xuseen, wuxuuna sheegay Madaxweynuhu in liiskaasi tilmaamayo in meesha laga saaray wasiiradii wax uqabanayay dalka & Dadka Soomaaliyeed, luguna soo badalay rag ay isku siyaasad yihiin Raysalwasaaraha dawladda Fadweraalka ee Soomaaliya.


Mudane Yuusuf wuxuu ka codsaday baarlamaankii kulankaasi fadhiyey in si deg deg ah dib ugu laabtaan Magaalada Baydhabo,si halkaasi loogu dhiso Xukuumad Soomaaliya ka saarta dhibka faraha badan ee markan lasoo darsay.


Qado sharaftan uu maanta sameeyey Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya Md. C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa waxaa ka soo qeybgalay inta badan baarlamaanka Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, ayadoo ay Xildhibaanada qaarkood oo hadlay ay taageereen hadalka Madaxweynaha dawladda Soomaaliya C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayna balan qaadeen in ay si deg deg ah ugu laabanayaan Magaalada Baydhabo oo xarun u ah.


Warkan uu maanta cadeeyey Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa ku biiraya Eedayn todobaadkan ay jeediyeen Mudanayaal ka tirsan baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, taasoo ujeediyeen raysalwasaaraha Soomaaliya oo ay ku eedeeyeen in uu faraha ka bixiyey gobalo ay maamuleysay dawladda Soomaaliya.


F. C. Geylan


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Perhaps, nuur cade has shown us why we needed Geedi and M.dheere. I command the president for doing all he could from going the route of mr. salaat, who fired and hired PMs on a daily bases. Yet that may sadly be the inevitable position of any person in the president's shoes, being surrounded by man who put personal gain above all else.

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I think the scenario was mis-interpreted.Yeey did not disown neither disperse the government He clearly stated that Nuur Caade did not nominate on two occassions a cabinet acceptable by him and in his, Yeey, standards meet the required needs in the current situation of Somalia and TFG.

Hence he said " there was no valid government' in his reference to Nuur Caade's nomination of the new cabinet - but had not any time stated or questioned the exitance of governance.

Nevertheless it clearly once more shows all is not well in the upper deck of the TFG.

The two, President and PM , were recently humilated and scorned at the recent IGAD Somali Summit in Nairobi - and in their latest excurssion into Addis in attempt to resolve their difference their both expelled from the lobbies of Addis goverrnment and are now embarked on a dirty dog fight within the TFG. To top it up all a third of the country and much of the Southern Somalia is under Al-Shabaab.

May be soon both, Yeey and Nuur Caade will be insignificant in the Somali political scenario and if we are lucky we could have that soon rather than later.

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some here personify what is wrong with Somalia: absolute lack of principles, erratic, moody, volatile and unstable behavior. what was good for them yesterday is all the sudden most horrible thing that could have happened to man. All the people who basically presented mr shariif as basically an angel, speak ill of him today.

You Juje, sang about this guy and now go on about yey this and nur that. Normally, its healthy for people to be abreast of reality and change their views based on that. Somalis on the other hand will cheer for something and stone it to death not based on reality but whim or even worse. For all the grieve us government supporters get, we have something all you others don't, Principles. How can their be a reconciliation when the totem pole is being moved everyday. One day ur dealing with clan division, another day sectorial division.....


The Problem with this, some of you equate the government with a person, a person you may love or hate depending on what side of the bed you get up in or which coffee shop you go to.

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^^What is wrong is blind following and not criticizing any entity based on ones support. And Naxar, you are the classic example of this:


the TFG can do no wrong, the president is marvellous, the rag tags will be crushed by Ethiopia and all will be rosy thereafter. The principle of the TFG supporters on here, in most cases, is to simply support and cheer for one old man in the TFG, whilst hoping that he will crush all before him and miraclously bring SOmali out it's misery. That is not called principle, but blind following. For godness sake, even the Ethiopians have realised these couldn't run a Zoo.

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Somalia: 'There is no government': President Yusuf

15 Nov 15, 2008 - 12:43:39 PM


NAIROBI, Kenya Nov 15 (Garowe Online) - Somalia's interim President, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, has told a group of lawmakers that the Horn of Africa country's interim government has collapsed.


Speaking on Saturday to Somali MPs at a hotel in Nairobi, Kenya, President Yusuf said he visited the United Kingdom last week for a routine medical checkup and that he is "very healthy."


