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Ethiopia:Untrained, unwilling draftees allegedly forced into battles.

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Was talking to a friend recently about a cousin of his that went to Ethiopia and was snatched (along with many other Somali refugees) and sent to fight the Eritreans - who were seeking independence at the time. His family lost hope of him ever returning but he managed to get away and resurfaced a couple of years later in Sudan.


(I realise that this is a waxa la yedhi story) :D

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I have seen Somali Sheikhs(sufis) in the Northern Somali countryoside who teach quran to nomadic Somalis and are alleged to have escape the wrath of that regime.


Xoogsade, what if Ethiopia disintegrates as you say and Somalis are still in the same situation? As much I dislike thei regime, I wouldn't wish for their people to suffer like Somalia.Most people are just poor and live in fear of that regime!

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