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Media and Members of TFG blame Faroole for Galgala

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Atam: Fighting Will End When Justice Prevails


Galgala ( The fighting in the hills of the Puntland region of Galgala continues to ignite between the Puntland administration lead by Faroole and the Galgala clan supporters of Mahamed Saiid Atam. Both sides continue to give the Somali media different views of the war in the region, as each point the finger of blame and assault on the other and each speak of out wining the other. The Somali media reporting from the region is also lopsided and would only give accounts of the fighting based of clan interest, thus factual information is rarely received by the civilians on the ground in Puntland and the international forum.


As even most recently the New York Times Somali writer claimed the Galgala fighters leader Atam to be part of the ‘Alshabaab’ when in fact it is untrue and has been widely publicised and contested by the clans of galgala to be untrue. Puntland media is also directed to support the Puntland government thus all news relating to the Galgala has to be reasonably supportive of Faroole’s agenda of fighting the Galgala villagers.


In an interview with the Somali Public Radio the leader of the Galgala fighters Mahamed Saiid Atam spoke of most recent confrontations between his supporters and the Puntland army to have took place yesterday and tonight, as according to Atam, the Puntland army continues to attack the villagers but are currently frustrated due to their lack of progress, thus Faroole is making false claims of victory.


In this interview as in his previous interviews Atam claims to have strong supporters and fighters of justice on his side. He also makes statements of “never ending” the war for justice. Since the fighting has began there has been large number of civilians being killed in the cross fire, there seems to be no immediate solution of cease fire, both sides are defiant and this war is likely to continue for sometime possibly even years.


Listen (Dhagayso):


This fighting in Galgala does not benefit any of the clans in Puntland, although some Somali media including members of the Somali Transitional Federal Government continue to point the finger of blame to Faroole who they argue to have sinister motives for taking the war.




Maxamed Saciid Atam oo la hadlay warbaahinta SPR ayaa maanta sheegay inusan dagaalka joogsan doonin oo uu bedelay siduu u dagaalamayay, isagoo sheegay haduu nin reer galgala ku jiro dowlada Puntland uu yahay nin aan ka tirsanayn Galgala maadaama uu gubayo hoygiisi galgala oo aan la oran karin waa reer Galgala. Waxuu kaloo sheegay inay ciidamada PIS ta dhibaatooyin badan dadka u geysteen, oo isla markaana ay gubeen beerihii shacabka, bililiqeysteena magaalada Galgala. Warkan lama xaqiijin laakiin dhan walba ilaa iyo hada waxey sheeganaysa inay guulaysatay, inkastu dagaalka weli socdo. Atam waxuu kalo sheegay inusan dagaalka joojin doonin, taasoo welwel ku keenaysa shacabka dagan Puntland gebi ahaanba ee doonaya nabada, laakiin Faroole ayaa bilaabay dagaalka dhankiisana war baahino hore ka sheegay inusan joogsan doonin. Dagaalkan waxa laga baqayaa inu sanado socdo.


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