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President Rayale visits Tog Wajale, Arabsiyo, Gabilay and Kala Baydh

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Hargeisa (QARAN)-The President of Somaliland, Mudane Dahir Rayale Kahin today made an unannounced inspection on the following projects;


The New bridge currently under construction in Hargeisa.

The Hargiesa Power plant.

The Gabilay Hospital project.

The Gabilay Municipality office.

The customs and border office in Kala Baydh.


President Rayale also made a visit to the town of Tog Wajale and was welcomed to the town by the Mayor, senior members of the local council, the elders and general public of town.


Abdi Saleban Hersi, a community elder, formally welcomed the President to the area and praised the efforts on the Somaliland government on its recent internal and external victories. Abdi Saleban stated that Tog Wajale is a town which brings together a lot of diverse peoples from the region, and its imperative that the Somaliland government undertakes projects to improve the local facilities, primarily Water and Health.


In response, President Rayale thanked the people of Tog Wajale for their warm welcome and assured the residents of the area, that the Somaliland government will soon complete the water project intended for Tog Wajale and its surrounding area. Mudane Rayale praise the residents of the region for their efforts to maintain peace and security in such a strategic part of the country. The President also encouraged the business community to invest in local projects.


President Rayale also paid a visit to the town of Arabsiyo for a luncheon with the local community. After the luncheon, President Rayale addressed brief remarks to the residents of the area and congratulated them on the many projects under way there. Mudane Rayale also thanked the community for their support of the Somaliland government 's efforts to secure international recognition and maintain the path towards democracy.


President Rayale was accompanied on his inspection by several members of cabinet, the Somaliland representative to Norway and members of the Somaliland overseas communities.





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Jb, Somaliland ayaad ku wajaqday ma is tiri.



Riyaale is full of Sh*t. He compeletly abandoned his poeple here Ma asagaa waligiis Awdal booqday. It seems like in Cunaha la hayo Habaar qabe.

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why do you ignore them?????



January 31, 2008 - 13:43

Wake up, Mr. President. Wake up!



Nin daar ku jiraa, duufaan ma arkoo

Deegaankiyo, duurku waw nabadoo

Dugsiga aqalkaa, illayn dagayee

Dadkii dhimaye, Daahirow toos


Dabaylaha guban, ka doodiyayaa

Docdaaday iman, daaduunkooduye

Intaan duulaan, dermeda kuu rarin

Dadkii dhimaye, Daahirow toos


Qaylaa la diraa, durbaan la tumaa

Oo deeq iyo kaalmo, loo dalbadaa

Kuwaa diqimdidu, dalkooda heshee

Dad iyo duunyaba, dun go’a joogiyo

Miyaanad dareemin, daranyada.


Wake up, Mr. President. Wake up! Don’t be deceived by your cozy palace, the luxurious sofas and the glorification by your lackeys. No Mr. President, if your cronies tell you everything is fine and people are enjoying their life, it is not true. Sometimes, Mr. President you need to stretch your legs and go out walking in the countryside. It is not only good for your health, but it is good for your governance. Because, Mr. President, you will find the truth, the naked truth. The truth that thousands of nomadic people, living from Jidhi to Cali Xaydh, have lost their entire herds in devastating rains and cold waves of weather that hit the area. Tens of people have lost their sight, while many others are suffering from hypothermia. These people, Mr. President, are still in the mercy of nature. Just like sitting ducks, they are waiting nature to decide their fate. They have no clothes, no shelter, nowhere to seek refugee. Their children, suckling mothers and elderly people have nothing to eat and nothing to protect them from the biting cold and torrential rains.


But the irony, Mr President, is that these people have been the backbone of the country’s economy for decades and will continue to be if they survive this catastrophe. It is because of their livestock, their goats, sheep and camels, that you enjoy your opulent salary and affluent lifestyle. These people rarely complain, Mr. President, because they are content with their Spartan life and rely on their labor and their animals. They generously give their milk and meat. And we say give because the labor and energy they put in rearing their livestock are more costly than the price they get when they sell them in local markets. But it is the value of their livestock that fills your coffers. You know Mr. President that your government cannot survive without these nomads’ goats and sheep. When you meet foreign dignitaries you boast of the country’s livestock wealth. This much you know, Mr. President, and you have the right to brag about the livestock that the Almighty has bestowed on our people. But you have to know, Mr. President that livestock do not breed in the wilderness. It is the nomads who breed them and devote their lives, generations after generations to spare them from extinction. This is how they support our economy and keep you and your ministers in power.


But why do you ignore them, Mr. President, when natural disasters strike them? It is baffling to us Mr. President, how patriotic and active you become when someone makes negative comments about your rule or about your political stances but you lose all zest when natural disasters devastate large swathes of your people.


We wonder, Mr. President, whether you are at all aware that you are a President of a nation. It is natural, Mr. President, for such amnesia, such indifference, to happen when a president stays in power for a long time. He ends up seeing only the walls of his palace. So please, Mr. President, step out of your Presidential prison before it is too late and enquire about the condition of your citizens. Go to the countryside and talk to the people shivering in the mountains of Guban, take blankets and food with you and make them feel that you are their leader and you care about them.