Yusuf remarked that is "unfortunate" that the Somali interim government (TFG) was invited to Nairobi four years after it was first established there.


"But the failure came from us," President Yusuf admitted, while referring to a recent conference hosted by the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) whereby Ethiopian and Kenyan leaders criticized the TFG for endless feuds and failing to implement major governance initiatives.


He specifically linked the ousting of ex-Mogadishu Mayor Mr. Mohamed "Dheere" Omar to violence that is spiraling out of control in Mogadishu and elsewhere, including rebels seizing several key towns near the capital this month.


"My dispute [with the Prime Minister] ever since it was said that they [opposition] be given [the post of] Mogadishu mayor, before that, most of the country was under our control and now you all know how the situation is," the Somali President told the MPs.


He cited a recent Islamist incursion into displaced peoples' camps near Mogadishu, asking: "How far is Elasha Biyaha from Mogadishu?"


President Yusuf said he asked Prime Minister Nur Adde to form "a government in the interests of the Somali people" before he can approving by signing off on the new Cabinet list.


"Today, there is no government in the country [somalia]," he said.


The Somali leader urged the MPs in Nairobi to return home. Many MPs remained behind in Kenya following the IGAD conference, where the entire 275-seat parliament was invited.


President Yusuf' s strong words come a day after Ethiopian mediators in Addis Ababa failed to bring Yusuf and Nur Adde to common ground.


Islamist militia now control vast territory in central and southern Somalia, including towns in the outskirts of Mogadishu and Baidoa, the remaining TFG strongholds.


Source: Garowe Online

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the TFG can do no wrong

Let's be fair here, no one ever said the TFG was infallible. If the TFG had achieved an iota of solidarity in it's ranks, then all this nonsense in Nairobi and Addis could have been effectively averted.


the president is marvellous

No. While el Presidente has had his fair share of mistakes, he isn't the only one. Virtually every other politician in the TFG holds some level of blame for the current mess it's in.


the rag tags will be crushed by Ethiopia and all will be rosy thereafter

Well that would be true if Ethiopia's real intention was to crush the deviants. Alas, Ethiopia's true objective is to keep the deviants strong enough to always pose a threat to the TFG-- thus preventing it from ever getting anything worthwhile done-- but weak enough to ever muster up the support needed to unite Somalis behind it's political objectives.


The principle of the TFG supporters on here, in most cases, is to simply support and cheer for one old man in the TFG>hoping that he will crush all before him and miraclously bring SOmali out it's misery

The old man has earned his respect from most of his supporters, but he will NOT, and CANNOT, fix Somalia's problems all by himself. Neither will the numskulls who senselessly contradict his leadership and blame him for everything that went wrong with Somalis and Somalia in general.


For godness sake, even the Ethiopians have realised these couldn't run a Zoo

What you fail to see is that, Ethiopia actually wants the animals in the Zoo to fight over each others respective enclosures. And its so far working just fine for them.


dhulQarnayn :cool:

Republic Of California

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@DQ, bro there are some people on this forum who support one man in the TFG, not the TFG or a " government" itself. The hawa of that man is how they decided who is an enemy and who is a friend. I call that blind following! I think it was DUke who coined the word: Yusufites!

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Originally posted by dhulQarnayn:

quote: the rag tags will be crushed by Ethiopia and all will be rosy thereafter

Well that would be true if Ethiopia's real intention was to crush the deviants. Alas, Ethiopia's true objective is to keep the deviants strong enough to always pose a threat to the TFG-- thus preventing it from ever getting anything worthwhile done-- but weak enough to ever muster up the support needed to unite Somalis behind it's political objectives.
Ilaa hadda in dadku intaa fahmaan waxa ka hortaagnaa baan la yaaban ahay. If Ethiopia had interst in restoring governance in Somalia, mayna kolna Harar saraakiisha Somaliland ku la shireen, kolna TFG baan taageersan nahay yidhaahdeen. For Meles, it is not even about colonising Somalia. It is survival strategy. Intay Somalia dagaal ka jiro unbuu Ethiopia xukumi karaa!

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Originally posted by Abu Dujana al-Soomaalee:

Weli ma hadlayaa beer-laawihii?

lol...looks like calaacal iyo meel aad u ciirsato waa ee tani waa hadal deysey.

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