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London: Like children Riyaale plays with the secessionist SNM

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The Mugger Riyaale in London to get "recognition"


Riyaale iyo Weftigiisii Oo Gaadhay Xalay Fiidkii Magaalada London


London, March 05, 2009 (Haatuf) – Madaxweyne Rayaale iyo Weftigiisii oo shalay subaxdii ka amba-baxay magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya ayaa ka dagay Airport-ka Heathrow halkaas oo ay kusoo dhaweeyeen saraakiil ka tirsan wasaarada arimaha dibada ee dalka Igiriiska iyo wakiilada Somaliland u jooga dallka UK iyo Ireland.


Waxaana ka mid ah saraakiisa soo dhaweysay madaxweyne Rayaale mbasadoor Dr Mohamed Aar, Safiirka Somaliland u fadhiya Ireland Mudane Cabdifataax Siciid Axmed iyo ku xigeenka safiirka Somaliland ee UK mudane Daahir Tukaale.


Madaxweyne Rayaale ayaa maalintii isniintii ka dhoofay Dalka isaga oo ay safarkiisa Igiriiska ay ku wehelinayeen wasiirka arimaha dibada ee Somaliland mudane Cabdilaahi Maxamed Ducaale, xoghayaha khaaska ah ee madaxweynaha mudane Axmed M.Essa, iyo marwada madaxweynaha marwo Huda Barkhad, kaas oo kusii hakaday laba cisho dalka Djibouti.


Weftigan Madaxweyne Rayaale ayaa ugu dambayntii Xalay fiidkii gaadhay London waxaana socdaalkiisa lagu macneeyey sida ay sheegeen masuuliyiin ka tirsan xukuumaddiisu inay marti qaad ka heleen wasiirka Arimaha dibada Ingriiska,. Hasa yeeshee lama sheegin waxa ay ka wada hadlayaan Rayaale iyo xukuumadda Britain.

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Rayale Oo Soo Gaadhay Ingiriiska Iyo Wajigabax Uu Kala Kulmay Jaaliyadda Somaliland

March 5th, 2009


London (Somaliland>Org) Madaxweynaha ku meelgaadhka ah ee Somaliland Md Daahir Rayale Kaahin ayaa xalay fiidkii kazoo degay gegeida dayuuradaha ee London.


Md Daahir Rayaale Kaahin ayaan loo soo dhoweyn sidii hore loogu soo dhoweyn jiray marka uu safar dibad ah u baxo, sida ka muuqata sawirkan hoose.



Waxa Md Dahir Rayale oo ay safarka ku weheliyan xaaskiisa iyo wasiirka arrimaha dibeddu kusoo dhoweyey gegida dayuuradaha laba shakhsi oo uu Md Rayale xilal kala duwan ugu magacaabay inay uga qabtaan dalka Ingiriiska, kuwaas oo kala ah Maxamed Aar Cabdilahi oo ku magacaaban inu yahay ergayga wareega iyo Cabdifatax oo ku magacaban xidhidhaya xukumada iyo jaliyada.



Waxa haba yaraatee aan gegida dayuuradaha kasoo xaadirin sidii hore looga baratay masuuliyinta ururada jaaliyadaha Somaliland iyo shacabweynaha reer Somaliland ee ku nool Ingiriiska oo iyaga oo ubax sita Madaxweyna safaradiisi hore kusoo dhoweyn jiray gegida dayuuradaha.


Muddada uu ku sugan yahay dalka Ingiriiska ayaa waxa la filaya inuu Md Rayale kulano kala duwan la qaato masuuliyinta wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda ee Ingiriiska. Arrimaha Madaxweynaha iyo masuuliyintasi ka wada hadli doonan ayaa la sheegay inay tahay iyada oo wadanka Ingiriisku uu walaac xoogan ka qabo maamulka iyo hanaan socodka xukuumadda Md Rayale u maamulayso hawlaha doorashada. Arrinkaasna la filayo in lagala hadli doono Md Rayale.


Waxa jira warar laysla dhex marayo iyo abaabul xoogan oo ka jira jaaliyaddaha Somaliland ee Ingiriska kuwaas oo la sheegay in ay qorsheynayaan mudaharaad ka dhan ah Md Rayale.


Waxii war ah ee kazoo kordha arrinkan kala soco Somaliland.Org

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3331334920_316c6c5373.jpgThe big dog in his element with his lady and a few entertainers


Have you noticed that when ever there is an issue with the election or change or there is a timetable to be had, Riyaale flies of to London to seek that illusive recognition from the old Colonial masters?


The secessionists and specially Kulmiye are silenced by this simple fact.


The Mugger sure knows how to play with their minds, all the demonstrations, all the clan hype and anger goes away. least they the angry destroy the prospect of getting recognition.


"Its close real close they say, so be good lads and dont spoil the dreams of Somaliland"


and like the vegetables they are they forget the problem, the illegal one year extention, the corruption, the new 3 months adition to the year.


