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Kenya masses its troops on border.....

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NAIROBI: Dowladda Kenya oo ciidammo soo dhoobtay xadka ay la wadaago Soomaaliya iyo shaki ay ka qabto...

Posted to the Web Nov 09, 13:23



Nairobi (PP) - Dowladda Kenya ayaa waxay soo dhoobeen xadka ay Soomaaliya la wadaagaan ciidammo aad u fara badna waxaana ay sheegeen inay ka cabsi qabaan inay dagaallo kaga yimaadaan dhanka Maxkamadaha Midoobay.


Kaaliyaha Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda ee Kenya Musos Watangulu ayaa wuxuu u sheegay warbaahinta caalamka in dolwaddiisu ay casbi weyn ka qaybo inay dagaallo kaga yimaadaan dhanka dalka Somalia, gaar ahaan Maxkamadaha.


Watangulu ayaa wuxuu carrabka ku adkeeyay in dowladdiisu ay waddo qorshey ay kaga hortagayso khatar kasta oo kaga timaaddad dhanka Maxkamadaha, waxaana uu sheegay inay isku dayayaan inay joojiyaan khatar walba oo timaada dhanka Soomaaliya.


Dowladda Kenya ayaa waxay dhowr jeer oo hore sheegtay inay ka hortagto khatar kasta oo ka timaada dhanka Maxkamadaha, waxaana ay dhowr jeer soo dhigeen xuduudadooda ciidammo fara badan iyagoo mar walba ka muujinayay cabsi inay khatar uga timaaddo dhanka Maxkamadaha.


Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu


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Forces on alert at Somalia border, House told

Posted to the MOL November 9, 2006, 6:40 am



By Parliament Team


KENYA security forces have been put on high alert to avert any aggression from Somalia, Parliament heard yesterday.



Foreign Affairs assistant minister Moses Wetangula said patrols had been intensified along the border.



Giving a ministerial statement earlier sought by Andrew Ligale (Vihiga, Narc), Wetangula confirmed that tension in the neighbouring country had heightened due to the continued struggle between the Transitional National Government and the Islamic Courts.



He expressed concern over the arms embargo slapped on Somalia by the United Nations which had made it impossible to send military troops to the country.



He said despite appeals by Foreign Affairs minister Raphael Tuju who raised the matter during the recent UN conference, the embargo had not been lifted.



“The IGAD expressed willingness to send troops to Somalia, a move that was endorsed by the Africa Union, but the troops Sudan and Uganda expressed readiness to post were not sent due to the arms embargo. What is left is dialogue,” he said.



Mr Ligale said the takeover by the Islamic Courts had led to lawlessness in Somalia and demanded to know whether the new leadership was getting support from elsewhere.



Billow Kerrow (Mandera Central, Kanu) said peace and stability in Somalia was paramount to Kenya and wondered what action the Government was taking to restore the same.



Meanwhile, the controversial Artur brothers saga returned to Parliament yesterday with the Government denying any knowledge of their presence in the country.



Wetangula was pressed to explain the contacts of Artur Sargasyan and Artur Margaryan in Kenya with a section of MPs demanding to know who Winnie Wangui was acting on behalf when she dealt with them.



Answering a question by Ligale (Vihiga, Narc), Wetabngula said he was not aware that the Artur brothers were based in Dubai in United Arab Emirates (EAE) before venturing into Kenya from where they were deported following the much publicised security breach at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.



He further denied the two brothers had any contacts with the Kenya Embassy in the EAE based at Abu Dhabi.



Source: Kenya Times

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