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Islamist militia move north towards Puntland

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GALKAYO, Somalia Nov 4 (Garowe Online) - Militias loyal to the Islamic Courts moved northwards, passing through the town of Bandiiradley on Saturday night, according to residents.




The Islamist militia, in an armored convoy of more than 30 battlewagons, are believed to be heading for the southern part of Galkayo, the capital of Mudug region, to establish an Islamic Court there.




Galkayo is currently under the control of allied anti-Islamist forces: Puntland, a semiautonomous state in northern Somalia, and militias loyal to government-allied Col. Abdi Qeibdid, one of Mogadishu’s defeated warlords.




Puntland President Mohamud “Adde” Muse, who recently came to Galkayo to prevent the establishment of an Islamic court, said today that the Courts movement is a clan, and that they oppose the interim Somali government simply because the leader, President Abdullahi Yusuf, is a member of the ***** clan.




In August, Islamist militia advanced north towards Galkayo, prompting a response from Puntland and Col. Qeibdid’s militia, who deployed forces as far south as Bandiiradley, which is located some 70 KM south of Galkayo.

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