All the while the big boss Riyaale is working on fine tuning his next move. The man is not brilliant he just got soft people to toy with.

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How do you expect to be taken seriously when your leader sits like that? You want to independance but do you think a president from another country would be caught with a picture like that on a foreign trip? It's likes he's in his basement watching a football game. WOW

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Heh! and he's the President of the state, If you look on the left of Riyaale of this picture there is a cheap portable radiator, LOool.... It seems Odaga a normal (council) house of one of Shankaroon's citizen ayaa lagu qaabilay :D , priceless picture, Mr President of Shakaroon!


Waryaa usheegaa BB ayaa xataa la iska tagaa, or don't bother with pictures

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Minister of State, Foreign & Commonwealth Office Lord Malloch-Brown: First and foremost, the leaders of Somalia and Somaliland must sit down to try to resolve their differences.


Lord Malloch-Brown:-We have had contact with the President of Somaliland, and the Foreign Secretary will meet him. Our position remains the same: first and foremost, the leaders of Somalia and Somaliland must sit down to try to resolve their differences. Beyond that, it is for Africa to take the lead in any change of status that might follow. We certainly cannot overlook the fact that Somaliland is the one part of broader Somalia where there is, at the moment, some reasonable government and development progress. Indeed, some 60 per cent of our development assistance is applied to Somaliland because of the success that is possible there.



On Somalia, the fight against piracy is certainly critical. As noble Lords know, we are very much involved in the piracy taskforce; its command centre is here in the UK. Beyond that, we are engaged onshore in Somalia, in the work to stabilise the political situation. There is important progress at the moment and we have been encouraging that with a new President, who has now succeeded in forming a broad-based Government, who have returned to Mogadishu. While there have been ups and downs in security, the basic trend towards a more inclusive politics in Somalia seems to be on course as an outcome of the Djibouti process.



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yes indeed when there is somalia government then we can say macasalama for good and be 2 country that are good neigbours but since there is no somali government there is no one we can talk 2..

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Minister of State, Foreign & Commonwealth Office Lord Malloch-Brown: First and foremost, the leaders of Somalia and Somaliland must sit down to try to resolve their differences.



Thank you for saying that sir.


NO recognition for the Basaas aka Riyaale Dabdashlf (which happened to be my closest adeer) and the SNM gang criminals.

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The man has many tricks, look they were angry because he pushed the elections back for a year, they warned him , Siilanyu and Warrabe held hands and said enough. Now he got a three months extension from his hand picked electoral commitee led by a dude named Sweden, we await Norway's arrival.


There was loathing, fear and anger and mass demo's in Burco


What did Riyaale dude, when confronted by the SNM, he fliped the script like a master. He took a nice holiday to London, took the family out and met a few English MP's, and lord behold. Silence and celebrations from the same secessionists who were pissed a few days ago.


forget recognition lads the Queen herself will Knight Sir Dahir Riyaale for his work on behalf of the Monarchy. :D

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Guuxa Jaaliyada Somaliland ee Ingiriiska Iyo Dhuumaalaysiga Madaxweyne Rayaale

March 7th, 2009


London (Somaliland.Org) Madaxweyne Dahir Rayale Kaahin ayaa labadii maalmood ee ugu danbeeyey socdaal ku joogay magaaladda London ee caasimadda dalka Ingiriiska. Madaxweynaha iyo wasiirkisa arrimaha dibedda Cabdilaahi Maxamed Ducaale ayaa shalay kulan uu la yeeshay wasiirka arimaha dibedda ee Ingiriiska aya waxa xukuumada Ingiriisku walaac xoogan ka muujisey geedi socodka dimuqraadiyada ee Somaliland iyo doorka xukuumadda Madaxweyne Rayale ku leedahay.


Saraakisha xukumadda dawladda Ingiriiska ayaa shaki badan ka muujiyey sida xukuumadda Dahir Rayale daacad uga tahay doorashoyin inay wadanka ka qabato. Hase yeeshe Madaxweyne Rayale ayaa u sheegay wasiirka arrimaha dibedda Ingiriiska inay ka go an tahay in dalka doorasho ka dhacdo.


Dhinaca kale waxa jira warar sheegaya in jaaliyadda reer Somaliland ee UK ay ku hawlan yihin mudaharaad ku lidi ah Madaxweyne Rayale. Wararkaas ayaa intas ku daraya in Madaxweyne Rayale ka guuray hotelki uu ka deganaa magaaldda London, isaga oo habeenki Jimcahu soo galay ku hoyday guri ku yaala galbedka magaaladda London. Hase yeeshee sida shebekadda wararka Somaliland.Org u xaqiijiyen ilo xogogaal ah ayaa Madaxweyne Rayale waxa uu wali ku sugan yahay hotel kii uu kusoo degay.


Somaliland.Org London Bureau


© 2009

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Don't worry Dukey: I will call my cousins in Burco to pick up arms against Riyaale :D . You will love that huh..



Long Live Riyaale and anyone that you despise.

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