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General Duke

New Sharif Hotel Cabinet : Its a joke I tell ya

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Layzie the women you're implying to have a Suuqa Xoolaha Shaahado is an Neurology Surgeon and with a second degree in Chemistry and been educated in France. She speaks fluently in 7 languages and I know parts of her family personally of which all of them are doctors maashalaah. Dont make assumptions pls and am not in anyway related to her but I admire her work she did with with Somali medical students in Russia and Ukraine.

Wacdara, please ha iga qosol siinin.



After I posted lastnight, I did some digging around. You would be happy to know that inaad beenlow tahay waayo, word from one of my habo is that the Islaan was a school mate of another relative, who at the time was a law student, sometime back in early 80s. Graduated from Mogadishu University back in the day but nothing close to a chemistry degree.


On one hand, you are right, she doesn't have a Veterinarian Degree but that does not qualify her to hold the top position in the health department. Waayo, there exist individuals who are far more qualified for the position. I.e the chief of Staff of Madina hospital, a real doctor who has been practicing medicine long before I was born or the countless doctors who treat the sick day and night.'



PS:LOL@neurology surgeon, inaa lillaah waa inaa raajicuun@ wacdaro, iskoolka afmiinshaarnimo aad kabaxde aan umaleynaa. Are you sure islaantaa oo health minister eh inaad ka hadleyso?

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^^^^Layzie G: I know Qamar, she is a clever lady and more qualified than most of the other in the cabinet. She is a patriot as well. However there are many doctors as you said who could run the department. Thous there are many more individuals of both genders who have Business, Management and Finance degrees that could run the Finance department.

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^dukey, my habo said the lady was a member of the previous administration, she was part of adeero's cabinet but taa ka dhaadhacsii ninkani wacdaro ladhaho and his neuro-surgeon spin-off, waayo islaantaan qof kale ayuu ku qaldooyaa.

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^^ So far? Only Duke. :D

But, I see his point. These men/women were not chosen for their ability (in anything governmental) but rather for their political clout (or clannish clout. Though some people would argue the two are the same in Somalia).

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^Thought LazyG was alluding that the chief of staff at Medina Hospital(a doctor)was more qualified than this lady! And Duke agreed at a point. In anyways, you are right about the Somalia's system of government and how the ministerial positions are chosen.


NG, what position would you be qualified for? Just in case a Burcawi is needed, I may be a help!!

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This nonsensical sanctimonious Shiek shar (not sharif) must leave the seat to those who can govern properly. He is not a technocart and the time has come for those with qalin-loox to go to their traditional perchs.


Ina Cabdirashid is trying to do his best, but he is in the wrong company. Meel wadaado jaahilin ah ay isugu marxabeeyan oo shaah caddays ah ku cabban buu dhex fadhiya. Somalia will go nowhere with people like Sharif. Waxan meesha hala dhaafiyo. Foolxumadii buu maamul xumo iyo nepotism'na ku darsaday. Useless!

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War kani meela uma socdo adeer. Xogtiisa waan soo helay. Villa Somalia unbaa salaada la isu xajiyaa oo qosol iyo waynu guulaysanay la yidhaa isaga iyo inta la taagta ah.


He has no idea of what governance is all about. One single day, wax policy ah iyo wax milestones ah uu ka hadlayo arki maysid. Wiilkii wax qaban lahaana wuu wareeriyay oo kaalay Ataxiyaadka ila xaji siduu u lahaa buu wakhtigiiu dhafiyey.


The other day this President was there to put the laurel on a junior Ugandese officer. I mean do you need him there? Muu Wasiiro hoose ku daayo. You know why he is there. His clan advisors baa ku yidhi "rer-hebel (pirates) gaal xaggi yayana dib inooga marin.". Wuuba waashay wuxu.

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Originally posted by Faarax-Brawn:

quote:Originally posted by General Duke:

It makes no sense, Omaar was on the most part one of the best and most consistant of the Hotel government.


Its a shame, that he is moved and the likes of Ibbi, Sakin are still kept.

So you do not like the new FM>?


Here,you were happy:
Poor FARAH Brown as ever basic understanding of a simple statement eludes him, my positive perception of Mr Jangeli has nothing to do with this, nor did Mr Omaar figure in my past comment on the Jangeli, since he was not even in Somali politics at the time.


You need to do better research on the subject of Duke, who fascinates you.


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^^^I still like Jangeli adeer, though Omaar was doing a good job and should not have been demoted while the likes of Sharif Xasan, Ibbi, and AbdiShakur who tried to sell our sea to Kenya retain their posts.


Farah Brown go do more Duke research that was terrible.

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