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The African Kingdom by Safi Abdi

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The African Kingdom

Safi Abdi

June 3, 2007


The African kingdom represents the dysfunctional sub Sahara Africa, in this context the anarchic Somali maryoolay* kingdom. The kingdom owes its being to the excesses of its rulers, keepers and the exploited lame ducks that populate the kingdom.


Allegorically, African king is the kingdom’s successive witchdoctors that continue to haunt the kingdom. African king has a huge following of cup bearers, doorkeepers, nitwits, bootlickers, warlords, pessimists and anarchists. In short, any entity that serves, supports and carries on and facilities the kingdom’s legacy is a shareholder in the kingdom’s misery, and will be dealt with in this context as king, African king or Traitor; the terms are exchangeable.


African queen symbolizes the kingdom’s other half and her sisters (namely, the children, the weak, and the senior citizens of the soil).


In keeping with the kingdom’s tradition, the African queen suffers daily the boundless ills of the kingdom. Because king is full of himself he never gets to see past the huge shadow he casts over the kingdom.


In the African kingdom

The African queen

holds head high

in the hot air

Life's burdens suspended

in the balance

for she must trek

miles and miles

her thirst never to quench

while her king

in the shadows lounges

as he sways to the numbness

of the day’s desert drums.

Heart unmoved, head empty

Hands folded

a king of kings

in a kingdom of deserters

he sings his tales

to the vast lands

of women alone

and the barefooted brood

bred in the moonlight.

The African king unloads

his manifold ills

on everyone else

but on his highness the king.


And when they look up Africa

they see this man

they see a woman and a child to feed

they see a chimpanzee, a goat or a camel.


And when they turn the page

they pass by the man

shrug off the woman

close eyes on the child

and take pictures of the chimpanzee.


When they look again

they feel sorry for the goat

shake head at the camel

cut a corner and reiterate the African story.


Since that fateful coup of 1969, the African queen has been totally obliterated from the kingdom’s map and remains to this day and age at the receiving end of this kingdom’s selfishness. The queen is blindfolded, she is not supposed to think, she is not supposed to be seen or heard, and it’s forbidden for her to even ask where she’s being led.


Unsurprisingly, the king is laid up from the burden of running the kingdom and he has no clue about the extent of his idiocy. It’ll be hard to fathom for one who has never been fed on garbage to stomach what the queen has had for dinner, lunch and breakfast for as long as she can remember. A break down of the queen’s main diet at any given date or place should shed some light on the kingdom’s moldy nature:


  • Tyranny;
  • Corruption and emptied national coffers;
  • Disinterest in God-given resources;
  • Violation of women and children’s rights;
  • Wholesale death and destruction of her nation;
  • Racism against fellow citizens and violation of their basic human rights;
  • Synthetic Islam as opposed to Muhammad’s authentic luminous heart;
  • Severity as opposed to Allah’s benevolence and mercy;
  • Pre-Islamic Bedouin bickering as opposed to civilized Madinite brotherhood;
When the author of the above observations shared her personal thoughts on the Islamic Courts In this Essay she must’ve suffered a momentary memory loss; indulging herself for a moment that she was talking to a normal kingdom. The juvenile screams that jammed her email box have awakened her to the sticky situation that’s the African kingdom.


But since the king is memory-challenged, he must be reminded of his kingdom’s weirdness, and how that same weirdness unfolded the red carpet for the accursed Shaitan himself long before Zenawi put his feet on that red carpet.


The king is quick to point fingers and is quick to condemn anyone who asks a sincere question;


Ilaahey ka baq! (Fear Allah!) has of late become a good phrase in the African kingdom.


The African queen wants proof. She says: produce the evidence of your God consciousness. The true sons and daughters of the soil say to his highness the African king, produce a single verse that commands him who has the blood of a whole nation on his hands, a single verse that commands him to murder fellow Muslims. A single verse that commands him to launder the national coffers, and a single verse that teaches him sin, rancor and enmity are written on rock.


