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Why the Makhir project is positive?

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Why the Makhir project is positive?


The recent well documented news regarding the recent announcement of the creation of the Makhir state has been touted by some as the “fall of Puntland” and as the achiles heel of the regional state of the North East which is centred in Garowe. I on the other hand view Makhir as a positive development that will only enhance the people of Puntland and Federal Somalia.



Makhir was created as a response to the needs to address local issues, specially those concerning development, brininging more services in terms of health, education and creating a better economy with the creation of the sea-port at LasQoray as well as new roads that links it to the interland.


Makhir was created as a peaceful alternative to the failures many see with the Cade Adminstration. Its not a thuggish land grabbing entity, but one that wants to address local issues through dialogue and consensus. Unlike for example the JVA, which is holding other peoples land through occupation. One can not say that about this project which is locally led and which wants to gain the commitment of the locals.

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Anti Secessionists


Makhir, and its advocates highlight that they are part of the TFG Somalia and hence there is no room for error with regards to the secessionist movement. They are deep anti-secessionists and Somaliweyn die hard supporters.


Thus the false claims of Hargaysa and their evil designs on the majority of Sanaag go down the pan. How does this hurt Puntland? With Ceerigavo on their sights, who looses the Federalists in Garowe or the secessionists in Hargaysa? :D


The secessionists defeat in Dhahar by Puntland and the defiance of Sanaag further illustrates that the locals are pro Somaliweyn and thus it further gives confidence to those who supported the values which were central to Puntland.

Thus the Makhir project does not veer away from the Federalist model, they are under no illusion to how terrible the Colonial British rule was. Since this region was home to the legendery Sultan Ali Shirre.

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In Conclusion

Anyone who has the interest of the people of Sanaag at heart and who admires this clans long held love of Somaliweyn and anti British sentiment will no doubt welcome any idea which will further empower its locals, develop its economy and bring them more peace.


More development, more peace and integrating Ceerigavo into Federal Somalia will only strengthen Puntland, Somalia and all of us.

I welcome such an endeavor and hope for the success of my sub-clan in the lofty heights of Sanaag.

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Well said but the job is not done yet Duke.


Our president Abdullahi and Parliarment must accord Maakhir the legal status or autonomy it needs. If the TFG won't hastily respond to the creation of Maakhir and offer the technical assistance it requires, we have our constitution violated and a potential failure of similar projects. My views are if the TFG does not give the autonomy Maakhir needs, This will clearly represent an inconsistency between policy and practice, and a dichotomy between constitutional guidelines and Field Office actions.


God forbid, if the legal status does not materialize, it will symbolize failed hopes of the community and other Somali communities in the future who would like to be part of the Federal System.

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I don't no guys, if each family makes its own hebel land, we might as will stick with the 18 regions. if sanaag is to breakaway from puntland in my opinion, it should have made a new state with sool and togdheer. now people in whats left of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn are saying they want a darwiishland. we should advocate better governance not break up of puntland.

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GOod points Duke, Agree with Caamir, Alot of work yet to be done, The state is taking baby steps now.


Naxar,Alot of Somalis from diff areas live in that region,what family you talking about?

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A dose of honesty is needed here yaa Duke!


Whether Somaliland loses or wins as a result of Maakhir state coming into the political equation of the northeast region is clearly an afterthought of sort. A more germane point is that Puntland’s status as a regional state diminishes as a direct consequence of Maakhir’s formation. What’s even more interesting and quite naïve at that is the argument I am hearing about the viability of this newly created state being rested on the success of the old man’s project, the tfg. Of course this development is quite negative, and can’t be gowned as a positive when it comes to Puntland’s feasibility as a counter weight to Somaliland’s influence in the region. It marks a new dawn for creating mini tribal enclaves and deepening political fragmentation in Puntland. Let’s face it: Maakhir state, if it comes to fruition, is a flake of Puntland’s crumbling house. If it succeeds, it would thrive and grow lofty on top of Puntland’s graveyards, and it would represent the defeat and the political failure of Puntland, not its success adeer. Starting positive threads on this is a poor political gambit haddaba. So let’s put that to rest.


