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Tony Blair: Britain ma aqoonsan karto Somaliland

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Jaylaani Didn't somaliland pan from people using somali money in Togdheer.comon you know we don't have any smart individuals that can run the south. if we did somaliland would've been united with rest of somalia.

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Yes they did. Good move for the government.



What happened to the smart paope from Mugadisho ma siyad bare ayaa laayay?

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Yes they did. Good move for the government.



What happened to the smart paope from Mugadisho ma siyad bare ayaa laayay?

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Dowladda Britain oo qaadacday inay aqoonsato Jamhuuriyada isku magacowday Somaliland.


London , Jimco, March 23, 2007 Simba Radio


Dowladda Britain ayaa ku gacan seertay codsi ku saabsan in Jamhuuriyadda iskeed isku magacowday ee Somaliland ay u aqoonsato dal madax banaan.


Boqolaal qof ayaa saxiixay codsi ku saabsan in Somaliland loo aqoonsado dal madax banaan.


Codsiga oo loo gudbiyay Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Britain Tony Blair ayaa lagu gacan seeray, taasi oo natiijadii ka dhalatay ay noqotay niyad jab baahsan oo soo wajahay Somaliland .


Sida dal kasta oo caalamka ka jiraba taariikhda uu usoo maray ayaa Somaliland waxaa asiibay dhibaatooyin sii kordhaya, ayada oo dalkuna uu yahay mid soo hana qaadaya.


Iminka waxaa jira weriyayaal u shaqeeya Jaraa'id oo xabsi ku jira. Kooxo dhowr ah oo ay ku jirto Amnesty International ayaa weriyayaashaasi u arka maxaabiis si qaldan ku xiran.


Xoriyadda Warbaahinta ayaa ah xuquuqda aasaasiga ah ee dal kasta oo caalamka ka jira.


Xal deg deg ah oo Somaliland ay u hesho dhibaatadan waxa ay ka caawin kartaa in quwadaha waa weyn ay u aqoonsadaan dal sharci ah oo madax banaan.


Reer Somaliland waxa ay u shaqeynayeen sida dad heysta dal madax banaan oo kale in ka badan toban sanno.


Laakiin isaga oo ka jawaabaya codsiga ayaa Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Britain Tony Blair, waxa uu sheegay in Dowladda Britain aysan Somaliland u aqoonsaneyn dal madax banaanasida dalalka ee Beesha Caalamkaba.


Britain waxa ay saxiixday mowqif guud oo ay qaateen dalalka Midowga Yurub iyo iyo bayaano madaxeed badan oo ka soo baxay Golaha Ammaanka ee Jamciyadda Qurumaha ka dhaxeysa, kuwaasi oo lagu aqoonsaday xuduudaha iyo midnimada Somalia, sida uu sheegay Blair.


"Siyaasadeeda waxa ay in muddo ah ahayd in dadka Soomaaliyeed ay go'aan ka gaaraan xiriirada mustaqbalka iyo in deriskooda iyo dalalka Africa ay qaataan hogaanka aqoonsiga ee qorshayaal kasta oo cusubo oo kusoo baxa wada hadal" ayuu yiri Blair.


Blair ayaa sheegay in Dowladda Britain ay ku boorineyso Somaliland iyo Dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia ay yeeshaan wada hadallo, sidaa darteedna xalwaara ay gaaraan oo ku saabsan xiriirka mustaqbalkooda ay isku raacaan.


Ugu dambeyntii waxuu sheegay inay Ururka Midowga Afrika ku boorinayaan inuu sahmiyo arrinta, isaga oo la kaashanaya qeybaha kale iyo kuwa wadaaga la ah ee muhimka ah, kuna yaala gobolka.


Bashir Shurie

Simba Radio


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war guys u dont get it we will never join somalia even if the holl world was agains somaliland w coudent care less waleh somaliya wey naga dhaamadtay and idinka wey idin guubaysa ciid isqasbiga karta ayaa iska yar

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Ouch. Where is Suldaan and Ayoub and Oodweyne and the rest of the British Orphans Brigade. Your daddy disowned you. :D I guess they better put all their efforts into dreaming that Muqdishu will never be stabilized. What other option do they have. Umm, other than crying, I mean. LOL.

