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Ethiopia in the driving seat...!

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The list of the cabinet was debated and agreed among those it concerns, namely the members of parliament, the president and the prime-minister over the last three weeks and so. There was lot of haggling, negotiating and compromise made among the warlords and the prime-minister.However much time wasted on it, it was never the less meant to produce an end product that could be acceptable by all the warlords in the parliament and seen to be far reaching and able to perform its task.

The annoucement of the cabinet was scheduled to be made yesterday afternoon but was delayed due to unforseen circumstances. This suprised everyone and raised some eyebrows. The reason for the delay emerged sometime late into last nite. The Ethiopian representative to the Somali conference Ambasssador Abdiaziz Ahmed who was shown the list and consulted upon it raised his objection on behalf of his government (The Ethiopian Government). Chief among his objections were Ismail Bubaa and General Naaji who were destined to be named Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defence respectively.Also the posts of Deputy prime-minister and Minister for Security which was for Mohamed Qanyare, and that of Deputy primi=minister and minister for Internal affairs for Hussein Aideed. Their opposition to Buuba and General Naaji was based on their understanding that both men are not members of the SRRC and hence not Ethiopian friendly. Their opposition to the latter posts of Qanyare and Aidiid JR. is the fact that they cannot hold two posts.

I dont think it is worth debating their point of opposition cause in common sense it is not a relative issue. Now before we get into the fact how much Ethipia is involved in the current Somali political picture we should agree that it would be a problem for Ethiopia for the emergence on a strong unified Somali Nation.

Ethiopia played a big part in the election of President Yusuf simply for the purpose and assumption that if he is elected the warlords in Mogadishu would abondon the peace conference and completely reject the outcome. Thus the probability of the creation of a Somali state would be below zero. Fortunately it did not happen and unexpectantly by them their political manoeuvre backfired and the Mogadishu warlords accepted and vowed to support and implement the outcome and play their part in the establishment and realisation of the new government.

WIth all these in view and having realised their miscalculation Ethiopia embarked on a different footing to create disarray and confussion in the Somali Federal parliament, using its allies in the parliament itself. Over the last two days a debate which centred on moving the capital of administration from Mogadishu was discuused very strongly. The Mogadishu warlords who promised everything were suprised by this motion and the reasons behind it. That issue is still outstanding the parliament and has yet to be resolved.

The other card in the attempt to bring halt to the march of a Somali government and state was their role in as consultants in the naming of the Somali Cabinet ministers. Ethiopia knows if Buuba was to be named foreign minister the pulling power by the federal goverenment to convince the Somalilanders to join in unity the rest of the Nation would be higher. Cause the portofolio is very important. But in demoting Buuba to a Minister of Regional co-peration Ethiopians knew it would give a picture of showing the Somalilanders that their share of the national cake is little as that, which in turn will be used as a tool by the secessionist to show and proof of exactly what they were always complaining of. Hence the probability of a unified Somalia is zero.

All in all why was Ethiopia consulted in the naming of the cabinet can only be answered by the President C/llahi Yusuf and the Prime-minister Geedi, and they only they will be held responsible for the collapse of the a Somali hope.

Looking at the list of the cabinet and the influence of the Ethiopians in its creation I dont think anyone in his/her right mind can say now that 'there is light by the end of the tunnel'.



Ismaaciil buubaa & Jen. Naaji oo wasaaradihii loo magacaabi lahaa ay hor istaagtay dowladda Itoobiya(Magacyada xubnaha la magaacabayo oo qaarkood la shaaciyey)


Laba hogaamiye oo laga waayay Liiska Golaha wasiirada la magacaabay

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Hate Ethopians and the Worlords that take thier order................hate hate hate :mad: :mad:



I can't comment on this now 'cause I'm so mad :mad: :mad: :mad: May be later.......



Go figure:...............

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Let me correct you on one mistake .....



