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Diinsoor, Bur-Hakabo Beledweyne taken by TFG...

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^^^ouch, if that not proof enough.

The latest info from many sites, including the infamous Waagacusub is that the clan courts have vacated Bay.

Dec 25|War deg deg ah: Dhamaan degaanka Buur hakaba oo ay gacanta ku dhigeen DKMG , Ciidamadii Maxkamadaha oo dib uga soo gurtay Gobolka Bay 1:02:59AM wararkii oo tifatiran dib ayaan idinkaaga soo sheegaynaa

December 24, 2006 6:14 AM..Dowladda Federalka oo sheegatay inay la wareegeen gacan ku heeynta Beledweyne,Bandiiradleey, Matabaan iyo Jawiil ,Idaacad ku hadasha afka dowladda oo hawadda baydhabo laga maqlayo.Madaxweyne Cabdilahi Yusuf Axmed ayaa markii ugu horeeysay ku dhawaaqay inay iska caabiyeen duulaano uu sheegay inay ku soo qaadeen waxa uu ugu yeeray kooxaha xagjirka .24/12/06

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"The latest info from many sites, including the infamous Waagacusub is that the clan courts have vacated Bay.



"Dowladda Federalka oo sheegatay inay la wareegeen gacan ku heeynta Beledweyne,Bandiiradleey, Matabaan iyo Jawiil ,Idaacad ku hadasha afka dowladda oo hawadda baydhabo laga maqlayo."


Af-Somaligi miyaadan garaneeyn lol...What "Dowlada Federalka oo sheegatay..."don't you understand...


Aren't the Puntland.coms not enough for you!!

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^^^Saxib, I understand your pain, how can the so called courts be on a back foot, how far is Baidoa from Bur-Hakabo man? Why is it taking so long? Anyhow the news is bad, IndaCade's millitia have been crushed in the last 7 days, thus the moves from other pro-government groups, Qaybdeed is moving fast. Mohamed Dheere/Dhabageed are in Beledweyne, thus taking Baidoa has resulted in losing Mudug and Hiiraan.


IndaCade is a millitary genius.

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"Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi went on television to announce that his country was at war with the Islamic movement that wants to rule neighboring Somalia by the Quran. "


The war is between Tigree[defenders of Christian hegemony of all Ethiopia] and the ICU[defenders of Islam and those freedom loving Somalis].. Xaniinya Xabashi Somali badan ayaa laga fujin.

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Originally posted by SomaliResistance:

The war is between Tigree[defenders of Christian hegemony of all Ethiopia] and the ICU[defenders of Islam and those freedom loving Somalis].. Xaniinya Xabashi Somali badan ayaa laga fujin.

"If for nothing else, ICU should be punished for making Islam as mcdonalds and cocacola comercial with actors fashioned in arab and pakistani garb. We did not become moslems and kept being moslems through the millenia by allowing imposters and fly by night "Mahdis" to play with our religion"


A shiek from Afar state, ethiopia

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