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General Duke

The Ethiopia excuse will not work...

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Cheap rehtoric and lies has been the cornerstone of the strategy of the clan courts. This PR stunt will not work. For example they have been pretending to be strong and claiming to be stationed 12km to Baidoa, but that has been found wanting when the TFG troops went into occupied territories of lower Shabbele.


Somali gov't troops seize strategic town


The Somali interim government on Monday captured a strategic town named Bur Haqaba, which lies on the road from the government base in Baidoa, according to reports from the Islamist-held capital Mogadishu.


This is the first time that pro-government forces have gained territory since June, when the Islamic courts militia drove out of Mogadishu the alliance of warlords.


The Islamists, who have expanded their territorial control in southern Somalia since June, accused Ethiopia of backing the government and threatened to wage a holy war against Ethiopia.


"I urge all the Somali people to wage holy war against the Ethiopians. Heavily armed Ethiopian troops have invaded Somalia," said top Islamic leader Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, seen as a moderate within the Supreme Council Islamic Courts (SCIC).


"We need action rather than words," Ahmed, who wore combat fatigues and holding high an AK47 assault rifle, told a news conference in Mogadishu.


However, Addis Ababa has denied that its troops have crossed the border.


The Islamist leader said a "jihad" had been declared on Ethiopia, raising fears of a regional conflict.


"They have captured Bur Haqaba. History shows that Somalis always win when they are attacked from outside. This is the start of war."


Tensions between the Islamic movement, which was expanding control over large parts of the war-ravaged country, and the weakened government were high amid reports that government-allied forces are likely to recapture more towns.


The country's transitional government was formed in 2004 with United Nations help in hopes of restoring order after years of lawlessness.


Ethiopia, the U.S. and the Somali government all accuse the SCIC of having links to al-Qaeda -- which it strongly denies.


Source: Xinhua

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^^^Of course, Ethiopia is being used as a way to get some money and support from the Arab world. The fact that the TFG is supported by the whole international community is a fact, why then just pick on Ethiopia?


The courts troops, Al-bayaan who were talking big for weeks ran away when faced with 20 technicals in Bur-Hakabo.


Talking big is one thing, lets see if they can back it up.

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Can you prove that Ethiopia is not:


a) In Somalia - ie crossed the border

b) Supporting the TFG with logistics/artillary/weapons etc

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I will say that Ethiopia has always been across the border even in Somaliland. Thus a) is correct


I will also say that Ethiopian millitary support in terms of wepons and otherwise is a fact.


My point is if Ethiopia would annex any Somali teritory it would have been Berbera or Saxil region of Somalia.. So the Ethiopia is coming to occupy us excuse does not sit well with me.

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So they are:


a) In Somalia

b) They are aiding the TFG


Is that not enough to say they have 'invaded' Somalia? Or do we need to define 'invading' since they are indeed helping the recognised Govnt?

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^^^ I know you are better than that.

If the Somali troops from various clans under the Somali government in Bay and Bakool have changed their ethnicity and have become "Amxaro" then by all means you and the hype boys in Mogadishu are correct.


I would put to you that the national armed forces are getting support from Ethiopia, Yemen, Uganda under the request of the TFG.


The clan courts are getting support from Eritria, does that mean it is invading Somalia?

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I would put to you that the national armed forces are getting support from Ethiopia, Yemen, Uganda under the request of the TFG.


The clan courts are getting support from Eritria, does that mean it is invading Somalia?

Yemen and Uganda are not in Somalia to aid in the atacking (although they are reported to be supplying arms). Ethiopia is!


Eritrea (who may be supplying arms) are yet to be seen/reported on a battle field standing alongside the UIC or roaming the streets of the towns and cities they control.


I will be back for more later on. Off to Qatar for the day.

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I agree here with Duke, no more itoobiya excuse!, when it is the UICs who actually directly and indirectly inviting amxaaro to Somalia.

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