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Abdulahi Yusuf State Visit to Britain.

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Jamal says


what are you saying? Like Harrold Shipman of a surgeon? good hands then..

The guy botched 10 operations in 2 years, i would advise the President to go else where Faraxo, The Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel is my advice. The Somalis there should make him feel welcome :D




Farah says:


then again you might argue sheepishly that you hail from another State

LOL, then again i may want the best for all Somalis, north/south/east and west, but also recognise that all the current leaders are a bunch of a$$holes and do not place much hope in them, hence the jokes. Dont take it the wrong way, i will one day be the president's spin doctor (alistair campbell mould).

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Salaanta islaamka ka dib ,


waxaa iga su'aal ah

maxaa in noo mustaqbal ah warlord A.Laahi Yusuf like or Goodman Mahamed Abshir like?

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C/llaahi Yuusuf oo berri u duulaya London




Madaxweynaha dowladda federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo maanta 2:00 kulan isugu yeeray xildhibaanada baarlamaanka college-ka Mbagathi ayey wararka ka imaanaya Nairobi waxey sheegayaa in berri uu u kicitimayo magaalada London ee dalka Ingiriiska, halkaasoo uu baaritaan caafimaad ku marayo.


Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf ayaanan in muddo ah marin baaritaankii caafimaad ee uu ku tegi jiray London, wuxuuna muddooyinkii u dambeeyey qabtay howlo cul-culus oo dhinaca siyaasada ah, waxeyna wararku sheegayaan in dhaqtarkiisa gaarka ah uu kula taliyey in uu yareeyo howlaha siyaasada ah.

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Briton's widow seeks arrest of Somali president


Duncan Campbell

Friday May 27, 2005

The Guardian


The widow of a man allegedly killed by members of the militia of Somalia's president is attempting to have him arrested for murder during his visit to London for medical treatment.

Zahra Abdullah has won a civil action for damages from President Abdullahi Yusuf for her husband's death in the high court and she is urging Britain to detain him as it did the former president of Chile, Augusto Pinochet.


Mr Yusuf, 70, a warlord, is recognised by Britain as the head of the transitional government of Somalia in exile. He is in Britain for medical treatment following a liver transplant.

The president has been accused in connection with the murder of Sultan Ahmed Mohamud Mohamed, a British citizen, who was killed in the village of Kalabeyr in Somalia in August 2002. He was a political leader who had returned from exile in London and was hoping to resettle in his country, his widow told the Guardian. He had been critical of Mr Yusuf.


According to evidence given earlier this year in a high court civil action, the murdered man had driven past a convoy led by Mr Yusuf and had been spotted. Two vehicles peeled off from Mr Yusuf's convoy, and their armed occupants tracked down Sultan Ahmed and shot him dead. Such deaths are not uncommon in Somalia and would not normally be investigated, but because Mr Yusuf was a frequent visitor to Britain, Sultan Ahmed's widow decided to pursue the case here.


Ms Abdullah lives with her four children in west London, where she works as an interpreter. She married her husband in 1986 in Nairobi. Both were granted refugee status in Britain and later citizenship. He studied accountancy and business in London but was unable to obtain regular employment here.


For this reason, she said, he returned to Somalia, which has been in political turmoil for the past 14 years. With the support of some people in the Somali community in London she brought a civil action against the president, accusing him of being responsible for the death of her husband and seeking damages.


Mr Yusuf, through his British lawyers, entered a written defence to the action. In it he denied direct or indirect involvement in the killing. He said the action was "politically motivated", the murder would be investigated in Somalia and "blood money" would be paid.


But the court did not accept that there was any redress possible in Somalia in its current state. The court referred to evidence that Mr Yusuf had met challenges to his presidential claims "with lethal force" and noted that "his supporters are reported to have carried out retaliations, including executions, against his opponents".


Last month judgment was given against Mr Yusuf on the grounds that he had failed to comply with a court order to produce documentation for his defence, and so there was no full trial. He was ordered to pay £10,000 "bereavement damages" to Ms Abdullah.


The judgment found "the evidence does not show that the defendant was personally responsible for the killing of the deceased but it appears that the killing was carried out by those acting under his authority and under his command".


Mr Yusuf has paid £30,000 in damages and costs. Now Zahra Abdullah wants him to face criminal charges and her lawyer, Michael Hanley, has sent a dossier on the case to Scotland Yard.


"All I want is some justice for my husband," she said at her home in White City. "The men who killed my husband were Abdullahi Yusuf's troops, under his command. My husband was unarmed and had no bodyguards - he was a civilian.


"It is three years since he was killed and there has been nothing. I think that he thought that by paying the money in the court case that would be an end of it but we want to see him detained so that he cannot go back to Somalia."


She said that she believed the case of General Pinochet, who was detained in Britain pending extradition proceedings because of crimes committed in Chile, set a precedent for the UK to act.


"Britain has a wonderful opportunity to help the peace process in a constructive way by prosecuting warlords," Mr Hanley said yesterday.


