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Mr. Somalia

Why are these secessionist wackos so crazy...?

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Secessionists believe the silliest things, like the notion that Mother Somalia will be split along tribal lines, even though they talk of former colonial borders. I think I've finally figured out why they buy into such balderdash.


Secessionists, these days, for the most part are very fanatical and they just can't accept it that they're wrong. Lacking a convincing expostulation for their ideology, they've become hopelessly despondent, saying any foolish thing that comes up in the minds. This, of course, leads to a lot of false rumors and all sorts of gibberish. Not being very bright, other Somalis from Waqooyi galbeed pick up these absurd stories, and wanting them to be true, circulate them even more. Pretty soon, these ridiculous fantasies have a life of their own.


Then, the cyber representatives of these fools turn up on sites like somaliaonline, peddling their rubbish. Of course, normal Somalis blow them out of their sh1tholes with facts, but that doesn't even slow their inconceivable fatuities down. They just keep repeating the same drivel over and over again, and most decent folk find this delusional obsession with secession, really bizarre.


I think it is the threat of having to compete for everything with other Somalis-- and the threat of maybe amounting to nothing as a region-- once Somalia staggers back on her feet, that is too much for them to bare. So instead they opt to wrap themselves up in cocoons of shameless prevarications, cheap propaganda and misinformation to protect them from the reality that THE SOMALI PEOPLE ARE ONE and the harsh facts that they will, sooner or later, all have to learn to deal with their fellow Somalis on an equal footing.

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LOl..lemme give lil help here!


Now r u talking about sland, dland or pland.. cuz all these 3 are awol! lol. even though pland thinks that it can fool somali people with its retarded crap about being a separatist state while its a secessionist entity.


I mean what do u call when a region has their own president, parliament, flag, law, administration, independence day etc., Thats a secessionist state in any definition.



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Secessionists believe the silliest things, like the notion that Mother Somalia will be split along tribal lines

Must be a newbie to Somali politics, or In some sort of denial. What part of former Somalia Is intact?


think I've finally figured out why they buy into such balderdash.

:D So you want all here at SOL to beleive in what you think? Learn how to put a valid argument across.



Not being very bright, other Somalis from Waqooyi galbeed pick up these absurd stories, and wanting them to be true, circulate them even more

Repetetive and irelevant I thought you already Lumped them into Seccetionist


normal Somalis

:confused: Who are this Normal Somalis.? Pirates,Tfg,Or you mean to refer to those blood hirsty Limb choppers? can you elaborate more on this


I think it is the threat of having to compete for everything with other Somalis-- and the threat of maybe amounting to nothing as a region-- once Somalia staggers back on her feet, that is too much for them to bare. So instead they opt to wrap themselves up in cocoons of shameless prevarications, cheap propaganda and misinformation to protect them from the reality that THE SOMALI PEOPLE ARE ONE and the harsh facts that they will, sooner or later, all have to learn to deal with their fellow Somalis on an equal footing.

:D:D You are still thinking!! when are you going to reconcile these many thinkings?


You call yourself MR. Somalia. But You better Change the name to MR.(Gicle soo gadaal baxay) cause it seems you just been initiated into the army of Tolka as would have been told By The famous Guru of SOL.

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Walee Jume waa rageedee...


Well responds bro! :D








"Somali" problems have nothing to do with Somaliland.

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This is the famous "dhulqarnayn". Sifiican ayaa loo yaqaan. Waana iska faatabakhle. Let 'em tru he's harmless. :D

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To ALL the seccesionists wackos out there:


Thank you for posting here! You've provided us a classic example of the paranoid fantasies, you hold true and dear, and the sort of nutjobs you clowns have all turned out to be! Without doubt, you guys, are the most miserable group of people on this forum. All you ever do in here is peddle your nonsense on this site and then, collectively get all defensive like a buntch of little "girl scouts"(<--*Thanks Duke for this one* :D ).


Like it or not, I will never sit back and watch you secessionist flacks try to tear MY NATION in two. Thankfully, the further you persue you warped vision for Somalia, the less relevant you become-- for instance; thanks to that whole fiasco in D.C with congressman Payne-- the seccessionists are now officially associated with ridicule ALL around the world, just as they are, back home, in Somalia.


It would almost be sad to observe if it didn't seem like such delicious justice for such silly traitors. :cool:

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