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Warrior of Light

Prayer of Glorification-Salat Tasbeeh

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Prayer of Glorification


Salat Tasbeeh


Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wasallam) said to Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib:

"O Abbas, my uncle! Shall I not make a present to you ? Shall I not make a gift to you ? Shall I not infrom you ? Shall I not produce in you ten virtues when you will do that, Allah will forgive your sins, its first and its last, its past and its present, its involuntary and its voluntary, its small and its great, its secret and its open.

(That is): You should pray four (4) rakats reading in each rakat the Opening of the Book (Sura Fatiha) and a sura.

When you become free from reading in the first rakat while you are standing, you shall utter 15 times "Subhan Allah-e-Wa-Al Hamd-o-lillah-e-Wala-Ilaha-Ilallaho-Wallaho-Akbar" [Glory to be Allah and All Praise is for Allah and There is no deity but Allah and Allah is the Greatest];


then you shall bow down and utter it 10 times while you are in bowing;

next you shall raise up your head from bowing and utter it 10 times;

next you shall prostrate down and utter it 10 times while you are in prostration;

next you shall raise up your head from prostration and utter it 10 times;

next you shall prostrate down again and utter it 10 times in prostration;

next you shall raise up your head and utter it ten times.

And that will be 75 times in each rakat. You shall do it in the four rakats.

If you are able to pray it once in every day, do so; and if you are unable to do so then once in every week; if you are (still) unable to do so, then once in every month; if you are still unable to do so them once in a year; if you are (still) unable to do so, then once in your life.

Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Tirmizi narrated a similar Hadith from Abu Rafe and Baihaqi narrated this Hadith in Dawat-ul-Kabir. Hadith No.1252 of Mishkat Al-Masabih.





Illustration: There are seven postures in a rakat of Salat, in Salat Tasbeeh you need to utter 75 times "Subhan Allah-e-Wa-Al Hamd-o-lillah-e-Wala-Ilaha-Ilallaho-Wallaho-Akbar" in each rakat.


Glory to be Allah and all Praise is for Allah and there is no deity but Allah and Allah is the Greatest.

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Mansha'allah Abaayo, I have being trying to find info Tasbeeh prayer because I was unsure of the # of Rakkat. Someone told it was 2 and another 4, so I was confused anyway Mahadsanid and may allah reward you.

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