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Sanaag Predicament...

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Laakiin Somaliland Dhahar maxaa loogu sheegay horta?


:D:D war meesha dheeman aa lagusheegay miyaa. Horta ciidamadii cadde muuse meesha kaeryay meeye, Raayale mayiskaqabtaan?

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mr. me,


Eastern Sanaag is the place I am talking about.




lool@ bisinka, inan yar baan ku mooday...lool

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loooool@ Dafoorqiiq...ahaha,


Waryaa Nabadhshe, dadkani ma run bay yaqaanan. I know Somalialnd websites exaggerate as well, laakin some Puntland sites, I have to say man o man. They stated exactly like that, that the Pland troops were nearing Ceerigabo.

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Badda cas i know they are both outrageous the other day i read some website fom somaliland and i was amazed how they got mixed up and in the news details they talked of Daroor instead of dhahar. How unprofessional?. The other one just look at this.


Magaalada Ceerigaabo ayaa waxaa ka jira cabsi weyn iyadoo ay jiraan dad ka qaxaya magaalada taasina ay dheertahay in ciidamo Galbeedka ka imanaya ay magaalada kusoo qul qulayaan.



Waxaanu dhowaan isku deyeynaa inaan wareysano odayaal dhaqmeedka beelaha wada dega magaalada Ceerigaabo hadii eebo weyne idmo.




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I predicate my reasons on a short-term recovery of the political and social crisis. The U.N policy guidelines advise against the disruptions of the access to aid in the midst of war. Neither Puntland nor Somaliland has what it takes to divert attention and resources to this region but it is the stooges I have censured in my remarks. There are a number of local NGOs whose scale of operation is limited because almost all of them rely on external funding from foreign NGO partners who are subsidized by government funds as important actors in international politics. The lack of a clear policy in the region by organizations of the U.N complicates the issues and hinders the capacity of governance mechanisms to tackle the problems inherent in the deficiency of security, indirect liaison to aid, and social services. However, the U.N is not against the establishment of governance institutions, but anytime grassroots activities aspire to this objective basis, it is firstly the stooges who impose constraints. Therefore, I detest with the utmost degree the desperate attempt to incorporate Sanaag and Sool into either entity, which allows them to rob people of their initiatives.


It is time we overcome the faults of the stooges and emasculate them into loyalists of their own interest and people.


An interesting development confirms my stated conviction of the two entities and their respective threat to the region. Puntland has appointed an exclusive council for the defense of Puntland--because representatives and military colonels of the people Sanaag are seen by Puntland as a threat to its existence.




Beelaha G/Sanaag oo ka biyo diidey Guddida loo magcaabay Difaaca Puntland, kadib markii xubnaha Saraakiisha laga qadiyey.


Garowe:- Beesha Gobolka Sanaag ayaa si toos ah uga hortimi gudida loo magacaabey iney difaacdo deegaanada Puntland kadib markii aan Saraakiisha Ciidanka iyo guud ahaanba gudida laga qadiyey xili Gobolka Sanaag ay ka jiraan olele dagaal kadib markii ay Somaliland ciidamo keentey.


Beesha Sanaag ayaa aad uga carootey in deegaankoodii oo laga difaacayo in aan masuuliyiinta lagu darin iyadoo rag saraakiil ku magcaaban oo deegaano aad uga fogna lagu darey gudida, waxayna Reer Sanaag u arkeen meel ka dhac iyadoo ay hada ciidamada Beeshu ay heegankii ugu weynaa ay ku jiraan.


Masuuliyiin ka tirsan Beesha ayaa waxay ku tilmaameen go'aankan ay qaadatey Puntland mid meel ka dhac ah iyadoo taasi ku tusineyso in Hogaanka maamulka Puntland uu marin habaabsan yahay.


Khilaafkan ayaa lagu hawlan yahay in si deg deg ah loo xaliyo si aysan xalkana beeshu waxay u aragtaa in gudida dib u habeyn lagu sameeyo.



Source: Laasqoray

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