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Ra’iisul wasaare Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo Ra’iisul wasaaraha Jabuuti oo saacad ka hor ka degay Garoonka diyaaradaha ee Addis ababa


Labada Ra’iisul wasaare ee Soomaaliya iyo Jabuuti ayaa waxay goor dhaw ka dageen Garoonka diyaaradaha ee Addis ababo ee dalka Itoobiya, halkaas oo ugu bilaabatay booqasho Maalmo yar ah oo ay ku joogi doonan Itoobiya.


Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa booqasho in ka badan 24 saac ku joogay dalka Jabuuti ayaa intii uu jabuuti joogay kulan gaar ah la yeeshay Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaaciil cumar Geelle, waxana la filaya in caawa Addis ababo kula kulmo Ra’iisul wasaaraha Itoobiya Meles Zanawi.


Geeddi ayaa diyaarada ka qaaday dalka Jabuuti waxa la saaranaa Ra’iisul wasaaraha Jabuuti Daleyd Axmed Daleyd iyo xubno kale oo ka tirsan Dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya.


Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa inta uu jooga Addis ababa waxaa uu booqan doona Xaruunta Midowga afrika, isagoo berito ugu sii gudbi doona Xaruunta dalka Uganda.


Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

Midnimo Information Center

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Madaxweynaha kenya iyo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Itoobiyo oo Maanta dood ka yeelan doona arrimaha dalka soomaaliya.


Booqasho saddex maalmood qaadan doonto ayaa Maanta waxaa dalka Itoobiya ugu bilaabatay Madaxweynaha dalka Kenya Mwai Kibaki, isagoo inta uu halkaas jooga kulamo la yeelan doona Ra’iisul wasaaraha Itoobiya Mr Meles Zanawi kadibna uu Madaxweyne Kibaki khudbad u jeedin doona xubnaha Guddiga Ammaanka ee Midowga Afrika.


Wadahadallada ay yeelan doonaan madaxweynaha wadanka Kenya Mwai Kibaki iyo raiisal wasaaraha dalka Itoobiya Melez Zenawi ayaa waxaa la sheegay inay kaga wadahadli doonaan sidii loo adkayn lahaa ammaanka xadka ay labada dal wadaagaan iyo sidii Itoobiya ay ugu suurto geli lahayd inay isticmaasho dekeda Mombaza ee dalka Kenya, iyo sidii loo damaanad qaadi lahaa ilaalinta deganaansha gobolka


Madaxweynaha Kenya Mwai kibaki ayaa marka uu la kulmo Meles Zanawi waxaa la filayaa in si wada jir ah ah war ugu soo saaraan arrimaha dalka soomaaliya, sidoo kale Madaxweyne Kibaki marka uu la kulmo Guddiga ammaanka Afrika war ka soo saaro aragtada Kenya ama mowqifka Kenya ciidamada la keenayo soomaaliya.


Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

Midnimo Information Center

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Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga ee dalka Uganda Mr. Amama Mbabazi ayaa difaacay doorka iyo awooda ciidamada Uganda ee la keenayo dalka Somalia


Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga ee dalka Uganda Mr. Amama Mbabazi ayaa difaacay doorka iyo awooda ciidamada Uganda ee la keenayo dalka Somalia isagoo sheegay in ciidamadaasi ay yihiin kuwo awood u leh inay ka soo baxaan hawsha loo diro,sidaas si la mid ahna horey guulo badan u keenan Shacabka Uganda.


Mr. Mbabazi wuxuu sheegay in Uganda aysan waxba la ahayn haddii ay Somalia ugu deeqdo 60,000 ee askari ee loo qorsheeyay dalka sharci la’aantu ka jirto ee Somalia,Mbabazi wuxuu yiri “waxaanu guulo ka soo hoyinay hawlgallo aanu ka soo qabanay dalalka Congo iyo Rwanda, sidaasi darteed haddii ay jiraan meela kale oo naloo ka yeerayo maxaa inaga horj ooga inaan hawlgal ka fulino.â€


Saraakiil sar sare oo militari oo ka socda wadamada Bariga Africa ayaa waxaa uu kulan socon doona 7 maalmood uu uga socdaa magalada Entebe ee dalka Uganda, si ay u dejiyaan qaabka loo waajihi doono hawlgalka nabad ilaalineed ee la doonayo in lagu sameeyo dalka Somalia,waxaana la filayaa in Saraakiishaas maalinta Jimcaha Wasiirada Gaashandhiga warbixintooda u soo gudbiyaa.


Jeneraal Aronda Nyakirima oo ah Shir Guddoonka shirka Saraakiisha IGAd isla markaana ah Taliyaha Ciidamada Uganda ayaa wariyeyaasha u sheegay in Uganda ay hido iyo dhaqan u leedahay inay gacan siiso dalalka deriskeeda ah, wuxuuna sheegay in Uganda ay ka soo bixi doonto kaalinta kaga aadan nabad ku soo dabaalida dalka Somalia ay walaalaha yihiin waa sida uu hadalka u dhigay


Wasiirka Gaashandhiga Soomaaliya ayaa isna sheegay inay ka war suagayaan warka shirka saraakiisha Igad ayna adag tahay inay ka hordhacaan natiijada shirkaas.


Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

Midnimo Information Center

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Press Statement

Richard Boucher, Spokesman

Washington, DC

March 3, 2005



Somalia: Restoration of Governance


The United States values the leadership of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development and the African Union in establishing the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia. The United States strongly supports the establishment of a functioning central government in Somalia capable of bringing the Somali people out of this long period of civil conflict and addressing the international community’s concerns regarding terrorism.


The Transitional Federal Government is now at a crossroads. We urge the Transitional Federal Government to quickly address the challenging tasks of relocating to Somalia and beginning a gradual process of establishing effective governance. The Transitional Federal Government can only establish legitimacy within Somalia through a process of peace and reconciliation, not through force of arms. The Transitional Federal Government can only succeed with the full support of the Somali people through the establishment of national administration and provision of services to the Somali people. We hope the Transitional Federal Government will reach out to all Somalis, religious or secular in orientation, who disavow the use of violence.


The United States shares the concerns of the international community and many Somalis regarding the introduction of foreign troops into Somalia. The African Union and Inter-Governmental Authority on Development would likely play an important role in a peace support mission for Somalia at the appropriate time. Such a mission, however, must be carefully evaluated and have the support of the Somali people. In order to support this process, all nations must honor the United Nations arms embargo for Somalia.


Somalia’s neighbors have legitimate national interests that are best protected by the successful establishment of a stable and effective central government in Somalia; however, any external force should exclude troops from those countries. To include troops from neighboring countries at this time could pose an insurmountable obstacle to the Transitional Federal Government’s ability to gain the support and trust of the Somali people due to the perception within Somalia that some neighboring countries may be biased towards one or more elements of the Transitional Federal Government.


We urge all Somalis involved in the creation of a new Somali government to focus on the needs of the Somali people while respecting the peace, governance and security that exists in areas not currently participating in the reconciliation process. We hope all Somali participants will continue their efforts towards the reestablishment of effective governance in Somalia through a sustained process of reconciliation and dialogue. It is in the interest of the international community to support the establishment of regional stability and the peaceful return of governance to Somalia.


This is GOOD NEWS for us (Somalis)..........


Go figure:..............

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