Do not tell us that you have no funds. You have, Mr. President, because we know that you give thousands of dollars to your cronies to buy their loyalties. Only a fraction of the outrageous amounts that you extravagantly splurge on your supporters will be enough to the nomads. You do not have to even dig into your pockets and treasures, Mr. President; all you need is to appeal to our businessmen and to the international community for help. You need only to shout and tell the world that your people are suffering. We do not understand why that is so difficult for you to do, Mr. President. It is nearly one month since the catastrophe struck the Guban people and you have yet to say a word. Wake up, Mr. President, before the Tsunami of the Hungry and homeless people storms your palace. Look at history, Mr. President. Remember if you eat cakes, thousands of your people who have put you there are sending their children to sleep on empty stomachs and you have failed to even issue an appeal on their behalf. Wake up, Mr President. Wake up! Dadkii Dhimaye, Daahirow Toos.





© 2008 Awdalnews Network

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February 02, 2008 - 01:22

Awdal region in state of emergency!! Why Somaliland Gov’t is neglecting ?



It is has been 20 long days of suffering for the victims of the natural disaster, a major catastrophe that devastated a large area covering all the districts of Awdal region. Human lives are at stake, woman children & elderly are on the verge of death with no food, shelter or medicine for all this time.


On the 13th of January 2008, devastating natural disaster befell on a vast area in the Awdal region. Frozen rain & hail storms with speed exceeding a 100 km/hour hit the region for several days. This sudden weather change, made the temperature fall below -20ºC (-4ºF) and killed about hundreds of thousands of livestock including, sheep, goats and camels. As well as, wild live animals estimated over 100, 000. This is just an estimate of the early report & pictures that came out unofficially from the affected areas in the districts of Zeila, Lughaya and Baki. But there are inaccessible mountainous areas which are affected most but we have yet to get an official report.


The death toll of human lives is estimated to be very high because, children, woman and elderly in the area couldn’t survive in such disaster that killed camels & wild lives and those survived as reported, their skin swelled excessively & ruptured, a mysteries symptoms that needs an autopsy. Mental disorders, blindness & hearing loss, is also common among the survivors. Thousands of the survivors who lived in the area are displaced, lost all their long life belongings and assets (entire livestock) and left only with what they have on their backs and are trying to come into terms of what happened! It is highly likely the breakout of epidemic diseases such as cholera because of hundreds of thousands of carcasses scattered all over the devastated area and may spread contagious diseases to the neighboring areas.


It is shameful, outrageous & in human that Somaliland gov’t is indifferent so far not sending any emergency humatrian relief or at least an emergency crew to find out what has happened, as well, make an appeal to the world for emergency humanitarian aid. Awdal region should be declared in state of emergency. The governments should help its citizens in emergency cases otherwise those responsible should resign.


It is only the most hard-hearted could fail to be moved by scenes of human misery and destruction. (Please look at the attached pictures). The following poets were moved by the devastation and human misery.


Bashir Goth’s poem cum editorial, wake up call to the President Wake up, Mr. President, Wake up” on 31/01/08 on Editors view of Awdal Network News & XILKAS AADMI by Maxamuud Cabdilahi Rooble , “Gabay in xeebta loo gurmado ka hadlaya”, in Borama Network News dated 25/01/08, which is also wakeup call for the people in the region to help as no other help was coming.


Thanks to the people of Awdal region who are donating of what little they have to the victims of the disaster at designated mosques collection areas & the regional authority for the awareness of the disaster. Many people abroad have contributed and collections are going on in response to the appeals posted in some websites by concerned charities and individuals.


Let us define what a disaster is if we have any doubts to learn our lesson after this. There are several definitions of the word ‘disaster’, but the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs defines it as ‘an event that has occurred unexpectedly with destructive consequences’ (UNOCHA 2005). The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies define it as ‘a calamitous event resulting in loss of life, great human suffering and distress, and large scale material Natural disasters

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SL government poor itself...It does not have the capability of making everyone's life comfortable. The country is still struggling and fighting to get recognized...

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Campaigning for what? :rolleyes: People are dying. He is trying to win the hearts of some while ignoring his own people. Malaha Cunahaa la hayaadii ayaa un ah

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Originally posted by -*Xidigo*-:

Campaigning for what? :rolleyes: People are dying. He is trying to win the hearts of some while ignoring his own people. Malaha Cunahaa la hayaadii ayaa un ah

What do you expect this poor country to do? Those that live well in SL made themselves that way.


Can another leader help improve this situation, if so in what way?

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LooooL@cunaha la hayaa.


Sanadka maanta dad badanaa cunaha ceego la hayaaa oo xabadka looga taagan yahay abbaa.


:D @ Kala Baydh, is that a city name?

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Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

quote:Originally posted by -*Xidigo*-:

Campaigning for what? :rolleyes: People are dying. He is trying to win the hearts of some while ignoring his own people. Malaha Cunahaa la hayaadii ayaa un ah

What do you expect this poor country to do? Those that live well in SL made themselves that way.


Can another leader help improve this situation, if so in what way?
Country?? :rolleyes: Please.. waa bilaa country. The day you let go that stooge will be the last day for this so call Somaliland.



You are right Che, he is another stooge.

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