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Their boss giving instructions

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aalintii shalay Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka oo markiisa hore ku aragta ahaa Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi
ayaa goor dambe Afhayeenka Baarlamaanka waxaa uu kulan la qaatay Sarkaalka Itoobiyanka ugu sareeya ee jooga Magaalada Muqdisho waxaana lagula taliyaya Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka inuu ku aragti ahaado Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf
balse Sheekh Aadan Madoobe waxaa uu Saraakiisha Itoobiya u sheegay inuu dhexdhaxaadin doono Madaxweynaha iyo Wasiirkiisa koowaad.





The two of the three senior stooges are not seeing face to face in these days. The boss' representive in Xamar -- and the de facto ruler, Jenaraal Gabre -- has to enter the scene and give the script instructed from Adisababa.


Apparently and despite the news article above, though, their Xabashi boss in Adisababa has a little dilemma. Their favourite stooge is too corrupt and swindler of public funds, but neither do they trust other stooges as they do with Geedi.


So a little stalemate and don't know what to do with the little three puppets. If it gets too hot, though, expect an immediate forced appearance at master's headquarter, Adisababa.

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