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PL police fail to protect two teenage prisoners

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Two teenage girls accused of murder were shot dead by militia while in police custody in Gaalkacyo? And police don’t have a suspect? Is Cadde busy running on a treadmill or Xerox color printer?


Nin labo gabdhood oo 18 jir ka yar ku diley Galkacayo


Labdan gabdhood oo da'dooda ka hooseysay 18 jir ayaa waxaa loo haystey eedaymo ku saabsan in bishii June 30-keedii ku dileen magaalada Galkacayo Marxuum Xaashi Muse Yasiin oo ka tirsanaa ciidamada ilaalada dowlada Hoose.


Gabdhahaan oo da'doodu aheyd 16 sano iyo 17 jir ayaa marka dilka loo gaysanayay gacanta ugu jirey ciidamada dowlada ayaa marka falkaas dhacayo dib looga soo celiyay Maxakamda degmada Galkacayo oo dhagysatey eedeymahooda dib-na u dhigtey dacwada xukunkooda.


Taliyaha qaybta Booliiska gobolka Mudug G/dhexe Maxamad Jamac Heeryo ayaa Idaacada VOA u sheegey in ciidamo ka tirsan dowlada Hoose ay hor-istaageen in gabdhahaan dib loogu celiyo goobtii ay ku xirnaayeen.


Heeryo ayaa sheegey in ninka dilka gaysatey uu la socdey ciidamada hor-istaagey in gabdhahaan dib loogu celiyo xabsiga iyada oo lagu toogtey gaarigii ay ku jireen xiligaas oo muran ka dhex aloosnaa ciidamada dowlada Hoose iyo Taliyaha Boooliiska.


Taliyaha ayaa ku eedeyay dilka Ikraan Cabdule Maxamad iyo Hodan Axmad Maxamad ciidamada dowlada hoose iyo ninkii la socdey oo dilka gaysatey.


Xoghayaha dowlada Hoose ee degmada Galkacayo Yusuf Cilmi Maxamad oo wax laga waydiiyay eedeynta ka timid Taliyaha Booliiska ayaa iska fogeyay lug ku lahanshaha dilka loo gaysatey gabdhahaan da'doodu aysan gaarin 18 Jir.


Gudoomiyaha Maxamakada degmada Gaalkcayo Maxamaud Nur Cali oo wax laga waydiiayay dilka loo gaystey gabdhahaan ayaa sheegey in dilka gabdhaha lagu fuliyay uu sharci daro ahaa isaga sheegey in uu la mid yahay dilalka caadiga ah oo dadka dariiqyada loo istaago.


Gudoomiyaha ayaa sheegey in nasiib daro tahay in 40 ciidan ah booliis oo goobta ku sugan aysan soo qaban qofkii dilka gabdhahaan gaystey.


Qareenkii gabdhahaan ayaa mas'uuliyada dilkaan saarey dowlada Puntland madaama ay gacanta ku hayeen.


Garowe Online,Galkacayo

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This is the common lawlessness in todays Somalia. Even these ilmo -land the so-called Puntland & Somaliland is common these kind of things. Some people in these circles seem to be above the law (untouchable) and signal that the law is for the poor and minorities only and so on.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

Tragic and utter failure, they should shoot all those who were there and did nothing to stop it.

that's your solution to every problem isn't it? just shoot them eh? no wonder you love this Sri Lankan government

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It's very dissappointing to see such occurances repeating, I have no faith in this Admin... Nothing less would do for now, only to give way and head for the gates...

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^That's a little too violent Duke. Must be an inside job. They should just hand them over to the victims family and watch them do maxkamadaha style justice.

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