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lol you anti-somaliland bunch sure love to spin things.


If this article is true, it does nothing more but keep the status quo that both UK and Ethiopia have been doing. For Ethiopia it is to have strong ties with somaliland in very aspect short from diplomatic recgonization due to the issue of being seen by the AU and called by the TFG as nation wishing to destory i dreamed return of Somalia. Ethiopia is playing it safe by stating that it would be the second nation to recgonizes somaliland. UK a former power of Somaliland is playing safe, they would by now recgonize it but the calls of Somalia saying it is taking control again of its former area hinders UK from supporting it as nation. So thus what Tony only stated is that the issue should be solved by somaliland and TFG. TFG knows the UK postion clearly that they oppose any force on their part. So when ever TFG gets their act together they will sit down and both nation will leave the union in a peaceful terms God willing

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I think some people have misunderstood my previous article on this situation. I dont think somaliland will ever want a union again. that is not the issue in my post. the real issue is the situation in the south and how that affects all somali's wherever they may reside.


I believe it is in the best interest of all somali's to decentralise power and to make the recovery of the somali republic a localised venture and to move away from the idea of nationalism at first. this would then allow for somali clans (however much i hate idea that this is what governs us) to take care of the rebuilding of their own regions. after such a system is employed and it proves to be succesful then those local 'confederecies' can then sit down together and organise a system that will allow for a central government to be put in place but also allow the local provinces to keep a share of their autonomy to run their own economy.


This would allow for the somali republic to sit down with Somaliland and hopeful they can agree a peaceful annulment of the Act of Union of 1960 which i think would serve both nations well.

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Codsiga oo loo gudbiyay Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Britain Tony Blair ayaa lagu gacan seeray, taasi oo natiijadii ka dhalatay ay noqotay niyad jab baahsan oo soo wajahay Somaliland.

So your source is Be real!! icon_razz.gif

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I am bit amazed of the reactions to this news. Some simply express themselves by writing terms like ''ouch''. So I have to wonder, what is 'ouch' about this.


Somaliland is doing very well, and is in every situation but 'ouchy' situation.


There are only few reasonables from the other camp, folks like Che, and mr. the Point, however others as usual cried foul without puting forth a clear thoughts that can be looked upon. Waste of space.



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Good news indeed ,,,,,,,,,, i'm wondering how some ppl take this as a rejection ,,,,,, has anyone read those two news carefully (if it is true and sources are relaible) ??


He is just saying the same old sayings ,,,,, it should come from Africa not from Europe and he is right on this ,,,,,,,,,,, I believe the recognition should start from Africa then Britain has no choice ,,, but now Blair cannot announce a recognition and everybody knows that



So, relax ppl ,,,,,,,,, just relax and wait ,,,,

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What is there to wait for?


somaliland needs to keep taking care of business, get better leader, build the schools, hospitals, roads, better justice system, we should be worrying about this saaxib. We shouldnt' spend too much time about recogntion at the moment.


Leave that to other people, but we shall be working not waiting for anything to come to us.


Waxaa layidhi ninkii dadaalaa Xaaji Abasna waa gaadha waana dhaafa.

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Red Sea,


You got it right bro. We have been making amazing strides by ourselves and altough we all want to recoqnition as soon as possible, the best we can do for ourselves at the moment is continue rebuilding our nation and becoming a stronger state like you said.


That is actually also the best way towards recoqnition.If we can make our state more independent and give our people everything every modern state has i.e. better roads, hospitals, good education, a growing economy, a strong army et etc the wider international community will recoqnise that we have deserved recoqnition.


With the progress we have been making and the opportunities we have to grow even further i see no reason why we cant become one of the most powerful states in the horn of africa and the more pressure will grown on the international community to recognise our achievements

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