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Islamic Courts: who are they and what they want?

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I would love to see Mutakalim answer these questions or any other Nomad.



Islamic Courts: who are they and what they want?


By Muuse Yuusuf


Oct 21, 2006



Social movements, revolutions and political parties require time in order to reveal their real identities and ideologies. They also go through incubation and evolutionary periods in which progressive, reactionary, conservative, and radical elements come into display until one of them emerges as the real power. This also applies to the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC). Although these forces and their ideologies have been around for sometime, it is only in the last four months or so that they have been in total control in some parts of Somalia, and have emerged as a formidable political force.

A four-month period is not a very long period in the history of the growth of socio-political movements, and therefore to be fair one cannot really say that much about the real identities and political agendas of the UIC. Even though one cannot compare the UIC with well developed and organised political parties in developed countries, even democratically elected governments require a four-to-five year period before their electorate can pass a fair judgement as to whether they have really failed or succeeded in doing what they were elected for. Hence a caution is required when analysing and evaluating the UIC.


Perhaps instead of condemning the UIC as terrorists – a serious accusation under the new world order, which can invite the wrath of a super power, one should salute the UIC for restoring some kind of law and order in southern Somalia, something that most Mogadishu residents would agree with me. However, concerns over future developments, i.e. UIC’s real identities, political programmes are crucial and legitimate. Therefore one should start asking some questions right now rather than “wait and see†until it is too late. In order to enhance the debate, I would like to share with the readers the following soul-searching questions, which reflects anxieties of many Somalis and the international community. Although I use the term “UIC†these questions are for all those socio-political forces and sleeping cells, whether be it in Hargeysa, Boosaaso or Baydhabo, who might have similar ambitions and aspirations as of those in Mogadishu .




Who are the UIC?


Are they a concoction of clan demagogues whose main aim is to ensure the perpetual dominance of their clans over the scarce natural resources of this poor country thus causing continuation of the oppression and the injustices that had been committed against weaker and defenceless clans?


Are they the group-who because of their tribal allegiances-will succumb to the pressures of clan demands and will therefore abandon their revolution like the old military “Somali Revolutionary Council (SRC)†regime did when they abandoned their “Hantiwadaaga Cilmiga Ku dhisan†- “Scientific Socialism?â€


Are they the folk who instead of establishing first a competent organisational and governance structure would - using people’s sentiments and emotions “Islamic faith†- provoke a war with neighbours and as a result dragging Somalis into another self destructive war?


Do they want to plant the seed of another totalitarian regime in Somalia only this time in the name of religion under which public and private spheres of its citizen will be controlled by theological doctrine so that if yesterday it was “Aabbaha Ummadda†– the father of the nation, tomorrow it will be the “Sheekha of Ummada�


Do they want to create a Saudi Arabian model state – total monarchy – where the right of the people to elect their leaders is denied? Zealots who would use their narrow interpretation of the Islamic faith to silence any opposition and dissent in opinion and in faith?


Are they the ideologues who perceive such as human rights, democracy, freedom, liberty, pubic participation in politics including women as alien concepts that have to be erased from the public and the private conscience of the Somali nation?




Are they the pragmatic group who see themselves merely as care-takers, and realise that the public is sovereign and that it is the Somali people who will decide who governs Somalia ? Are they the practical group that would continue their pragmatism approach to problem solving, for example creating courts in troubled areas in order to restore order and law as they did in Mogadishu until such a time when a viable state is restored in Somalia ?


Are they the moderates who - even if they have political ambitions - would work hard to pave the way for the creation of a modern secular state based on the Malaysian state model where Islam lives side by side with other faiths such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism etc hence moulding a more tolerant society that is happy with itself and can also live with its neighbours in peace and harmony?




Who are the UIC?


Are they the reactionaries who would desecrate and dismantle national heritage, emblems and symbols that heroes such as the great Imam Ahmed Gurey had paid a heavy price for their realisation?


Are they the cultural revolutionaries who would scorn culture and would eradicate national folklore and dance so that shir, gabley-shimber, dhaanto, saar, heello, jiifto, sheeko-xariir, buraanbur, geeraar, maahmaah, gabayo, maanso, heeso jaceyl, and countless beautiful cultural expressions will be destined to the graveyards?


