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Islamist leader denies having links with Somaliland-Puntland fighting

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Text of report by Somali independent Radio Gaalkacyo on 17 October


The chairman of the opposition Somali faction in Asmara, Shaykh Sharif Shaykh Ahmad, has denied that his faction has any involvement in the fighting in [disputed] Sool Region.


Speaking at a press conference in the Eritrean capital Asmara, Mr Sharif said his followers were not involved in the recent clash between Puntland and Somaliland troops over the disputed Sool region.


The Chairman of Somali opposition said that his faction would fight against Ethiopian troops in the country which are backed by the Somali Transitional Federal Government.


He termed his group's alleged involvement in Somaliland-Puntland fighting as baseless.


"We wont fight Somalis as long as Ethiopian troops are present in our motherland. Our Mission is to push the Ethiopian troops out of Somalia," said Shaykh Sharif, who is currently in Asmara.


Meanwhile, The president of Puntland regional administration, Adde Muse accused the self-declared administration of Somaliland of getting full support from the ousted Union of Islamic Courts and the Asmara-based opposition group.


Somaliland and Puntland troops clashed in Laas Caanood town of Sool Region on 15 October and more than 10 people were killed and a dozen others were wounded.


Source: Radio Gaalkacyo, Gaalkacyo, in Somali 1015 gmt 17 Oct 07


BBC Monitoring



Copyright © 2007 BBC Monitoring Service , Source: The Financial Times Limited

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It is an irony to think that a pious organisation such as ICU will have a link with S/land, a country that has on several occasions untill recently handed over Somali individuals to Ethiopia as 'terrorist' suspects. For the Islamist, S/land is in the same category as P/land and TFG - stooges to the Tigrean regime and utterly oppossed to Islamic rule in the region.

The 'terrorist are present' card is used by Cadde in order to harnas support from the Ethiopian army and US marines not far from the area. But they both know it is a skirmish between their two most obedienbt servants just like the stand off in Bay - they watch and amuse themselves.

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Isbaheysiga Xoreynta iyo Dib u soo Nooleynta Soomaaliya oo Warsaxaafadeed kasoo saaray Xaaladda Dalka





I. Abaabulka iyo tafa xaydashada magaalada baydhabo ka socota waa qeyb ka mid ah qorshaha cadawga ee ku aadan in dhamaan magaalooyinka Soomaaliyeed marba mid la bara kiciyo si damaca guracan ee ay Ethiopia ku doonayso inay dalka ku sii nagaato ugu meelmaro.


II. Waa ayaan darro in hantidii shacabka, magacoodii iyo maamuuskii ay lahaayeen ay dabadhilifyada gumeysitaha u adeegsadaan dano shakhsiyadeed oo guracan, iyadoo maatidii ay soo barakiciyeen hoy iyo cunno la'aan la il daran tahay.


III. Hadaba Isbahaysigu waxaa uu shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo Bulshada caalamka ee nabadda jecel mar kale u caddeynayaa in colaada ka aloosan Magaalada laascaanood iyo goobo kale oo dalka ka mid ah ay ka dambeeyaan ciidamada Ethiopia ee dalka qabsaday, ujeedaduna waa in looga jeediyo indhaha caalamka xasuuqa iyo dambiyada dagaal ee ay Ethiopia faraha kula jirto, laguna waxyeeleeyo wada jirka iyo waxwadqabsiga bulshda, dalkana dib loogu celiyo dagaalladii sokeeye ee hore u soo aafeeyey.


IV. Isbahaysigu waxa uu bogaadinayaa waxqabadka iyo guulaha ay ka soo hooyeen muqaawamada wiiqidda awoodda ciidamda dalka ku soo duulay, waxa kale oo uu baogaadinayaa midnimada ay muujiyeen bulshada Soomaaliyeed oo isu istaagtay in ay aayahooda ka tashadaan, waxa uuna xasuusinayaa oraahdii ahayd gacmo wada jir bay wax ku gooyaan.


V. Isbahaysigu wax lug ah kuma laha arrinta Laascaanood, waayo


waxa uu u taagan yahay dib u xoreynta dalka iyo badbaadinta shacabka naf iyo maalba, eedynta ka soo yeereysa dadka qaarkoodna waa mid aan loomeel dayin ayna ka muuqato masuuliyada ka carar.


VI. Gabgabadii Isbahaysigu isagoo ku kalsoon in ay ummadda Soomaaliyeed waayo-aragnimo u leedahay khiyaamooyinka gumaysiga iyo dabadhilifyadiisa ee soo jireenka ah waxa uu waxgaradka Soomaaliyeed, dhaqanka iyo bulshada qeybaheeda kala duwan ugu yeearayaa inay oraahdooda iyo adinkooda u mideeyaan sidii dalka loo xoreyn lahaa, loogana hortagi lahaa dhiig sokeeye oo micnala,aan u daata, waxa uuna ku boorinayaa inay ka gaashaantaan hagardaamada cadawga uu ku doonaya dadka iyo dalkaba inuu ku qeybiyo.

Xafiiska warfaafinta

Asmara , 16/10/2007

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Cadde’s allegations need no denying from the Asmara team! Nin daad qaaday xunbo cuskay weeye tiisu…when he can’t be a man and confront his foes, he looks for a convenient scapegoat. Invoking anti-terror clichés will not distort the facts on the ground!

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Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka:

Kuwaa asmara joogana qayluun baa ka soo hadhay ,,,

Soomaalida waxay ku maahmaahan "habar fadhida legden la fududa"

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Yeah I bet those guys in Eritrea are thinking of ways to bring better health care, clean water and education to Somalia right? Their sole purpose is to destroy the TFG for their own tribal reasons. All they know is war and that's why the second they came to power they wanted to take over the whole country, making sure their leadership was made up of people only from their region, sending young students to the front lines and fleeing the second Mogadishu was in danger. They know the best way to strike at the TFG is to bring down Puntland! You better believe Somaliland knows this as well and has unsuccessfully tried to help any group that wants to fight Puntland, just like they gave weapons and aid to President Cade Muse when he was fighting then Puntland President Abdullahi Yusuf.

You can bet the two sides are now helping each other in attempting to bring down Puntland. Everyone on the ground there definitely do and won't allow that to happen.

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