And yes, they want to know if there is a single verse in the Quran that bans Somalis from having national interests?


So Zenawi has an axe to grind? And Bush a score or two to settle? But how does that absolve the king of wrong when he himself is not an honest shepherd of his own national interests?


It’s no secret that the African king is proud owner of multiple costumes, which he dons in the service of his causes; his narrow interests always being on the top of the list; and he bad-mouths those who know where their priorities lie!


With the exception of his highness the African king, everyone, it seems, is blessed with a clear vision and a plan of action. Now, queen wants to know, does king have any interest beyond the narrow clan interest? And if not so, why does our king expect others to baby-sit his interests when he himself is the first to leave the door open?


It goes without saying, the African king is greedy, proud though there’s nothing to be proud of, and wears whatever cloak serves his personal interest; of late the cloak of Islam, and since the Zenawi intervention the cloak of patriotism. How convenient!


The same who would run to Ethiopia when the going gets tough, the same who would sell his own mother to get a foreign passport, and the same who is the first in line to get crumbs at the hands of Christian Aid organizations, has the audacity to talk about integrity! Doesn’t the king know begging is un-Islamic?


The same king who chases his women away from their homes, the same king who is not moved by his nation’s demise. The same king who forces his fellow countrywomen, children and senior citizens to ‘rent a tree’ inside Somalia is talking about nationalism, religion, and stuff he doesn’t give a hoot about!


Now this is what the African queen says to the king, Don't you abuse our intelligence, King, that’s all that’s left to us after you were done with our integrity and sold our nation. Don’t rub more salt to the wound, especially after dragging dead bodies in our name, and especially after the pseudo Islamists lied to us. We still remember the barbaric spectacle of the dead-meat-daggling woman that mesmerized the world in 1993. The more recent phantom of the knife-wielding Somali queen the Islamic Courts displayed on Television is also etched in our collective memory. If dead meat and knives are the only weapons Somali queens are allowed to carry then more tears for Somalia!


Somalia is today where it is not because of Zenawi, or anyone else, but because Somalia’s offspring have deserted it, and left the fields to this Traitor even though Allah warns against lethargy our good people have become lame ducks. They deserted the soil en masse and are today paying the price of their humiliation.


It goes without say, but the same shaitanic mindset that served the previous regime has served unrepentant warlords well, and is still serving those who hide behind cloaks; while the wearers have never been loyal to anything but their own personal greed.


Needless to say, the true sons and daughters of the soil must arise and say in one voice: enough is enough. The soil is fed up. All living matter is fed up, and all whose hearts and conscience is alive are sending their complaints to the Lord.


If Traitor refuses to grown up, the long suffering people of the soil want him caught, bounded, and chained to the same tree he chained our nation to. The soil says to him, go get a foreign passport while Zenawi is still in Hamar and get the hell out of the nation’s hair. A life time of foolishness is more than this soil can take.


For the African king’s information, the African queen has as much right to the soil as the pretender who thinks he is something, and she has this to say to her good fellow brothers and sisters. Your cries are heard. Your heartfelt outpourings and prayers for the motherland give the motherland hope. Your desire to resurrect your nation from the doldrums is real. The African queen, and you all are The African queen, the downtrodden half of this kingdom, have a right to ask where you are being lead. So ask, and stop sitting on the sidelines. Speak out and put all the pretenders to shame. If the kingdom had failed our nation so have you.


It's time you became proactive. Stand up and be counted. Flood the gates of Mogadishu. Bring the rainbow back to the city. Talk to the government. Bring them to account if they don’t function as you would have them. Purge the TFG of the diehard thieves and traitors who won't wisen up.


You can do it. The time has come for you to take over the reigns of this nation. The African kingdom knows what it has done, everyone knows what this kingdom's all about. You now have the chance to ask where you are being lead. And you now have the chance to prepare for election. You don't have to suddenly fall in love with the TFG, but you can act now.