Revolutionary forces who would be prepared to sacrifice the lives of millions in order to destroy identities and create new ones consequently repeating and reminding the world of the atrocities committed under the bloody revolutions of Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot?


Are they the Arabised fanatics who would prefer Abu Hafsa, Abu Cusman, Um Cumar over Somali names such as Geedi, Xaayow, Garaad, Gacal, Raage, Keenadiid, Ceydiid, Maandeeq, Dheerow, Caraweelo, Culusow, Ceynte, Samatar, Marwo, Maygaag, Eenow, Deerow, Iidow, Madoobe, Mukuy, hooyo, ayeeyo, eedo?


Wahabiyah enthusiasts who would exterminate Qaadiriya, Saalixiya, Ahmadiya, Rfuaaciya, Saylaciya Sufi sects whose teachings based on tolerance, love, wisdom, philosophy, reason and non-violent methods had enabled Islam to spread to all corners of Somalia from Saylac-to-Ras Kaambooni? The Sufi orders who encouraged their disciples “xerta†to study different schools of thoughts including the Shaaficiya School of jurisprudence? The Sufi orders of national heroes such as Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle and Sheikh Hassan Barsane whose struggle had helped in defeating colonial powers.


Are they the Wahabiyah fans who would outlaw Ziyaarada qubuuraha – a visit and reverence of the shrines of saints such as Sheikh Aweys Al-Qadiri of Biyooley - a tradition deeply held by many Somalis?


Wahabiyah fanatics who would issue fatwa declaring followers of those orders as heretics under the pretext of the usual mantra “bidcah wat takfiirâ€- because according to their version of Islam these practices resemble idol worshipping, and as a result of their action stir up division, suspicion, animosity between the peace-loving of the Somali people?




Are they the wise men who can bring themselves to the reality that above traditions and practices are realities in Somalia and have been so for a very long time, and that any attempt to erase them are bound to fail?


Are they the accommodating group who will help nurture and protect Somalia ’ multiple-identities including its African and Arab heritage, and Western ideologies thus creating a balanced society that is at ease with its multi-layered identities?




Who are the UIC?


Are they the bunch who - in order to implement their strict doctrine - would prefer theological teachings over secular and scientific studies at the classroom thus oppressing the inquiring minds of the young who, otherwise if encouraged, would use their brilliant brains to acquire knowledge through balanced curriculum and well researched information?


Dogmatists who would violently oppress the teachings of secular and scientific explanation of the matter and the universe? And because of that oppressive act many gifted minds will be wasted and Somalia like many other Islamic countries will be left out of the scientific and technological race hence perpetual poverty and death?




Are they the liberal minded group who will nurture talents and encourage them to excel in all scientific fields and knowledge, which among others thing, explain the origins of the matter and the universe?


Women’s sphere


Who are the UIC?


Are they the zealots whose main purpose in life is the application and adherence to the teachings of the Wahabiyah doctrine; an order whose strict interpretation of the Islamic faith had failed the Muslim world by dismantling Sufi traditions and their institutions that encouraged logic, reason and enquiry into all fields including theology, social and natural sciences? Sufi orders under which science, philosophy and theology had flourished thanks to their liberal interpretation of the Islamic faith.


Are they a copycat of theMutawiciin – the virtue and vice police in Saudi Arabia who would indoctrinate girls to cover up all their bodies from toe to head? Zealots who would spend millions of dollars to buy special busses in order to separate boys from girls while the poor is left to die of poverty and mal-nourishment?


Followers of the Wahabiyah chauvinists who are so anti-modernity that even in the 21 st century they cannot bring themselves to the reality that that women can be drivers, doctors, pilots and astronauts and can rob shoulders to shoulder with their male counterparts on equal terms? Wahabiyah women-haters whose attitude towards women is based not on Islam but on a pre-Islamic Arabian tradition where baby girls were buried alive as they were perceived in bringing shame on their families?




Are they the blessed group who will treat women as human beings who have equal rights and responsibilities as of their fellow men?


Freedom of expression


Who are the UIC?


Are they the totalitarian faction whose main aim is to control expression of personal thoughts, feelings, freedom of speech and ideas that differ from theirs? Control freaks who will not tolerate any artistic expression of dissent and opposition?


Are they the reactionaries who believe that the sword is mightier than the pen, hence would condemn those who dare to ask questions to death by chopping off their head?


Muuse Yuusuf

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