There was no response from Mr Yusuf to messages left for him at the contact numbers given on his behalf to the Guardian or via his legal representatives. The Cromwell hospital, in west London, where he was described as having treatment, said no one of that name was registered with it.


The Met's serious crime group has examined the case. The detective superintendent handling the inquiry told Mr Hanley that there were immense difficulties in any case in a war zone where there were problems finding impartial witnesses.



The Guardian

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London: Madaxweynaha Dawladda FKG Somaliya oo Saacado ka hor u Duulay Nairobi

- Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 17:45


London (AllPuntland) - Madaxweynaha dawladda FKG Somaliya Md. Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed ayaa saacado ka hor ka dhoofay madaarka caalamiga ah ee Heathrow isaga oo ku sii jeeda Nairobi.


Madaxweyne Yusuf ayaa labadii todobaad ee la soo dhaafay arimo caafimaad u joogay London iyada oo sida uu sheegay Madaxweynaha nafahaantiisu uu caafimaadkiisu aad u wanaagsan yahay, baaritaanadii caafimaad ee lagu sameeyeyna ay si habsami leh ku dhamaadeen.


Mudadii uu joogay London Madaxweyne Yusuf waxaa uu qaabilay saraakiil ka tirsan Wasaaradda Arimaha Dibedda ee dalka Britain, waxaana ay ka wada hadleen sidii Britain ay gacan uga gaysan lahayd dib u dhiska iyo dib u heshiisiinta Somaliya; waxaana uu uga mahadceliyey dawladda Britain taageerada iyo dadaalka Midawga Europe uu ugu jiro dib u hanashada qaranimada Somaliya.


Madaxweyne Yusuf waxaa kale oo uu qaabilay jaaliyadda Somalida ee dalka Britain, isaga oo uga xog waramay geediga dawladda, carqaladaha hor yaal, iyo sahanka nabadeed ee dawladiisu ay ugu jirto dib u hanashada qaranimada Somaliya.


La taliyaha Madaxweynaha Somaliya Daahir Mire Jibriil oo wax laga weydiiyey safarka Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in Madaxweyne Yusuf uu caawa ku soo beegan yahay Nairobi oo ay hadda ka socdaan hawlaha geediga dawladda ee Somaliya.


Madaxweyne Yusuf ayaa sanadkiiba mar u taga dalka Britain baaritaan caafimaad qalliin saqaal sanno ka hor loogu sameeyey cisbitaalka Cromwell ee galbeedka London.

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Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Oo Goor Dhaweyd Ka soo Duulay London Una Soo Jeeda Nairobi.

Warkii: May 28, 2005


London( Soomaaliya Mudane C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa goor dhaweyd ka soo duulay Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Caalamiga ee Heathrow Airport isaga oo u soo jeeda dhinaca magaalada Nairobi.



Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa waxa uu muddo laba todobaad ah ku sugnaa Magaalada London halkaas oo u tagey baadhitaan Caafimaad, ilo ku dhow Madaxweynaha ayaa xafiiska ee UK u xaqiijiyey in caafimaadka Madaxweynaha uu wanaagsan yahay, isla markaana uu baadhitaankii natiijo wanaagsan ku dhamaaday.




Intii uu madaxweynuhu ku sugnaa magaalada London waxa uu shirar kala duwan la yeeshay mas’uuliyiin sare oo ka tirsan xukuumada dalka Ingiriiska, ilo ku dhow Madaxweynaha waxa ay sheegayaan in uu casuumada ka helay xukuumada dalka Ingiriiska , uuna si rasmi ah u soo booqan doono dalka England 03/08/05, booqashadaas oo noqon doonta mid lagu falan qeeyo arrimaha Soomaaliya.




Madaxweynaha ayaa waxa uu ka codsaday dawlada ingiriiska in ay qayb libaaxle ka qaadato dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliya, barnaamijyada afrika lagu horumarinayo ee uu ingiriisku hogaaminayo in mudnaan la siiyo Soomaaliya.



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Madaxweynaha C/laahi Yuusuf oo daqiiqado ka hor ku soo laabtay Nairobi


May 28, 2005





Madaxweynaha dowlada federaalka kmg-ka Soomaaliyeed, Col: C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo xubno la socdey ayaa daqiiqado ka hor ka soo degay garoonka diyaaradaha ee Wilson Airport ee magaalada Nairobi, dalka Kenya.


Madaxweynaha ayaa ka soo ambabaxay dalka Ingiriiska oo uu u joogey arrimo caafimaad, Waxaana garoonka diyaaradaha ku soo dhoweeyay mas'uuliyiin ka tirsan dowlada federaalka kmg-ka Soomaaliyeed oo halkaasi ku sugnaa.


Madaxweynaha ayaa lagu wadaa in uu saacadaha soo socda la hadlo saxaafada, sida ay xaqiijiyeen xubno ku dhow dhow madaxweynaha.


Socdaalka Madaxweynaha ayaa ku soo beegmaya, xilli la filayo in dowlada federaalka ay ku laabato gudaha Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan magaalooyinka Jowhar iyo Baydhabo.




Maxamed Cali Maxamud (Madka)

Xafiiska Markacadeey Muqdisho

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