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Ina Yusuf Geedi Urgently Called to Addis Ababa

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Somalia: 3 Top Govt. Officials Urgently Called in Addis Ababa




The speaker of Somalia's parliament sheikh Adan Madobe has announced on Wednesday, that three senior officials of Somalia's government have received an official invitation from Ethiopia government and AU officials in the Ethiopian capital Addis-Ababa which is also the headquarter of AU.


As he was speaking at parliament session in the headquarter of Somalia's parliament in south-central trading town of Baidoa, he said that this move comes amid political battle between president Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and his premier Ali Mohamed Gedi.


Mr. Madobe has announced in front of the parliamentary session that the meeting would be delayed until Saturday.


Some reports say that the Ethiopian Authorities would try resolving the polical crises between the top government official.


It would be the first attempt to mediate the political dispute between the Prime minister Ali Mohamed Gedi and president Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed after the government authorities could not able to solve the political thunderous disagreements with in the transitional federal government of Somalia.


The parliament comes to a complete halt as the head of the government obeys urgently the call of the boss, Meles, to his not-so-fun office in Addis. When is Riyaale or Cadde's turn? In just few more weeks? When the boss summons, there's no other choice but to obey it. Ka cabso bosska.

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give it couple of days and both will there 2. kuwaan aa dad moodeen rag and wanna tell me that this bunch of morans are leaders.


i am so pissed that i gotta watch an amxaar piss on my country through these tugs. i wont mind busting a cap on their empty foreheads.

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