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General Duke

PDF conference a success: US Senator, MN Speaker, UNPOS officials attend: PICS

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Maadeey, ninkaan isbarta horta. His mind has simple pre-packaged classifications of where and what to label each member. A member, according to him, cannot have a personal opinion. He has to parrot whatever his alleged tolka's interests lie. That is his narrow definition.


Marka ha u bixin hadduu xaafadda Bakaaraha mooday meel qabiil gaar ah degto. Dadka aniga camal Isgoyska Bakaaraha kusoo barbaaray u gafooyaa too.

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MMA, maybe the dude is Sharif Sakiin joining SOL, oops that’s not possible since that fellow is illiterate. So welcome to SOL and let's get your comments on the topics and don't be like our MMA who like his hero's seldom understands what's going on and is so full of hate for the Somali people of Puntland that he gets all hot and bothered and ends up only confusing himself. :D

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Shir sannadeedka Golaha Qurbajoogta Puntland oo lagu soo gunaanaday St. Paul / Minneapolis.


Minneapolis, Oct 12 - Shir sannadeedka Golaha Qurbajoogta Puntland oo 3-dii maalmood ee la soo dhaafay ka socday St. Paul / Minneapolis ayaa xalay lagu soo gunaanaday Minneapolis.


Shir sannadeedka oo ay ka soo qayb galeen wufuud kala duwan oo ka kala socota dunida ayaa lagu soo bandhigay xogo, macluumaad iyo daraasaad waxtar u noqon kara qurbajoogta Puntland ee Wo ... [...]

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Originally posted by Maaddeey:

Nassir, hadey saa sheegeysid run tahay maxaa adi, General Duke & Cawke oo tolka eh noogu Post-gareyseen? sug bal aan signature-kaaga fiiriyee- kor u bax- waa roontahay laakiin Xadiiskaas waa fabricated aa la yiriye iska jir!waxaana laga dhedheminaa, Jihaad-diid!

Maaddeey, saxib jihaadka ugu weyn waa tan nafta lala dagaalamo maahan mid aad naftaada ku halaageyso iyo ummad aan waxba galabsan. Tan kale, reading ama cilmiga barashadiisa waa waa wax shay muhiim ah oo Qur'aanka aad loogu xusey. Aayadii ugu horeysey ee Qur'aankeena ayaaba Ilaahey ku amrey nebigeena inuu aqriyo. That surah is all about being in the act of reading and knowing science in the Name of Allah. :D

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This photo intrepets the demographic mix of the conference, true friends of academia: Left an expert in somali literature, a proffesor, and a PHD holder in Nuclear physics.


Abwaan Saciid Saalax, Profesoorka, Dr. Mohamuud Geeldoon (author of the ***** Of LaasBuurGabo)PHD in Nuclear Physics.


Some of Puntlands greatest asset.

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The Goal Inshallah is. Puntland. 2 ports at Bossaso and Las Qoray. Jubbaland under morgan 1 port.


FAI International is building a las canood and badhan airport, which was signed with the italian embassy by the tfg.


After the dust settles, Puntland will have Bossaso, Las canood, Badhan, Garowe, Galkacyo and Inshallah Kismayo If Morgan gets the job done.


The benadiris will have 1 mogadishu port. Galmudug None...sland 1 port.


3 ports, 5 airports...Total Economic Dominance in the federal somalia.

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