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Waba Baryay Bilicsaan Arooryo Baxsaan Maliin...!

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A new dawn and era is about down on Somali politics, now this guys might not have the International opinion weight behind them, but certainly they have the hearts and minds of millions of Somalis. And it is the latter that counts in their job specification. Inshallah somewhere in the near future they will yield the support of the former when someone recognises that they are genuine, capable and true leaders. It is this task that they have to work on now - tell the World that they are a better alternative to the Xabashi stooges - the TFG


Gudoomiye iyo G/ku-xigeenka Isbahaysiga Xoreynta iyo dib u soo Nooleynta Soomaaliya oo lagag dhawaaqay Shirka Asmara.


Beerdhiga 12.09.2007 19:37


Golaha dhexe ee isbahaysiga Xoreynta iyo dib u soo Nooleynta Soomaaliya ayaa galabta ku dhawaaqay gudoomiyaha isbahaysiga iyo ku-xigeenkiisa koowaad.


Sheekh shariif sheekh axmed ayuu goluhu u doortay in uu noqdo gudoomiyaha isbahaysiga Xoreynta iyo dib u soo Nooleynta Soomaaliya.


Gudoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee isbahaysiga ayaa isna waxa loo doortay shariif xasan sheekh aadam oo ahaa gudoomiyihii golaha baarlamaanka xorta ah.


golaha dhexe oo maanta lagu kordhiyay 40 xubnood oo hor leh ayaa wali wada doorashada gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaad iyo xoghayaha guud ee golaha isbahaysiga.


Shabakada Beerdhiga waxa ay idiin balanqaadeysaa in ay sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan idin kugu soo gudbiso xubnaha lagu wado in goordhaw lagu dhawaaqo iyo waliba warbixinta guud ee shirka maanta.


Shabakadda Beerdhiga waxa ay akhristayaasheeda sharafta badan uga cudurdaaranaysaa dib dhica uga yimaada dhinaca wararka shirka asmara taas oo ay sabab u tahay xiriirka isgaarsiinta oo xun awgii.

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but certainly they have the hearts and minds of millions of Somalis.

Certainly thats not the case but for you Juje, it's may...


Where do u get your statistics from? What evidence do you have that the semi-wadaads plus secular politicians and former drug merchants's meeting draw much popular support than any other entity in the country? Perhaps your millions is just 1+1 = 10001...


Even Most of former UIC sympathysers that I know do not support this,...

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^Your point?


Read again my comment and pose a question if you have any, remember always focus on the topic, the sign of a healthy depate.

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My point is the ICU enjoyed the majority of the support from Somalis all over the world. This made them successful in cleaning Mogadishu from the warlords and creating somekind of peace in those area they controlled.


The tfg doesn't have that support and thus they needed an external power to help them defeat the ICU ...............

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^Thus this topic is not a bout ICU and neither the group in Asmara represnt the ICU, they are former clan loyalits, former TFG members, few ICU faces, former drug lords and other remnants of Arta, the likes of Jama Ali Jama and Galaydh, so tell me what's so ICU about this, and what sort of popular support do they have, remember most of them were chased out of their towns by their people...

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^Thus this topic is not a bout ICU and neither the group in Asmara represnt the ICU,

And you want to be considered seriously and question other facts.

Saxiibo ha ii dembajiin please.

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I know they are collection of many groups with different backgrounds and history.


As long as they chose Sh. Sharif to be the chairman then the ICU is the head at least for the moment.


some of them like H Aydeed is the one who brought the amxaaros in the country and now pretending to be the one liberating Somalia.

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Ethiopia came to destroy the Eritrean's, ormo's who were supporting the clan courts.


Also there seems to be a dispute in the Asmara tea party. All is not well. Sharif Xasan and his group want to become heads, while Sharif Ahmed and his group want to be the head. Its a farce. Lets enjoy it.

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