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The Two Shariifs Agree ----- Finally ?

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Muqdisho: (Sh. M. Network) Madaxweynah dowaldda KMG Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo gudoomiyah barlamanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa maanta isku raacay habka loo qaadayo codaynta Ra’iisul wasaraha cusub oo maalimihii lasoo dhaafay ay ku murunsanaayeen.


Kulankaani oo ahaa kii labaad oo Xarunta Madaxtooyada Villa Soomaaliya ee magaalada Muqdisho ay ku wada yeesheen madaxweynaha dowaldda KMG Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo gudoomiyaha barlamanka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa waxaa ay kaga hadlayeen qilaafkii dhawaan soo shaacbaxay ee u dhaxeeyay labadasi masuul kaasi oo ku aadanaa qaabka codka kalsoonida ah baralamanka KMG uu ku siinayo Ra’iiusl wasaare Max’ed C/laahi Max’ed oo dhawaan madaxweyne Shariif uu soo magacaabay.


Kulanka labadaani qof oo mudo dhowr saacadood ah uga socday aqalka madaxtooyada ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa wararka qaar ay sheegayaan in ay si aad ah uga lafa gureen mad madowga iyo muranka maalmahaan hareeyay madaxda sare iyo barlamanka oo iyaguna si aad ah ugu kala qaybsmay u codeynta Ra’iiusl wasaaaraha.


Hase ahatee warar lagu kalsoonaan karo oo Shabelle ay ka heshay Xarunta madaxtooyada oo maanta kulan ay ku wada qaateen madaxweynaha dowaldda Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo gudoomiyaha barlamanka ayaa waxaa ay shegeeyaan in labada masuul ay isku raceen in ansixinta Ra’iisul wasaaraha maalinta Arbacada ah ee soo socota oo barlamanka fadhiga ay ku balansanyihiin in laga dhigo mid gacn taag ah.


Waxaana sidoo kale kulanka madaxweynaha iyo gudoomiyaha barlamanka goob joog ka ahaa xubno ka tirsan barlamanka KMG Soomaaliya, waxana maanta baaqday fadhi Xildhibaano ka tirsan barlamanka KMG Soomaaliya ay ku yeelan rabeen Xarunta golaha shacbiga kulankaasi oo ay ku doonayeen inay codka kalsoonida ay ku siiyaan Ra’iisul wasaaraha dowladda KMG Soomaaliya Max’ed C/laahi Max’ed Farmaajo.

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in labada masuul ay isku raceen in ansixinta Ra’iisul wasaaraha maalinta Arbacada ah ee soo socota oo barlamanka fadhiga ay ku balansanyihiin in laga dhigo mid gacn taag ah.

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^^^Sharif Hotel lost big time, he wanted a smooth confirmation vote and got a two week delay, infighting which has resulted in all powerful clan the international community getting involved and breathing down his neck.

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The two Shariifs are engaged in a typical Somali power play.


From all the information I have, Shariif Xassan is not against Farmaajo, per se. Xassan wants to influence the selection of ministers (after Farmaajo is confirmed) so as to limit Shariif’s overall influence. Sheikh Shariif sensed the eminent danger and pushed back.

It now seems the two camps may have struck a secretive pledge not to spiral this matter out of control. Shariif Xassan most likely got what he wanted.


We shall see.

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Libaax... ishaad ka tuurtay. Horta, are any names leaked? How about this....Abdulkareem Jama (Foreign Minister), Hassan Moalin (Minister of Planning & Int. Cooperation), Abdirashid Hashi (minister of Information)...yaa ku darsaday ama wax ka dhimaya?

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Damage control from Shariif Sakiin. You never want to rear your head against the tide or you get swept by it. A quorum of parliamentarians have pledged to usher in the new PM and the Attorney General has called it unconstitutional to give vote of confidence privately. What is Shariif Sakiin to do but capitulate? The only thing is his animosity towards the president has been announced to the public and if I were him, I would start counting down my days. The Speaker can survive taking sides between the president and PM but a speaker who antagonizes the head of state as well as the new head of government with enough influence between them in the Parliament doesn't seem to be holding on to his title for long.

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Abdullahi Yusuf got rid of him or did you forget already? :D Then he made his way to Eritra and Djibouti to ally with the man he is now showing political animosity towards. smile.gif

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^^^Abdullahi Yusuf got rid of him, Sharif Ahmed empowered him and now is a stone in his shoe. The whole thing is a joke, hands up or hands down, a vote is a vote, why should one care if they have confidance?

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Waxii la qariyo qurun baa ku jiro. Even if you look at the U.S Congress, normal voting is public but during controversial votes, the ruling party can decide on secret voting, such as occurred with the Democrats during Health Care reform, in order to help their members from constituencies in which their voting could make them vulnerable. That prevents them from being held accountable by their constituency. Since I haven't known you to write in Somali, I will explain this as "sunlight is the best disinfectant". If such an argument has not arisen with the confirmations of Gheedi, or Nuur Cadde, or ina Abdirashiid, why should this debate be taking place now if not "Wax qurun ah meesha ku jirin"? Sharif and the PM were right in walking out during the first day, as well as the majority of parliamentarians who called out the speaker, as well as the attorney general who questioned the constitutionality of the Speaker's actions. Now the Shariif realizes he tried to win a losing battle hence the capitulation.

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