Now had you presented your argument in the form that political arrangements necessitated by the civil war politics, like Puntland’s type, is behind us and we are entering a new era where a new federal system is taking shape and hence there’s no need preserving Puntland in its current form, I might have bought your flowery speech. But again and even in that argumentation, one could clearly detect its chief anomaly, and that is, the assumption of tfg succeeding and transforming itself and becoming a viable and stable government throughout Somalia is quite feeble, to say the least!


Now I don’t want to earn our Maakhirian’s anger on this nor do I want to demean their effort to better their lives in whatever shape or form of governance they see fit. They may succeed to attain their end goals to develop their region and people. But I can’t let unchallenged the suggestion of a clear political fragmentation in Puntland to mean positive development for the same entity. That just defies logic as we know it. I do also believe this segmentation coming at this time, and in the absence of a central government, will in the end help Somaliland’s effort to succeed, and not hinder it. For if Somaliland stays united and latches to its current political system the advantage is with it, and not with a fragmented and segmented Puntland adeer. Union always defeats and tramples division and disunity. As always I fail to see any value in going small, and I am sorry to say to Paragon, Caamir, and Maakhir, this one of yours is not thinking BIG adeerayaal. Inaad ku qabsattaan bay ahayd Cadde ee inaad xaggaa iyo Laasqoray isku uruurisaan ma habboonayn.


Waa ila tahay~~

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Xiin Faniin


Saaxiib waxaad xaq u leedahay inaad fikradaada ka dhiibato marwalba adigoo ku cabiraaya garaadka. Waxaa muhiim ah in laabta indhaheedu loo furo sababaha wanaagsan ee walaalkeen DUKE kasoo faalooday.


Arintan waxaa si wanaagsan uga hadlay DUKE horayna waxaa loo yiri "Nin kaa hadal badan hadii uu kaa hor hadlo, waa uu ku xiraa!, hadii uu kaa daba hadlana waa ku xaalufiyaa!"


Hirrar awood badan ayaa run ahaantii is-dhex muquuraya Qarnigan Ilaah innagu beegay. Mowjada barbaarta reer Maakhir State waxay wax kasoo dhiseen waqtigii la aas aasaayay Puntland oo ay ilaa iyo hada wax ka wadaan. Taasina waxaan ka oran lahaa:



Suganey, Siraadeey Puntland

Adigoo lahaa waa saam

Suruq hakaa reebto

Kolkaad saabka u qabatoo

Oonka kaga saarto

Oo haraad ma sahlanee

Dhuunta samo gaadho

Markay sararaha mareyso

Haduu Muuse sambabkiyo

Siciidhkii halbowlaha

Wasaq Ku Siidaayo

Sow inaad Maakhir State

Sahal ku heshid Maaha??????


Hadii reer Maakhir ay dantooda ka dhex arkaan inay maamul sameystaan, xaqbay u leeyihiin Maandhow inay Maamul sameystaan.


Dhibaatooyinka ugu waaweyn oo ay Puntland wax ka qabanweyday ayay rabaan inay dadku wax ka qabtaan. Sida Xaalufka oo hada ka hor Wadaad kaloo isna aan magaciisa halkaan si fiican aan uga xusuusan ayaa waxaa laga hayaa isna:



Shisheeyuhu haduu idin danqaro, dogob u nooleeya

Rag i daaya kaagama hadhee dab u fagaareeya

Meeshii daleenaa muskaba bahalku doontaaye

Duldhabaha wax loo saarayaa yaan dugaag geline

Is dugsada dadkii kala durkaa Dagan Dharaartaaye


Anagu marwalba ka tagi mayno darisnimada iyo walaalnimada.


Dhibaatooyin kaloo waxaa jira oo ay garan karaan AHLU BAYTKA oo aan halkaan kusoo koobi Karin oo wax ka qabsoomi lahaayeen, sida uu soo sheegay Saaxiibkeen DUKE. Arintani waa arin CURAD ah oo aan wali si fiican u baahin, Hirgalinteeduna waa arin ay aad u dhib badantahay oo waqti u baahan.


