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Baidoa: TFG leaders PICS today....

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But the reality is these same people you’re talking about will support these guys regardless, just because of their tribal affiliation. Same way you’re supporting Cabdilahi Yey blindly.

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^^^lol. The people of Bay, Bakool, Gedo, Juba's and even Banadir are not from the same clan let alone tribe with these dudes. This the weakness of the argument of the courts, there is no relationship between the population and the rulers other than the gun... Take it way and its a different world.

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^^^Saxib the TFG never had these towns in the firts place, this control as I have said is based on the barrel of the gun, the local populations wont save IndaCade when they start losing which is not long.

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You're right The TFG never had a control of anything and pattern continues.


These people will take Indha Cade over Cabdilahi Yey in a heart beat. Not because they believe his political strategy. They simply consider him one of theirs. YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND. You do that every day here in SOL my friend in ISLAM.

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