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How long can we tolerate authoritarian warlords?

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The world, in particular Africa has known and experienced the leadership of so many ruthless dictators who while in power, subjugated and crushed those poor masses who empowered them to lead.


Most of these authoritarian men were imbued with a sense of their own invincibility, but later found out to their surprise that they were not all that invincible. We don’t have to go that far but to look of the fate of Barre, Mingiste, Mabuto, Amin and their likes.


However, what baffles so many, is why did those who fought against dictatorship knowingly choose the same path to tyranny and repression and are happy with warlords who know nothing else other than authoritarianism and repression?


Given Yeey’s record during his reign in Puntland, it is hardly surprising that he turned out the way he is now. many Somalis had hoped, against all odds, that at least Yeey would see the wisdom in chart-ing a new course to peace following so many years of carnage and destruction.


So far, as we have witnessed Yeey’s current maneuvering and adventurism, peace is the last thing on his mind. to tell the truth, Yeey had just the opposite for the war-weary Somalis. He is a man obsessed with clannish hate and is on mission of vengenance and settling of scores.How can one justify the recruitment of militia forces from his immediate clan with the help of Ethiopia.


Is Somalia now a monarchy with Yeey as the king?


Warlord Yeey is now accused by his hosts that he is running a one-man-show in Jowhar. He surrounded himself with obsequious men from his immediate sub-clan, who wouldn't deviate with clan's dream of becoming the new aristocracy of Somalia. Most of these men (mostly Taxi drivers from the Diaspora) have no self-respect and are seasoned Clannish die-hards.They are all pursuing short term gains and are motivitated by hate and greed.


Yeey single-handedly succeeded to abrogate the authority of the government and the national assembly. Now both the Legislature, and the government are unable to perform any functions.


Mr. Yeey and his cohorts are making it clear that peaceful assembly, except in their interest, is forbidden in their reign. They are leaving no room for consensus-building and peaceful dialogue out od this nightmare. More and more, they are telling us that Somalia is once again theirs.


let us not forget that Yeey is part of the those callous warlords who single-handedly destroyed and reduced our country to pariah status - the text-book examplary failed state - amongst the nations of the world.


All these warlords have succeeded in making Somalis wish for the incarnation of Barre, the former dictator now.


How much lower does Somalia have to sink to get the attention of its intellectuals and conscious sons and daughters to come to her rescue?


I guess we probably cannot go any lower, because we've already reached to the bottom of unforgiving abyss.

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Typical HAG propaganda. With this title, I was expecting a topic about Caato, Qanyare, Yalaxow, Kuusow, Shuluqow, Yabarow, Xabashow, Jilicow etc. How foolish of me.


Any luck with catching those that threatened you through PM by any chance? I hope all is well with you. :D

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Originally posted by OLOL:

Many Somalis had hoped, against all odds, that at least Yeey would see the wisdom in chart-ing a new course to peace following so many years of carnage and destruction.

The old adage remains true here, saaxib: "you cannot teach an old dog new tricks."


How much lower does Somalia have to sink to get the attention of its intellectuals and conscious sons and daughters to come to her rescue?

Believe it or not, Somalia is not at the bottom yet. The bottom will come when neigboring nation states decide to annex it. Besides, intellectuals don't function very well in failed states. They are at their best in functioning ones. Intellectualism precludes the use of violence to advance one's agenda. In other words, intellectuals will not come to the aid of Somalia. I'm not really sure who will.

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Thank God that this is the cyber world and not the streets of Somalia.


Sky, I guess you and some other die-hard Yeey cheerleader are not worthy to reason with. And what is with the toadying names all ending with OOWS? Are you trying to actually lampoon certain folks here? a clannish up-bringing will never ever disappoint!


And how come you side me with your nightmare nemises HAG? well, if that is the way some loonies think, then I don't have to disassociate me with the eluded group. They are at least levelheaded and rational people to engage with and challenge.


Fidel I do agree with you here, but at the risk of butchering the rich Somali prose, ... let me turn to a Somali adage to drive home the point you have made " Ileeyn bahal caadadiis ma baajo oo ceeriin cunka ma daayo"

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Olol there is amusing hypocrisy then again there is annoying hypocrisy. Have you ever heard of start in your own backyard?

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Horn, Somalia is my backyard! I guess here i am the only one that couldn't be pinned to a particular region or background what duplicty and hypocrisy are you accusing me? clannish people will always assume things....


Just let me remind you that such suggestion of insolence or predictable clannish reaction are an excuse of a defeatist looking for gratification and pity from certain circles. get your afterthoughts togather and liberate yourself from this charade of false assumptions.

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^^Predictable. Though I probably despise the said "warlord" more then you, I am now, according to you, responding to this thread in a bid of solidarity with the said man under the guise of our " defeatedness" alluding to our clan-family participation? :confused:


How pitiful! How blackened thy heart!

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Horn; Again you let me down as usual!


I should have been more careful with my wording and using that sensitive " defeatist" word for it sub-consciously touched some tender chord!! sorry for the distress it has caused...i didn't mean it that way .... and no matter what others should not never defend a disgraced warlord...

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^^What way did you mean it? Or maybe you were looking for my solidiarity with you in the guise of...what? ..the JVA? :D Balaayo anagaa aragnay! Is that what you ment when you said I was looking for "gratification and pity from certain circles"? Possibly the Puntland cicle?! :D


For what reason I ask you? smile.gif

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Originally posted by Sky:

Typical HAG propaganda. With this title, I was expecting a topic about Caato, Qanyare, Yalaxow, Kuusow, Shuluqow, Yabarow, Xabashow, Jilicow etc. How foolish of me.

How is the above propaganda, dude? Are you saying Abdullahi Yuusuf is:

  • A dog that can learn new tricks
  • A dog that cannot learn new tricks
  • Not a dog
  • OLOL
Clarify it for me brah.

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Horn , give us a break bro, you support the late General Barre and yet you insult the elected President of Somalia Mr Yusuf


Olol, my dear boy who was defeated and who won? In defeat do you mean for example that Horn and I, are refugees in the west, in exile? Then why are you here with us Mr Winner?


In winning do the VICTORS happen to enjoy a better life standard and quality of life than the supposed lossers? If so what empiracle evidance do you bring to the table?


Somalia is tired of roadblocks, drug dealers, qad chewing fake wadaads. It yearns for government and Abdullahi Yusuf is here for the rescue..


We salute Mr President. Keep them crying

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Jenaraale Duke, my support/opposition to late president is not up for graps. It is a matter done with and past behind us. As for the current despot, we support the office of the presidency, but, alas, the office of the presidency is failing us. smile.gif

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^^^ So its ok to support a brutal regime that bombed Somai cities and brought death and destruction to the whole country so long as it is in the past.. Anyhow Mr Yusuf is no despot he is an elected leader and has held the majority of parlimentarians and cabinet officials together. All the while many like you have been praying hard and some even funding the destruction of the new government. Yet its not the President unlike your hero happless Abdiqasin but the warlords and the silly has beens who have lost out in the political game.


Mr Yusuf has out played many..


As for Olol, dont point fingers dear boy its you who quotes HAG and the likes of as credible news sources..

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