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UN vows to defend Somalia regime

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Originally posted by Muj: Red Sea:

what the farms in Baardheer are presented to prove a point. lol


Those farms as you informed us are privately owned by a lady from that region. Therefore it hardly says anything about any collective success of the region let alone politically. Come on man be little smarter with your visual effects.


Again, horn you and that Nayruus dude
. When I say that I mean you
no one


Do you even know anything about what Oodweyn and I are discussing? To borrow a page out of Oodweyn's book, adeer go do us a favor and buy a lolipop from the store corner nearest you, at least in so far as Oodweyn and I are having this light discussion of sorts. Go adeer, the store corner is waiting for you.


Day by day you are proofing to be SOL's Somaliland village comedian (the word I prefer to employ with respect to your sensitivity).

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Hey that you or the differen horn than we use to know of.


Are you my ex-fellow combrade whom we usually were on the same trenches in the battle field. Bari hore nin ayaad haan jirtay. OO waxaad ahayd nin sharaf iyo karaamo leh. Laakin since col. Barre Hiiraale(the Thug you run after) was slapped twice by the ICU, you seem to have become nothing more than his Hiiraal'e cyber mourner..


Somaliland is a whole instituion. And Barre Hiiraale is just an individual.


Famous soomali maah maah says:


ninba wuxuu uu yahay ayuu ku moodaa.


In this case, you refered me of being a comedian. But than i support whole movements like the ICU or politicall instituion like that of Somaliland. You don't support the TFG, you don't support ICU, you only and solely only Go where uncle thug col. Barre Hiiraale goes.


PS: Seriously what do you even believe in ? "Where Hiiraale goes, Hornafrique is thereeee" stick that on your for head.

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Originally posted by Nayruus:


But hey, this is the last response from me to you. I am after the big fish you know



you know that I know what you know that most people here don't know or pay close attention to.


I have no other person to take on here. Horn is discussing with Oodwayne and told me to take a hike. So we are stuck together for a while my friend.


My question is:


If you believe in Somaliwayne. Whey then support and consider Ethiopia as an ally and liberators?


If you believe that somalis are one people, why then do you suggest that Xabashi fight the fight for you as though they are among somalis?


did you not know that Ethiopia occupies or you might agree to one. Somali galbeed and southern Somalia?

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Aaah, xaal qaado Red-ow hadaan ku gafay. I will retract my statement if you promise to actually read before responding. :Dicon_razz.gif

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Mayee anigu adiga kuguma wadin. Nayruus ayaan rabay in aan jawaab siiyo markaasaad nasoo dhex gashay sidaa awgeed ayaan ana xagaaga usoo riday. Waayo adiga Oodwayne ayaa kugu filan run ahaantii.


Teeda kale maxaa la akhriyaa ninyow. I can almost predict anything you will say. that is not you but that can be said almost all. Are we not?


intaa kabacdi, raali xagayga katimi iga gudoon duqa.

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^^ adiga ciriiri jeclidaa niyaho ama wax ku darso meesha ama ka dhiidhiibso ragga raadkooda ka har. Waa talo koleey wan ogoho wad isa soo liqdaari e. smile.gif

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To basterdise what that brain house once said – only two things are infinite the universi and the Odweyne’s inanity; and I am not so sure about the universe. The chap never tires vommiting the most appalling primary school nonsense. He continues to be a mephatic purulent sore; failing trying to change history whilist inciting hatred within our community.


May Allah make this lost child find the light that is GOOD.

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^LOL. The trick is not to take you all that seriously. :D If I may be so bold as to say - your interests are better served using less gratuitously verbose and pompous language.

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The Point-


Oodeyne has a right to speak as much as he wants and as long as he wants, provided he follows the patterns of the argument. Taa waa mid aan anigu shaqsi ahaan u aqoonsaday berriguu igu yiri "waryaahe adigoo kuray ah, oo jalaato Xamar ku dhuuqayo yaan anigu baraf kusoo halgamayay"! Waa oday waligii mucaarad ahaa oo xabad sitay, nin xabad sitay iyo nin geel raacay sheeko iyo wax laysku maaweeliyo un baa la saaxiib ah, halkaa un buu isagana ka keenay. smile.gif


So he has that right to lengthen his verbosity as far as I am concerned, but I would hope it follows the context of the discussion rather than take away from the points of contention, as his usually does.

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^I usually find needlessly lengthy verbosity tends to obscure any points one was making if one was making valid points to begin with.

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