Arinta kaloo Saaxiibkeen Xiin Faniin Sheegay oo ah "Laasqoray ayaad iskugu tagteen". Waxaan kaa oranlahaa sida soo socota:



Maakhir waa Qaarad

Waa mii' iyo magaalo

Waa Muun iyo Laag (Muun waa Sanaag, Laagna Galbeedka Bari)

Waa Ceeri iyo Midigale

Waa Mowjadaha baddiyo

Mashxaleed iyo Ceelaayo

Malyuunbaa ku nooloo

Qabiil lagu macneynin

Iney Meel istaagtana

Haka murgoonin maandhow!


Waxba yaanan hadalka idinku daalinee waxaan kusoo koobayaa afareydaan hoos ku mutaxan oo aan ugu dardaaran warinayo ama aan u afeef dirayo dadka soo jawaabi doona:



Iska giiji shaqalada

Ha'u gorfeyn kadis

God hoos u qodaniyo

Halis yaanay kula galin

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Now Puntland announced its intention to work with Maakhir State.



Maamul Goboleedka Puntland ayaa markii ugu horaysey shaaca ka qaaday in uu si wadani-nimo/deris-nimo ku dheehan ula shaqaynayo Maamulka Maakhir State


Masuuliyiinta Ugu sar saraysa Gobolada Puntland ayaa Markii u horaysay waxa ay shegeen inay tageerayaan Maamulka Maakhir state isla markaasna ay la shaqaynayaan.


Mas'uliyiintan oo ku sugan Magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada Maamul Goboleedka Puntland ayaa waxaa ay shegeen inay Diyaar ula yihiin ,Maamulka Maakhir state isla mar ahaantaasna ay wada shaqanyaan, Iyagoo uu dhexmari doono Xiriir dhanka Dhaqaalaha ah 2daasi Dowladood ee Puntland iyo Maakhir.


Masuuliyiintan oo ku sugan Qasriga Madax tooyada Maamul Goboledka Puntland ayaa waxaa ka mida Agaasimaha Madaxtooyada, Wasiro iyo Wasiiro ku xigeeno, waxaana ay shegeen in Dowlada Maakhir ay u madax banaan yahay iyadoo la tixgelinayo , Sharciga Dowlada Federalka ah oo Ogol in Gobol kasta oo ka mida Somaliya uu xor u yahay inuu samayto Maamul Goboleed u gara Taas oo aan cidina ka soo hor ka jeensan karin.


Waa markii u horaysay oo Maamul Goboleedka Puntland si toos ah Uga hadlo taageerida iyo Soo dhawayta Maamulaka Maakhir State, taas oo la Orankaro waa talaabo Horseed ka noqon karta Howlkarnimada iyo wada shaqaynta Beelaha Somaliyeed, Meelkastoo ay ku sugan yihiinba.



Mamxamed Axmed Ciise


Garoowe Puntland



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so you finally admit to what most people knew all along that the whole point of puntland creation was out xaasidnimo and to make sure somaliland doesnt succeed, which means in you warped thinking as long as somaliland doesnt succeed and prosper then you are happy.



saxiib am sure you have heard it many times stop this obsession with us. stand on your own two feet, the reason puntland is failure is because it was dacawadii raadkeediina ka tagtay kii nabaigana gaadhiwayway, so intead of getting lost on our footsteps how about taada ka tasho.


maybe if this whole puntland ay kaa daacad ahay maybe it would succeed, but since it was always based on reer hebel ku xumeeya i guest the saying xasid meel ma gaadho is true.



somaliland has never been worried about maamul being made for badan and las-qoray amongst other town on the border... we dont really see it as threat.

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adeer is daji waa karaysaayye---no one is against Somaliland's success when it comes to its development and progress! What i have been against, and i still am, is the wrong course Somaliland's seccessionist ilk is taking. Namely this separatism thing never sat well with me adeer, and that's understatement. So you know, Xiin opposes your success towards that goal.


And it's not Xaasidnimo :D saaxiib...

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Duke you started the topic just to settle points with people like Horn with your reference to the JVA. I don't see how that fits here, and I don't understand how the inception of Maakhir state is cause for celebration. Farther fragmentation is not answer to the ills of our society. Better governance and attianing accountability when it comes to the leaders should be our goals. I don't see how granting mini-states to every dissatisfied reer Hebel is not the answer.

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