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Makhiiri's must arrest their mad dogs!

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Eversince the showdown between the liberation fighters of Somaligalbeed and the liberation-destroyers of Puntland started, the reserved role of the genuine aspirants of somalinimo- the people of SSC has been noted. With the leadership of Paragon, Sophist, Hunguri and Kora Tunshe, there was no fear that they will fall for the false hysteria and cries of the real pirates whom ill-fate made them share a given pennisula.


But all socities are blighted by the existence of triators and sycophants and Makhiir is not immune to this moral predicament. As the famous adage goes, "nin waalan tolkiibaa u miyir qaba" and I am calling upon the wax-garad of the noble people of SSC, mainly the Makiiris (for the Daraawish's were never in doubt), to arrest the mad dogs who are defiling their name by acting as a shield to Pirates. Start with Jacphar! :D:D

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As half of me is from that area ,, i've just ordered the military and intelligence department to arrest Jacphar ,,,,,



you will be updated accordingly ,,, :D

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