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Ethiopia's Communication Minister defects

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There is rumours that the main reason he defected was to run away from the government who threatened him after suggesting several times that the Telecom needs to be privatized, as well as other major companies like the airline industry whih is a 100% government owned.



Ethiopia lies at the bottom of the table when it comes to the world telecom(telephone, internet, tv etc) ranking, this angered the minister who defected.



Somalia is no where near Ethiopia in that field and enjoying among other nations in the middle of the table :D



duushey smile.gif

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^^ Ma ahan Oromo, lamaba siiyo jaga sidaa u muhiimsan aan ka aheyn jagada madaxweyninimada taasoo ah qasriga dhax fadhi hana ka soo bixin hana hadlin.



Waa Woyane dibira weyn, sanadkan horraantiisaa laga dhigey wasiir

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AT&T inaan weydiino weeyaaan, balse waa saad sheegtay dabcan,


waa minority ayagoo majority ah.

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AT&T wuxuu belo ku dhigay marka hore taariikhdii amxaarada buu nooga sheekeynayyaa. Hadduu bilaabo isma celin karo asagoo gabdho Amhara ah oo tacsi jooga ka sheekeynayya baad arkaysaa :D

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Ermias Legesse is an Amhara. He was the loudest propagndist when Ethiopia was occupying Somalia.


BTW, the Oromos have six powerful Minitry's in the government. The problem is none of the Ministers are seen as Oromo by the Oromos.


Xinn, Oromo's have good and obedient girls. Especially the Qutu (Harar oromos). I once met one called Bushra,......... :D:D

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i do not doubt you met Bushra. If you were to tell Bushra stories i bet you would have recounted habeenkii tacziyaha


On Oromos and thier power i always thought that theirs was not a shortage of ministers but a lack of cohesiveness

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