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Evidence mounts of Puntland involvement in the Piracy

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Originally posted by Mintid Farayar:

The children are finally waking up....


Have you came out of your coma? It's that time you were supposed to take some more Anti-Puntland's depression pills. :D

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It seems you're just repeating exactly what I posted about 2 months ago. So what's new?


But admission is the first step in treatment...


Instead of worrying about who hates you, first deal with whether the accusations are true. When I saw this thread, I burst out laughing asking myself whether you were all asleep or in severe denial - Puntland is a human-trafficking and pirate den . Those are the primary commercial activities that take place in that region. Now you can either deal with those realities and try to change that situation or worry countless nights about whether Mintid Farayar hates Puntland.

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^Sibaad isku qancisey ma istiri..I know there weren't whole a lot to report lately on that part of the world, anyhow enjoy while it lasts..

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Mintid, Adeer young men from the small town of Eyl made millions while you hoped the EU or US will bomb Bosaaso... Now you have come to your senses and realised that only Puntland as a state and administation, the elders and young men from cities such as Eyl can solve this problem... However, on the other hand the illegal foreign trawlers and waste toxic dumping on our Somali sea water must stop as well...


Where is your "fund, international community, funding" wording stoped... Only last week a high level delegate from Puntland returned from a successful international conference on piracy held in Malaysia... Puntland is a powerhouse and our politicians aren't naive like your Mr. spy Riyaale or the confused Sheikh hotel.... my last word, you can keep hoping that Russia will gas Garowe to stop piracy lool, the secessionist are getting desperate and envious...


As to the topic, its brilliant move, the local people, elders and the administration must work together to deal with this problem, however the admin must take a taugh stance and ensure no more foreign trawlers and illegal dumping occurs, this is their only chance to take action and perhaps facilitate and train the young men to become regular paid coast guards in order to fully and effectively secure our long sea...

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I can see you are trying to connect him and his father in this pirate business and that is fine with me.

I support president Faroole and even though I am suspicious of his son Mohamed, I know the President is a very intelligent man. He spoke of unity and said he'd make Gen. Cade an advisor and that neither his nor the previous admin were involved with Piracy. He is a very intelligent person and I'll give you my opinion on his term 4 years from now. It is only some of those around him, i.e YOU and his sons through garoweonline who find excuses, I know he has nothing but praise for the previous admin and wouldn't go around blaming any of his problems on them.


If you want to be critical of the former admin on piracy that's ok, but you shouldn't stay silent on the piracy issue with the current.

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Somalipride..You made your point about the locals and made it clear what their responsibilities should be. Now let's turn to the government, what should or could have the Cadde administration done to quell piracy. More importantly, should the state government have role in dealing with what could be termed as "regional issue" shall the local leaders fail to address the problem?

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Originally posted by Emperor:

Mintid, Adeer young men from the small town of Eyl made millions while you hoped the EU or US will bomb Bosaaso...

Lying comes easily to some, I see... Present your evidence from archives before barking. Don't attempt to win sympathy points from the stands by making false accusations.


Aahhh, I was away for a little while, but it's nice to see the reaction I can bring from some corners.


Wait for my next expose, boys. I'm sure you'll be thrilled as well as all the others who frequent these boards. You might even learn a thing or two...

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what should or could have the Cadde administration done to quell piracy.

From what i've seen President Faroole and the Former president Cadde definitely are against Piracy and have said many times to stop paying ransom. If they could stop it, they would have. I made several trips back to Puntland and one thing I noticed is that people like to solve their issue among themselves. They don't react kindly to others coming in. An example is the garoweonline article I showed you concerning the incident when the parliament was taken over. Even though the men were armed and were committing a crime, they were upset that the presidential guards who are very close the parliament building intervened. They wanted Garowes local police to intervene. If a murder (which is rare) is committed, usually elders and the families are involved and sometimes exact the punishment.


To answer your question, I am not sure their is much that could have been done if such high ransoms were being paid, it was very complicated. I think the former and present administrations understood their capabilities and with threats on both borders, suicide bombings and targeted killings, half the security forces in mogadishu and so much financial resources going to that cause they didn't have the means to fight back, especially without local support it would have been bloody and costly and in the end everyone would lose. Plus every month a new candidate was landing and everyone was preparing for the elections, their priorities were somewhere else. The former admin did free two ships by force. However most ship owners that are paying ransoms have made it clear they don't want Puntland forces to us any force. So I can honestly say, I'm not sure what they could have done. Piracy is something that involves many different players and in my opinion it can only defeated with a coordinated effort and support of everyone, but division and pointing fingers won't get you us anywhere because the government can't do it alone.

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