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Diinsoor, Bur-Hakabo Beledweyne taken by TFG...

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The news just in from Onkod,net a pro courts tabloid press has confirmed with great exageration the news that Diinsoor, Buur-Hakabo and Beledweyne has been taken from the courts.


Diinsoor iyo Baladweyne oo Ciidamo Ethiopia ay la wareegeen


Posted on Sunday, December 24 @ 13:40:51 EST by editor



24/12/2006, War dag dag ah: Wararka ka imanaya Magaaladda Diinsoor ayaa sheegaya in ay joogsadeen dagaaladii kadib markii Ciidanka Ethiopianka ah ay si xoogan u qabsadeen magaaladaasi isla markaana ay dhibaatooyin u gaysteen dhismayaasha iyo dadka deegaanka iyadoo maxaakiimta Islaamkuna ay sheegeen in ay Xeelad siyaasadeed uga baxeen magaaladda.


Ciidamada Maxaakiimta ayaa la sheegay in ay haatan ku suganyihiin Goobta lagu magacaabo Ceel-Gaal kadib markii ay Ciidamo Ethiopian ah ay soo galeen iyagoo cirka iyo dhulkaba ka dagaalamayay isla markaana aysan Magaaladda joogin Ciidamo badan oo ka tirsan Maxaakimta.


Wararku waxay intaasi ku darayaan in aysan jrin Gaadiid dagaal oo laga qabsaday Maxaakiimta Islaamka soomaaliya.


dhanka kalana Salaad Cali Jeele oo goordhowyd u waramayay Onkod News ayaa sheegay in ay haatan la wareegeen Diinsoor.


Onkod News.

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War deg deg ah Beledweyn oo lagu soo waramayo inay u gacan gashay ciidanka Huwanta



(Beledweyn)-Warar hadda ka imaanaya magaalada B/weyn ayaa sheegaya in magaalada B/weyn ay ku dhacday gacanta ciidanka Isku dhafka ah ee ah kuwa Ethiopian-ka iyo malayshiy beeleeyo horay halkaas looga eryey Ciidankaan ayaa lagu soo waramayaa inay joogaan Airporka iyo daafaha magaalada B/weyn.




Dhinaca kale waxaa iyana wararku intaas ku darayaan in tuulada Gentakundisho ay caawa u hoydeen guddoomihii hore magaalada B/weyn Yuusuf Dabageed iyo Max’ed Dheere waxaana ay u soo ciddirsadeen odayaasha magaalada B/weyn.




Daw wax laga weydiiyey dadka magaaladu sida ay u arkaan ciidamadan huwanta ah ee gobolka soo galay ayey sheegeen inay jiraan dad badan raacsan.




Maxaakiimta ayaa lagu soo waramayaa inay u baxeen dhinaca wadada aadda dhinaca Muqdisho lama oga meel saldhigteen.




Wixii ka soo kordha kala soco

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Ceebeey tacaal, war Duke ma quusatid miyaa? Horta ineey kaa tahay inaad been u bareertid iyo inaadan khariidadda Soomaaliya waxba ka aqoon ma kala garanayo. Goormaa, Kalabayr iyo Jawiil Beledweyne noqdeen.


Diinsoor qabsashadeedana weli kama dhammaan miyaa? U need to watch Aljazeera Arabic and International and get the right info sxb.

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^lol...Maxishootid miyaa...TFG xagee jooogtaa ...Ethiopian army vs ICU+Somali people..Do you think Ethiopian air power and infantry will stay without resistance...PS..One question, do you think Ethiopia is doing this for the interest of Abdulahi-Ahmaar and Somalia or its Ethiopian interest??

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^^^If confirmed it then its true. The clan courts have lost these areas and that is a major development.


The question is a valid one, Ethiopia is hunting the rebels hiding in the Clan Courts camp and who gave them a false sense of security. The Oromo, Eritreans who have been making threats and resullting the courts calling a Jihad on behalf of Eritrea.

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^Calling Jihad on behalf of Eritrea????Why we do that when our own country is occuppied and our cities are bombed???Bal sidi qof weyn oo wax caqli kujiro mar uhadal...

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^^^Saxib, you might think rationally but some in the clan courts do not. Hence the various declerations of Jihad and the bravado.

Also Eritrea has given them a false sense of security.

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^and do you think the Tigree regime will keep any occuppied lands???Such people are making the situation more dangerous and a dream of a united Somali-nation more difficult.

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^"The question is a valid one, Ethiopia is hunting the rebels hiding in the Clan Courts camp and who gave them a false sense of security."


