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Tony Blair: Britain ma aqoonsan karto Somaliland

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London - Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Tony Blair ayaa diiday inuu Jamhuuriyadda isku magacowday Somaliland u aqoonsado dal madax banana.


Blair, waxa uu sheegay in Dowladda Britain aysan Somaliland u aqoonsaneyn dal madax banana sida dalalka ee Beesha Caalamkaba ay ugu diidan yihiin.


Taasi waxa ay ka dambeysay markii Boqolaal qof ay saxiixeen codsi ku saabsan in Somaliland loo aqoonsado dal madax banaan.


Codsiga oo loo gudbiyay Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Britain Tony Blair ayaa lagu gacan seeray, taasi oo natiijadii ka dhalatay ay noqotay niyad jab baahsan oo soo wajahay Somaliland.


Britain waxa ay saxiixday mowqif guud oo ay qaateen dalalka Midowga Yurub iyo iyo bayaano madaxeed badan oo ka soo baxay Golaha Ammaanka ee Jamciyadda Qurumaha ka dhaxeysa, kuwaasi oo lagu aqoonsaday xuduudaha iyo midnimada Somalia, sida uu sheegay Blair.


“siyaasaddeea waxa ay in muddo ah ahayd in dadka Soomaaliyeed ay go’aan ka gaaraan xiriirada mustaqbalka iyo in deriskooda iyo dalalka Africa ay qaataan hogaanka aqoonsiga ee qorshayaal kasta oo cusubo oo kusoo baxa wada hadal” ayuu yiri Blair.


Blair ayaa sheegay in Dowladda Britain ay ku boorineyso Somaliland iyo Dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia ay yeeshaan wada hadallo, sidaa darteedna xal lawada aqbalsan yahay oo ku saabsan xiriirka mustaqbalkooda ay isku raacaan.



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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

LooooooooooL...When will Somalis learn the answer lies within themselves.No goverment will recognise Sland unless it has the blessings of Somalia.

Agreed for argument sake ....but don’t you think it’s about time you should get your shyt together so we can talk?


Maalin walba khaanad cusubaad RPG kala so baxaysaan!

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Ouch...Not even Balait better luck with Ghana.

How's is this helpful Duke.



Jaylaani....I concur we need to put our house in order first. And we all need to realise solutions to the Somali problem won't be in some foriegn capital.

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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

quote:Originally posted by General Duke:

Ouch...Not even Balait better luck with Ghana.

How's is this helpful Duke.



Jaylaani....I concur we need to put our house in order first. And we all need to realise solutions to the Somali problem won't be in some foriegn capital.
I couldn’t agree with you more.



BTW, you shouldn't ask Duke any technical question. He doesn't have the intelligence or the ability to articulate his point of view.

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Jay and Che


I think you have hit the nail on the head there. I have always felt that the reason all these transitional governments have failed is due to the fact that they wish to attack the Somali problem as one problem. Therein lies their biggest mistake. The only in which the Somali people can help themselves is if they get their own part of the country in order first. Great example should be taken from Somaliland and Puntland. Here the Somali people have shown that our people are not ALL savages and with the little resources they had they have managed to create a peaceful and prosperous state with good potential for further economic growth. Both states (what ever entity they see themselves at) have done this during incredibly tough times and have partially eradicated the clan conflicts which have proved to be our scourge and disease.


I don’t think Somalilanders would want a unification with the south ever again but they would be willing to talk if the south had solved its own problems and had managed to collectively come together. Then Somaliland I think would be reasonable enough to at least meet with their Somali brethren from south to try and solve that next level of conflicts.


The Puntland issue is much easier to envisage and explain. All they are waiting for is for the rest of the south to get their act together and bring themselves up to the standards of Puntland so that they can collectively rebuild the republic of Somalia. It has to be done step by step.


I know this sounds too primitive and simple but I think the solution lies in giving clan areas the ability to self govern so that every clan should allowed to rebuild its own territory after which the idea of confederacy can be discussed and encompassed. To those of you who believe this would split the country up into tiny mini-states, I will say that the clan issue leaves no other choice credible system other then this.


The TFG will never recreate a unified somalia unless it relinguishes control back to the clan areas and lets them rebuilt their own towns and villages which they can as shown by Somaliland and Puntland.


It has to be a back to basics programme from which the stepping stones of a new Republic could be built upon.

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^Great arguments. The level of distrust and hatred calls out for your solution. Strangely enough - many folks oppose any sort of federalism or regionalism. And I haven't heard a choherent reason as to why.

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I think the government should be moved to hargays and the admistration that runs somaliland should run the whole country with a new parliment for 2 years.............what do you guys think since their house is in order and they are not asking for money

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^^Somaliland it will never be unified with Somalia regardless whether recognition is granted or not. That argument was established so lets move on. Hargeisa doesn't want to administer Somalia. They wanna deal with their own problems.



The question is when will the these people from Somali proper will get their act together so we can have dialog and cleat the air. When are you gonna stop putting to much emphasis on the low life individuals like Yey with limited political background and bring back the heave weight?


Tima Cade,


Butland is part Somalia. They use the Somali flag and Somali currency. Plus that region was built by using the name of SOMALI REPUBLIC, something Somaliland should have done.

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