Dr Bubaa becoming foreign minister in a Mogadisho government will not drive Somaliland to a union.He has already held that position within the Arte government and that had absolutely no effect within Somaliland.The reason Ethiopia do not want him as foreign Minister is his long standing personal friendship with the Saudi royal family dating back to his days at Syracuse and Boston.Its also no secret that Abdillahi lacks credibality within the Arab nations and Egypt in particular due to his assocaition with Ethiopia and his visit to Saudi Arabia was sponsored by Bubaa,a sign of what was to come if he(Bubaa was FM).Ethiopia just do not want to see their investment go down the drain.The rest of as they say is history....... :D

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I have been giving Abdulahi Yusuf's "administration" the benefit of the doubt, but if what Jumatatu is alleging is true then I would, and I would hope all others would too, drop the support they have given the president-elect.


On an another note, from your description Gediid, Buubaa seems like a person I would like to head the government and not a person that should be refused {one of the two most important} ministerial positions simply because the the arch-enemy of your nation and people refuse of him!


I would die then let the Habesh control Somali affairs :mad:

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I cann't take the notion that Ethopia is controling our enternal/external affairs but i can only blame on my people who have been letting me down and letting Ethopia control the affairs of my country. My hope was high before but now that they announced the so called "Cabinets" my hope detiriorated or plummeted/went down after I have seen so many cold blooders who satisfied Somali meat in the past 14 years are now enjoying and becoming leaders of the new govn. However, I will keep my hope a live since I don't see any hope behind this time because Somali people today are more like orphans who once murdered their father is attempting to lead them.


I wonder what Cali Mire Cawaale the Somali Singer who created "Somaliyeey too soo isku tiirsadayay" who said "nin dalkiisii cadow taamoo u tolwaayaybaan ahayeey" would say today if he was alive and be witness what we are witnessing today

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Beelaha 'Gaaljecel 'Gugundhabe''Ceyr'Jareerweyne'Banaadiri 'Murusade ,Saruur,Waceysle,shiiqaal ,oo aan waxba ka helin Saamiggii Wasiiradda ee la qeeybiyay.



Beelaha 'Gaaljecel'Murusade'Gugundhabe 'Jareerweyne'Banaadiri'Ceyr'Suleeymaan'Saruur 'Waceysle, Shiiqaalayaanan waxba ka helin saamigii Wasiiradda Xukumadda ee Ra'isulwasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi galabta ku qeeybiyay Hoolka KICC ee Magaaladda Nairobi.


Xaqiraadda ku dhacday beelahaas ayaa lagu tilmaami karaa mid dad badani ka xumaadeen marka la eego iyadoo beelo hoose la siiyay labo wasiir taas oo muujineeyso hordhac xambaarsan kalsooni xumo iyo ficil yasmeed weji gabax ku ah Madaxda soo maamushay liiskaas.



Qabaa'iladdaas la dulmay iyo qaar ka tirsan Xildhibaanadda ayaa sheegay in gollaha Wasiiradda ay qeeybsadeen Madaxweyne Cabdulahi Yuusuf iyo Ra'isulwasaare Cali Maxamed geedi oo gacanta u gashay qabiiladooda iyo kooxo ay gacnat ku hayaan waa sida ay qabaan qabiiladda lagu xaqiray saamigii wax qeeybsigga Wasiiradda.

Qaar ka tirsan siyaasiyiinta beelahaas ayaa sheegay in marka la eego ******* wasiiraddii ay lahaayeen loo wadda magacaabay beesha ***** ******* ee Cabdulahi Yusuf ka dhashay '******** iyo ********a la siiyay labo Wasiir oo qura iyadoo dhanka kalana beesha Hiraab ee uu ka dhashay Cali Maxamed Geedi ay qaateen badanaa saamigii kale taas oo ay ku tilmaameen mid ka fog caqligga iyo sharcigga .


Dhanka kale waxaa isa soo taraayo in ay inta badan xildhibanada ku kuuxayaan in ay hor istagi doonaa dolwadan marka la horkeena barlamaanka taasoo waji gabax ku noqondoonta Ra´´sal wasare Cali Maxamed Geedi oo isagu ka soo shaqeynayey in mudo ahba


Dahir Abdulle ALasow'Nairobi Kenya

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Ilaa iyo boqol Xildhibaan oo isu diiwaangelisay Ridida Xukumadda Proff Geedi'Siyaasiyiin waaweyn oo ka qeeybqaadanaya ololahaas


Waagacusub Online 02/12/04 Nairobi.


