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Food Aid from Ethiopia ----- Would you Accept it or Not ??

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MOGADISHU, May 14 (Reuters) - Dozens of Ethiopian troops donated food aid for the first time in Mogadishu in a move aimed at winning public support in the chaotic country, witnesses said on Wednesday.


Ethiopian snipers stood by as hundreds of Somalis gathered at the former defence headquarters where the Ethiopians, who are protecting the interim government, are staying.


The soldiers said they bought the 40 bags of cereal with their own money, and distributed it to hundreds of hungry residents -- already struggling with inflation and local traders' rejection of old Somali notes for food purchases.


"This is unprecedented," resident Abdifatah Abdikadir told Reuters. "Ethiopian troops were only known to shoot people. This act of goodwill is the talk of the town. Everyone is wondering what message they are trying pass."


Many Somalis resent the presence of the soldiers from Ethiopia, an ancient rival of Somalia, despite the fact the interim government invited them in to help take control of the capital Mogadishu.


The Ethiopians have also developed a reputation for ruthlessness in quelling violence in one of the world's most dangerous and heavily-armed cities.





Awrala Abdi, an old Somali woman who got some of the food, was happy but cautious:


"We don't know if we will eat this food in peace. Islamist insurgents will not be impressed by this gesture. They might attack the Ethiopians who live across from us and we might die."


Meanwhile, in the southern port city of Kismayu, a woman died and two men were seriously wounded when a guard opened fire on refugees trying to loot food aid, residents said.


The government and their Ethiopian allies are facing a year-old Islamist-led insurgency in the bombed-out Somali capital that has already claimed nearly 7,000 lives and uprooted tens of thousands.


Somalia plunged into anarchy in 1991 after former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted by clan militias. The interim government -- formed in 2004 -- is struggling to assert its authority.

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Gudoomiyaha Odayaasha Dhaqanka Beesha ****** maxamed Xasan xaad ayaa gaashaanka u daruuray Islamrkaana dadka shacabka Uga digay raashin la sheegay in loo qaybiyey dadka Ku dhaqan deegaanka degmada dayniile iyo meelo kale isagoo raashinkaas ay qaybiyeen ciidamada Ethiopia .


Maxamed xasan xaad oo saxaafada la hadlayey ayaa raashinkas oo U badnaa waxoogaa mesago ah ku tilmaamay Mid xaaraan ah islamrkaana ay ciidamada Ethiopia ku sumaynayaan dadka shacabka ah isagoo Cod dheer ku sheegay in Laga feejignaado raashin dambe oo ay Bixiyaan Ciidamada Ethiopia .


Sidoo kale Gudoomiyaha ayaa farta ku Fiiqay in cidamada Ethiopia ay colaad Guun ahi ka dhaxayso Laakiin aysan Jirin wanaag ay u samaynayaan taasoo uu Tilmaamay inay dadka shacabka ah u maleegayaan Siyaasad sun ah oo doonayaan in warbaahinta laga sheego ciidao ethiopian ah ayaa raashin U qaybiyey dadka tabaalaysan .


Xaad Oo Hadaladiisa ay caro Xoogani ka Muuqato ayaa ugu dambayntii Uga digay shacabka soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan kan ku dhaqan Magaalada caasimada Muqdisho inay ka feejignaadaan rashinka Sunta ah ee ay Qaybinayaan Ciidamada Ethiopia oo hore u gaystay xasuuqa waa siduu hadalka u dhigaye .


Hadalka Gudoomiyaha dhaqanka odayasha beesha ****** ayaa kusoo beegmay xili ay Hore Ciidamada Ethiopia Ugu gaysteen Masjidka Al-hidaaya iyo Meelo kale Xasuuq ay ku sameeyeen Culimo-udiin iyo weliba dad shacab ah oo ka madax banaan dagaalada u dhexeeya Xoogaga diidan jogitaanka ethiopianka iyo siyaasada dowlada iyo Ciidamada isku jirka ah ee ethiopia iyo dowlada



Xafiiska Shabkada afnugaal ee muqdisho

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Are you telling us this something new?


And I thought you was an informed one. Sxb xabashidu have been doing this for a long long time.


All the 'border' area's ayee keenaan and waxay deeq siiyaan their clients.


Would you accept kulaha. Ofcourse people should accept. I rather live to fight another day, then to be proud and dead today.

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Yaa Xabshi gaajo ah deeq uga baahan horta!! WFP food oo ay xoog ku rogtaanbay Somalibaan quudinaa inay yidhaahdaan rabaan. Ciil badanaa!!


Famine is a trademark of Ethiopians, and it is an affront to the dignity of Somali's to say Ehtiopia is assisting them. Psychological warfare!

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^It's hard to swallow this news[unfortunate there is no pride when hungry],its absolutely painful experience to watch hungry brothers and sisters in this dire situation..


It's a means to survive for the people!

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