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Hu accepts credentials from ambassadors

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Hu accepts credentials from ambassadors

- Sunday, January 01, 2006 at 15:44



Chinese President Hu Jintao accepted the credentials presented by the first ambassador to China from Grenada since the two countries resumed diplomatic ties and by other 11 new ambassadors to China on Wednesday.


China and Grenada resumed diplomatic ties in January, 16 years after such relations broke off due to that the Caribbean island country established diplomatic ties with Chinese Taiwan Province.


The Grenadian ambassador is Joslyn White man, who arrived in Beijing on Nov. 23.


The other ambassadors include: Djamel Eddine Grine from the Democratic People's Republic of Algeria, Fatmir Xheladini from the Republic of Macedonia, Antti Kuosmanen from the Republic of Finland and Abdulla A-Rahman Hussain AL-Muftah from the State of Qatar.


They also include: Rashid Olimov from the Republic of Tajikistan, Charles Mumbala Nzanku from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Boubakar Adamou from the Republic of Niger, Mohamed Ahmed Awil from the Somali Republic, Diab Nemer Mohammed Allouh from the State of Palestine, Ahmad Eklil Hakimi from the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Kamil Suktanov from the Kyrghyz Republic.


Those ambassadors arrived in Beijing in the last three months respectively

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