Saacada yar kadib markii lagu dhawaaqay gollaha Xukumadda Cusub ee Proff Cali Maxamed geedi Ra'isulwasaaraha uu yahay ayaa mar qura waxaa qarxay xiisado balaaran oo loogga soo horjeedo qaabkii uu xukumadda u magacaabay.


Inka badan boqol Xildhibaan ayaa isu diiwaangelisay qorshe dhigaya in la rido xukumadda cusub ee Proff Cali Maxamed Geedi magacaabay iyo isagga qudhiisa taas oo ku socoto si xoowli ah iyadoo aysan Xildhibaanadda kala seexan si loo helo cod aqlabiyad leh oo lagu wiiqi karo xukumadda la magacaabay ee lagu xaglinayo inay tahay mid ka soo maaxatay maskaxda Xukumadda Itoobiya .


Sida ay ku waramayaan ila xog ogaal ah ololaha ugu weyn waxaa wadda siyaasiyiin ay horkacayaan 'Xildhibaanadda kala ah:Maxamed Qanyre Afrax'Xuseen Maxamed Ceydiid'Korneyl Shaatigaduud'Ibraahim Xaabsade 'Maxamed Adan waayeel'Jeylani Cali Kediye'Dr Cali baashi'Sakariye Xaaji Maxamud'Maxamed Maxamuud Gacma dheere'Maxamed Jamac Furux'Xersi Adan Rooble 'Sheekh Jaamac Xaahi Xuseen'Maxamed Cusmaan Maye'Mowliid Macaane Maxamud iyo waliba gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Adan oo isagga ka baaqsaday munaasabadii lagu magacaabayay gollaha wasiiradda .


Si kastaba ha ahaatee waxaa muuqda qalqal xoogan oo cabsidiisa leh marka la eego hogaamiyaasha hormuudka ka ah


Dahir Abdulle ALasow'Nairobi Kenya

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They managed to anger both SOMALILAND and Moadishu for what?


What do you gain by such a callous move, now I am not kidding this is the worst news I heard since the government was formed and it deeply trouples me for I see no light at the end of the tunnel.


This is the fault of the PRESIDENT anf the PM and not anyone else. It causes distrust and gives the secessionist and others a chance to say I told you so.

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^^^it's called "alliance building"... :D


Abdulahi Yusuf obviously picked the people that he thought would matter to him.

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I hate two things in this world Pork and Ethiopian government, Ethiopia's middling with the internal affairs of Somalia is like Israel naming the successor of Arafat after his death and Palestinians letting it happen. In my judgement, we can’t blame Ethiopian government for taking advantage of feeble minded blood thrust warlords, also we can’t blame warlords for take advantage of Somalis who are loyal and worship the symbols of Tribalism, we only have ourselves to blame pll.





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If we blame ourselves on these mess, then the question that comes to the table is What can (The rest of Somalis) do to fix this???????



Go figure:...........................

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This is all mighty and dandy but where's the evidence..?


The beauty of the Net is that any moron can make a webpage and announce all his conspiracy theories. Ethiopia's unnatural interest in Somali political affairs isn't anything new. But these morons who post coffee shop talk and act like its journalism don't deserve a minute of my valuable time. Neither to the morons who believe such nonsense.

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What the rest of us (Somalis) could do is kill these warlords, each Tribe should point blank murder their warlord. This whole government is 100% warlords, it won’t work.




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Originally posted by wind.talker:

This is all mighty and dandy but where's the evidence..?


The beauty of the Net is that any moron can make a webpage and announce all his conspiracy theories. Ethiopia's unnatural interest in Somali political affairs isn't anything new. But these morons who post coffee shop talk and act like its journalism don't deserve a minute of my valuable time. Neither to the morons who believe such nonsense.

Well said. :D

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