Talk to your president. Talk to your prime minister, they are your servants, if they don’t know it, tell them.

If you can’t travel to Mogadishu, send a representative. Pray for success. Call each other now, send an email, today, organize yourselves. Go in groups. Don’t listen to those who keep putting off the date for national reconciliation. Stay away from BBC Somali and those who want you to stay just the way you are. Stay away from clan cyber spaces. Set the date yourselves. Be there, and ask for a talk. Sit under the trees if there is no other place to sit. Start the ball rolling. Now. Today.


Meanwhile, someone must talk to Aideed jr. Someone must tell him before his obituary is read on some clan operated cyber space, there is more to Islam than associating with power hungry Sheikhs. Someone must remind him to pray for his dad. He must be told about his dad’s real occupation before the Lord called him back. And he must be warned against inheriting a lousy kingdom that was built on the demise of his nation. And that goes for all those who have stolen this nation’s dignity in broad daylight.


In conclusion: Somalia is at crossroads, the motherland is in dire need of her offspring, and she calls on her sons and daughters to fulfill their obligations, come, don’t expect to be called or invited, come in peace, and become part of a lasting peace and prosperity.


In the meantime, we say to our brothers in the Somali Region of Ethiopia, patience is beautiful, the kingdom had plenty of time prior to today if the interests of her fellow Somalis was supreme on the agenda. Be glad that you weren’t part of Somalia Democratic Republic and that you are today absent from the anarchic Territory. You are safer where you are. You did not choose your nationality, but there are many today that are carrying the same nationality, voluntarily. So think, before you become another king of the soil. That way you will be helping your fellow Somalis as they get their act together. And do keep an eye on the refugees that flood your gates. Some of them are jealous of order.


Safi Abdi , sister of the African queen.


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No comments? Brain dead miya? I understand where the author is coming from and criticism against the courts even when one supported them in the beginning and ideals they proclaimed and not only fell very short, but contradicted the very essence of those noble ideals. Its simply due to the fact that they claimed deenul islam and as many suspect rightly or wrongly-they coincidently became the islamic force in Somalia during the appointment of Abdullahi Yusuf as head of the TFG. And apart from a few areas, in the end the courts were no different then their warlord counterparts. They were a breath of fresh air because after 17 years what people needed most is peace and stability, but as any revolution and a violent one at that, but without the right mechanisms put in place no checks and balances for example, the stage set for the society and the people to be governed as evident was not done in Somalia by the courts in turn and in the long run can become the very tools for oppression and abuses.


However with that said, it is important to realize what the Ethiopian backed TFG is and ask ourselves for what reason would, Ethiopia, America intervene in Somalia? Surely its not in the interests of Somalia and its citizenry? For 17 years Somali was what has been coined as hell on earth but there was no help. For two years this TFG was holed up in Badio there came no help to support it and help governance in Somalia. Why the intervention now, when the force of the islamic courts was realized in Somalia? Isnt what threatens the interests of Ethiopia and America (keeping in mind their past history with Africa and in particular with Muslims) in the Horn of Africa parallel to the interests of the Somali people and the Somali Nation? And finally how can Somalia get out of this mess? Ethiopia heavily funded by uncle sam has arrived in Somalia and they or any entity that works for the interests of Uncle Sam in the region will be empowered. Therefore how does Somalia get out of this situation and serve best the interests of its people facing these realities? Is it by suicide bombings, and futile resistance we have been accustomed to thus far, which will provide the excuse needed and prolong Ethiopians stay in Somalia, or is there a better alternative? Any alternative in the interests of Somalis would require the active participation of its citizenry and importantly the key ingredient which Somalia has lacked the most: honest leadership, which restores the lost trust of Somalis and can appeal across the board. Nothing close is in sight. A difficult road ahead no doubt. But as Muslims it is important to know whatever happens is by the Will of Allah, and Allah Alone Knows what is best for the people, therefore la tahzan inna laha mac’ana.

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