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Ethiopia - Tony Blair dissing Meles Zenawi

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Tony Blair's honeymoon with Meles Zenawi is over. As the Guardian puts it, the countries that Mr. Blair is not visiting on his final tour is instructive. It is indeed instructive. Blair does not want to end his legacy with a tarnished image. What is more damaging than being considered a close associate of Ethiopia's dictator Meles Zenawi.

Meles And Blair

Here is the excerpts from The Guardian


After Washington, it is Africa's turn to bid farewell to Tony Blair. His parade started in Libya yesterday, will gather steam in Sierra Leone and will finish in South Africa. Libya's abandonment of its nuclear programme must count as a coup for British intelligence and diplomacy, and the military intervention in Sierra Leone in 2000 was equally decisive. Mr Blair can safely bask in the reflected glow of both success stories.


But a look at the countries that Mr Blair is not visiting on his final tour is instructive. Ethiopia, the country where Mr Blair launched his campaign against poverty, is off the itinerary. The shine has worn off its prime minister, Meles Zenawi, a member of Mr Blair's Commission for Africa, after elections two years ago ended in mass arrests and Ethiopian tanks rumbled into Somalia to oust the Islamic Courts, opening fire on civilians in Mogadishu. There will be no visit to Uganda either, after its president Yoweri Museveni, another Africa commission member, changed the constitution to remain in power indefinitely. Both leaders found it easier to talk about the principles of good governance for other countries than actually applying them to their own.

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Tony Blair is not dissing Zenawi but is afraid for his own skin. The Ethiopian government has been accused of committing war crimes in Somalia and individuals within that government may face indictments for these crimes.


Tony Blair, a war criminal not unlike Meles himself, risks further tarnishing an already blood-stained legacy by associating with a universally acknowledged rogue regime in Ethiopia.


His lawyers must have done their homework to steer him clear of Zenawi.

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waxan maqli jiray naaraha waay kala ashahaataan.. hada maskax-kudhiiglayaasha/gacan kudhiiglayaasha/tuugadu isma arki karaan waa in aay kala leexleexdaan gas la isu siiyo nooh.

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