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Hiiraale close to the Ethiopians.....

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Barre Hiiraale iyo Itoobiya oo si aad ah isugu soo dhawaanaya




Waxaa maalintii shalay ahayd Magaalada Kismaayo gaaray wafdigii xaqiiqo raadinta ee maalmahan booqanayay gobolo ka mid ah dalka, iyadoo intii ay ku sugnaayeen Magaalada Kismaayo ay kulamo la yeesheen wasiirka dib u dhiska iyo dib u dejinta Barre Aadan Shire (Barre Hiiraale) oo ay isla soo qaadeen is bedelada cusub ee ku soo kordhay dalka, gaar ahaan Koofurta Soomaaliya. Wafdigaasi waxaa ku jiray Safiirka Itoobiya u fadhiya Soomaaliya, waxaana la sheegay in Barre Hiiraale iyo safiirka Itoobiya ay wada yeesheen kulan gaar ah oo mudo saacado ah wada qaateen, ilaa iyo haatanna lama oga waxyaabihii ay ka wada hadleen, hase ahaatee waxaa maalmahan soo xoogeysanayay isu soo dhawaanshaha Itoobiya iyo Barre Aadan Shire (Hiiraale), iyadoo Barre Aadan Shire uu taageeray in Soomaaliya la keeno ciidamo shisheeye oo aan la kala soocin oo ay ku jirto Dowladda Itoobiya.


Ugaas Max’ed Wali Ugaas Axmed Nuur oo ah Ugaaska Beesha Sade ayaa waxa uu Barre Hiiraale ku tilmaamay in uu fulinayo arimo gaar ah oo uu u soo dhiibay C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed, isago kula taliyay in Barre uusan ku abaal dhicin dadkii horey gacanta ku siiyay, isla markaana uu ka digtoonaado qorshaha qarsoon oo ay wataan Itoobiya iyo C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed. Barre dhawaan ayuu ka soo laabtay Magaalada Baydhabo, waxa uuna kulan gaar ah la yeeshay Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo ay isla soo qaadeen arimo fara badan oo la sheegay in ay u badnaayeen is bedelka weyn ee ka dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho, hase yeeshee Barre waxa uu horey u soo dhaweeyay is bedelka ka dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho oo looga adkaaday qabqablayaashii dagaalka ee madada 16-ka sano ahayd dhibaatada ku hayay shacabka Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan kuwa ku nool Gobalka Banaadir iyo hareerihiisa.

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Barre Hiiraale iyo Danjiraha Ethiopia oo kulmay iyo Wafdigii xaqiiqo raadinta oo caawa hoyanaya Baydhabo


Kismaayo 08, July. 06 ( Sh.M.Network Wafdigii ka socday beesha caalamka ee maanta gaaray magaalada Kismaayo ayaa caawa ku hoyanaya magaalada baydhabo, iyadoo la qorsheynayo in maalinta berri ah ay u safraan magaalada Galkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug.


Wafdigaan ka socda beesha caalamka oo isugu jira Midowga Yurub, Midowga Afrika, IGAD, Jaamacadda Carabta iyo diblumaadsiyiin ayaa waxa ay ka soo dageen agroonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Baydhabo, ka dib markii ay ka soo duuleen magaalada kismaayo oo kulamo ay kula soo qaateen Isbaheysiga D/jubba iyo ururada bulshada rayidka ah.


Wafdigaan oo ka kooban 22 ruux uuna horkacayay Danjiraha dowladda Kenya u qaabilsan Somalia Maxamed Cabdi Afeey.


Kulan magaalada Kisaayo si gaar ah ugu dhex maray Barre Hiiraale iyo Danjiraha dowladda Ethiopia oo qeyb ka ahaa wafdigaasi ayaan la ogeyn si rasmi ah waxyaabihii ay ka wada hadleen, iyadoo Wafuudaa markii magaalada Muqdisho ay imaanayeen laga reebay wafdiga danjire C/casiis Axmed Aadan, ka did markii Maxkamadaha ay sheegeen in aanu ogeyn in wafdigaasi lagu soo daro saraakiil ka socota dowladda Ethiopia oo ay ku tilmaameen in faragalin qaawan ay ku heyso arimaha Somalia, hubna ay siin jirtey isbaheysigii la dagaalanka argagixisada.


Kulanka ay wada yeesheen Barre Hiiraale iyo Danjiraha dowladda Ethiopia C.casiis Axmed ayaa waxa uu muujinayaa isku soo dhawaasho u dhaxeeya dowladda Ethiopia iyo Isbaheysiga D/jubba.


wafuudaan ayaa waxaa la qorsheynayaa in maalinta berri ah ay u sii kictamaan magaalada Galkacyo si ay halkaasi ugu kuurgalayaan aragtiyada dadka si gaar ah amaanka.




Shabelle Media Network, Somalia

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^^adeer, why not wait and let the man speak out for himself. I personally do not believe that Barre would say "yes" to eey-topians, he may fool them around tho.

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Somalitalk is a pro-Puntland very anti Barre and even those of his background as a result of the Kismaayo outcome. I find it interesting they speculated this "Barre Hiiraale iyo Itoobiya oo si aad ah isugu soo dhawaanaya" only because of unremarkable consultations Hiiraale had with the Ethiopian ambassador that he also had with the ambassador from Kenya and the representatives from the rest of those organizations that had visited him in Kismaayo.



iyadoo Barre Aadan Shire uu taageeray in Soomaaliya la keeno ciidamo shisheeye oo aan la kala soocin oo ay ku jirto Dowladda Itoobiya.

Wishful thinking maybe?


Ugaas Max’ed Wali Ugaas Axmed Nuur oo ah Ugaaska Beesha Sade

I find this insulting. No such Ugaas exists so why persist in blatent lie? I mean some news sources atleast hide their bias you don't say?



Lastly, I think Hiiraale is as close to being a pal of Ethiopia's as our "president" is close to being their nemesis.

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^^^ On time as usual, the fact though is the news portals were your favourite excluding Gedo-sites.


I knew you would jump, but I never thought you would go that high...

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^Duke out with the spin sxb. It's news portal (no s, see?) and alluding obviously to Shabelle. Now tell me what Shabelle reported that led you to insinuate what you just did? Or was Shabelle this time the usual moderate cover-up for the earlier propaganda one you post?


Adeer collaboration with the Habash is a sin in my book; an unforgivable sin. I do not take accusations of those sort lightly.

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^^^Wonderful stuff, I highlighted the areas of concern just for you. The Somalitalk post was not from Puntland, no it was from Amin Khasarow a freelance reporter based in Mogadishu, who happens to be very pro courts and so on. His reports are consistant with Shabbele and so on...


Enlighten us old friend on the new closeness between Hiiraale and Tigray

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^^^Wonderful stuff, I highlighted the areas of concern just for you. The Somalitalk post was not from Puntland, no it was from Amin Khasarow a freelance reporter based in Mogadishu, who happens to be very pro courts and so on. His reports are consistant with Shabbele and so on...


Enlighten us old friend on the new closeness between Hiiraale and Tigray

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^^^ Duke, what are these duplications for? I noted that you quite often post the same post twice sometimes three times under each other in the same thread!


Back to the topic, I believe anyone is entitled to write anything they want, but what amazes me most is how you purposely pick and choose which news that you want us to read and avoid the news articles that report how PL harbours criminals like Maxamed dheere & Bashiir Raage! a sheer hypocricy in't? :D

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