Is it not a Somali interest to support such rebels to distabalise and divide Ethiopia the same way Ethiopia was doing by supporting rebels such SNM, SSDF and USC during the rule of the former Somali dictator and currently arming one clan against the other to keep Somalia in a state of chaos and weakness. Is it not Somali interest to see Ethiopia disintigrate just like the Soviet and Former Yuguslavia that will make Somalia the undisputed heavyweight in the HORN smile.gif ??


Anyway lets see if Abdulahi-Ahmaars plot with the enemy against his own country will bring the few die hard clanist a glorious victory.


A quick history of how Palestine was lost:


Britain and France planned to divide the Ottoman holdings in the Middle East among themselves after the war. The Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 called for part of Palestine to be under British rule, part to be placed under a joint Allied government, and for Syria and Lebanon to be given to the France. However, Britain also offered to back Arab demands for postwar independence from the Ottomans in return for Arab support for the Allies and seems to have promised the same territories to the Arabs. In 1916, Arabs led by T.E. Lawrence and backed by Sharif Husayn revolted against the Ottomans in the belief that Britain would help establish Arab independence in the Middle East. Lawrence's exploits and their importance in the war against Turkey were somewhat exaggerated by himself and by the enterprising publicist Lowell Thomas. The United States and other countries pressed for Arab self-determination. The Arabs, and many in the British government including Lawrence, believed that the Arabs had been short-changed by the British promise to give Syria to the French, and likewise by the promise of Palestine as a Jewish homeland. The Arabs claimed that Palestine was included in the area promised to them, but the British denied this.


The Balfour Declaration - In November 1917, before Britain had conquered Jerusalem and the area to be known as Palestine, Britain issued the Balfour Declaration. The declaration was a letter addressed to Lord Rothschild, based on a request of the Zionist organization in Great Britain. The declaration stated Britain's support for the creation of a Jewish national home in Palestine, without violating the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities. The declaration was the result of lobbying by the small British Zionist movement, especially by Dr. Haim Weizmann, who had emigrated from Russia to Britain, but it was motivated by British strategic considerations. Paradoxically, perhaps, a major motivation for the declaration may have been the belief, inspired by anti-Semitism, that international Jewry would come to the aid of the British if they declared themselves in favor of a Jewish homeland, and the fear that the Germans were about to issue such a declaration.

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Originally posted by SomaliResistance:

^and do you think the Tigree regime will keep any occuppied lands???Such people are making the situation more dangerous and a dream of a united Somali-nation more difficult.

My friend. I feel your anguish about your country. I have been there in 1991 when we were an inch away between disentegration into many countries or keep one.


Eritrea has 1000km border with ethiopia. Let alone OLF or its own soldiers, it keeps an eye for mosquitos and flies not to cross to ethiopia.


Why would ICU the "people of the book" bring eritreans to attack ethiopia from south somalia?

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^^^If confirmed it then its true. The clan courts have lost these areas and that is a major development.

And here is the same again, blaming Dinari for false information@lol....Duke adiguna ka bogo oo HAKUGU TAAGNAATO:



Raali galin: Diinsoor iyo Baladweyne oo Ciidamo Ethiopia ..

Posted on Sunday, December 24 @ 13:40:51 EST by editor



24/12/2006, War dag dag ah: Wararka ka imanaya Magaaladda Baydhabo ayaa sheegaya sida uu ku waramayo Wariye ka tirsan Onkod oo jooga Baydhabo in wali aysan jirin warar rasmi ah oo la xiriira in Diinsoor ay qabsadeen Ciidanka Ethiopia hase yeeshee waxaa warkaasi uu kasoo xigtay cabdiraxmaan diinaari. waxaanan idinka raali galinaynaa warkaasi uu qoray wariyeheena baydhabo oo codsaday in aan magaciisa la sheegin.


Ciidamada Maxaakiimta ayaa la sheegay in ay haatan ku suganyihiin Goobta lagu magacaabo Ceel-Gaal kadib markii ay Ciidamo Ethiopian ah ay soo galeen iyagoo cirka iyo dhulkaba ka dagaalamayay isla markaana aysan Magaaladda joogin Ciidamo badan oo ka tirsan Maxaakimta.


dhanka kalana Salaad Cali Jeele oo goordhowyd u waramayay Onkod News ayaa sheegay in ay haatan la wareegeen Diinsoor isna mar aan khadka taleefanka kula xiriirnay.


Cabdiraxiin Muudeey ayaa isna goordhoweyd noo sheegay in warkaasi uusan jirin oo Dacaayad uu yahay isla markaana ay haatan gacanta iyagu ku hayaan Magaaladda.


Maxaakiimta Islaamku waxaa ay sheegeen in ay 3 Taangi maanta ka gubeen Ciidamada Dawladda Ethiopia ee dagaalka kula jira Maxaakiimta Islaamka.



Onkod News.

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