Emperor Posted June 6, 2009 Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo soo galay qaybo ka mid ah Gobolka Bakool Posted to the Web Jun 05, 17:40 Bakool:-Wararka ka imaanaya Degmadda Ceelbarde oo ka tirsan Gobolka Bakool ayaa waxay sheegaayan in ay halkaas ay goor dhowayd soo gaareen Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah. Ilo-wareedyo lagu kalsoonaan karo oo ku sugan Gobolka Bakool ayaa waxay sheegeen in Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo wataan in ka badan 30-gadiid ah oo nooca Dagaalka ay soo gaareen Degaanka Ceelbarde, iyagoo halkaas ka samaystay Fariisimo. Waxaana la sheegay in ay ka soo galeen Xuduuda Itoobiya ay la wadaagto Gobolka Bakool,Inta badan Gobollada Bay iyo Bakool waxaa gacanta ku haya Ururka Al-Shabaab manajiraan wax hadal ah oo ka soo yeeray Masuuliyinta Ururkaas oo aadan soo gelida Ciidanka Itoobiyaanka ah. Halgan.net Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassan6734 Posted June 6, 2009 Lets see if Al-shaabaab can fight the ethiopians they same way as they fight and slaughter the somali population. Or would al-shabaab just run away and hide as they always do and only return only after the ethiopians withdraw. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emperor Posted June 6, 2009 ^Are you not against the Ethiopians now and in support of Alshabaab for fighting against the Kufaar Amxaaro like before... Ethiopia is the same old Ethiopia, Alshabaab are the same old Alshabaab, ooh I know Ethiopia are now the new Sheikh hotel Mujahideen... Mardhow Ethiopian Mucatab uxiranyahay ayaad dhihi doontaan waa Mujaahidee 'Qulwalaha' iskugu dara inay guulaystaan... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassan6734 Posted June 6, 2009 Ethiopia and al-shabaab are the same, they are both enemies of somalia. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emperor Posted June 6, 2009 ^Ooh yeah I know, Alshabaab are even worse than the Ethiopians for you, bloody foreigners that came from Afganistan... We already know your opinion, don't bother telling us... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassan6734 Posted June 6, 2009 Al-shabaab rebels hve an Arab agenda not a somali agenda. They seek to turn our country into an international terrorist playground. The last thing that somalia needs is to be drawn into eye of the storm of the so called war on terror. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted June 6, 2009 Pillars of lies keep tumbling down. Now only AMISOM are the true protection and eThiopian tanks are the rescue. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassan6734 Posted June 6, 2009 There are no ethiopians in Mogadishu but there are ethiopian officers in Puntland and somaliland. There is tribal dimension why emperor and others now support the rebels. The rebels are weak, they hve already launched their full assault against the Government and hve miserably failed. Government survives and is getting stronger and stronger as it re-asserts its authority. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted June 6, 2009 Ciidamo Ethiopian ah oo ay la socdaan ciidamo Soomaali ah ayaa lagu soo waramayaa inay soo gaaraan qeybo ka mid ah gobolada Bakool iyo Hiiraan. Wararka Horseed Media ay ka heleyso degmooyinka Qalaafe iyo Mustaxiil ee xuduuda Ethiopia iyo Soomaaliya ayaa xaqiijinaya in ciidamo Ethioiaan oo ay la socdaan kuwo Soomaali ah oo wata gaadiidka dagaalka ay saacadihii la soo dhaafey ka soo talaabeen xadka kala qeybiya labada dal iyagoo dhinaca Soomaaliya u soo gudbay. Ciidamadan ayaa qeyb ka mid ah u gudbeen dhinaca gobolka Bakool halka qaar kalena ay u soo talaabeen dhinaca Hiiraan oo ay horey ugu sugnaayeen ciidamo kale oo Ethioian iyo Soomaali isugu jira. Ciidamada Ethioipanka waxaa wehliya ciidamo Soomaali ah oo lagu soo tababaray gudaha Ethiopia kuwaasi oo taabacsan DKMG. Waxaa degmooyinka labada gobol laga dareemayaa dhaqdhaqaaq ciidan oo xoogan kuwaasi oo laga dareemayo labada gobol. Degmada Ceel barde ee gobolka Bakool waxaa ku sugan ciidamo Soomaali ah oo ay la socdaan kuwo Ethioian ah waxaana la socda masuuliyiintii hore ee gobolka Bay ee DKMG. Sidoo kale degaanka Kala beyr ee gobolka Hiiraan waxaa fariisin ku leh ciidamo Ethiopian iyo Soomaali isugu jira oo qaarkood ay la socdeen wasiirka amniga Col. Cumar Xaashi Aadan oo hadda ku sugan Beledweyne. Ma jirto faahfaahin laga bixiyey ciidamadan cusub ee Ethiopianka ee soo galey, hase yeeshee xukuumada Ethiopia ayaa todobaadkii hore xaqiijisey in ciidamo sahan ah ay u dirtey Soomaaliya. Source: HR Media Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites