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Why the nemesis of Puntland are against the Oil exploration

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Waxaa Xalay Fiidkii ka Dhacay Magaalada Bosaso ee Xarunta G/Bari 2 Qarax oo Bam ah oo loo adeegsaday Gaari Booyad ah oo u soo Degay Macdanqadista


Bosaso:Magaalada Bosaso ee Xarunta G/Bari Waxaa ka Dhacay 2 Qarax oo Daqiiqado u Dhexeyaan ku waasi oo ka Dhacay Agagarka Hoteel Karaama 2 ee Magaalada Bosaso Waxaana Halka Qaraxaasi lugu Soo Riday olaa Gaari Noocisu yahay Booyad oo ay la Lahayd Shirkada Shidaalka ee Haatan Macdanta Qodaysa Gadiidkooda ay kala Soo Degeena Dekedamada Magaalada Bosaso.



Gaarigan Qaraxa lala eegatay ee Noociisu uu yahay Booyada ayaa Waxaa Soo gaarey Qarax aan sidaasi u waynay Iyadoo Ciidamo ilaalinayey oo Goobta ka Dhowaa ay Rasasas baasa la Sii eegteen Halka uu Qaraxu ka Dhacay.



Waxaana Qaraxani uu Dhaawacay tiro Dad ah oo aan la Shaacin Cadadkooda Basle Waxaa Dhaawac Lugu arkayey Saaka Hoteelka Karaama 2 oo ah Goobta uu Qaraxaasi ka Dhacay.



Ciidamada Bileyska oo Xiligaasi Howlgalo dhinaca Amaanka ah ku Jirey ayey u suurtoobi Weydey Inay Gacanta ku soo Dhigaan Cidii ka Dameysey Qaraxaasi Xalati Ka Dhacay Magaalada Bosaso ee Xarunta G/Bari,Mana jirto ilaa iyo Iminka Cid loo hayom Qaraxaasi.




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Beleive me this is not going to make any difference whatsoever to this project because it has the support of all Punlanders. Those who are against this development will lose big time because they dare to stand in the way of development that is desparately needed.

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Ms DD   

^^ Not ALL Puntalnders are for this development. This will be the death of Puntland. The curse of OIL will strike into the region and peace will be a long forgotten thing. If you think Puntland will enjoy peace and properity whilst Muqdishu is burning to the ground, you will have another think coming. One part of a body cant be healthy whilst another is sick.

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MS Do,

What peron in their right mind will reject progress. There may be few who have their own personal agenda but the fast majority in Puntland and I belive in Somalia will welcome this project. Violence in the capital did not stop Puntland from developing and will certianly not stop it now. Mogadishu deserves peace and stability that is what all Somalis desire.

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I am delighted work is making headway. It is always uplifting when folks back home embark on a mammoth task such as this and still persevere despite all the financial, logistic and security intricacies. Good job Minister Xasan Allore! He has completed the entire grounding for this project. I have known Allore since I was a young boy. He is a man of great integrity and hard work.

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Upon hearing about the possible oil exploration in their State, the people of Puntland rush to claim what is theirs. :D



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Well done to the folks in Puntland this oil exploration is needed for an economically underdeveloped country like Somalia. What ever they get from this “oil” will have positive effect on other regions in Somalia, Inshallah in the same way Abu Dhabi’s effects Dubai.


But where is this paranoia coming from, nobody wants Puntland to fail but the current administrations policy towards other parts of Somalia is what is causing animosity between the folks in the South and NorthWest against Puntland admin. The administration supports the Ethiopian aggression of the South and as a consequence they are disliked.



Ngonge lool easy there adeer

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^I agree we can all be against any Admins that we deem to be making wrong decisions, but for the sake of the poor people and future generations we should commend and support any development on the land.


Its only exploration and no OIL is coming out immediately.

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This is what true Soomaalis dhulkooda iyo dalkooda jecel are against. This maalin caddeey blatant tuugnimo:


He said the Vancouver, Canada-based Africa Oil Corp. will spend nine months looking for oil in the Dharor and Nugal valleys in the semiautonomous northeastern region of Puntland. On its web site Africa Oil Corp. says it has an 80 percent participating interest in the licenses and operation of the Dharor Valley and Nugal Valley projects.
The Canadian company says it will pay US$50 million (€31.8 million) over 6 years for its 80 percent interest

Read the rest.


Tuugnimadaas loo jeedo ayee Soomaalida kasoo horjeedaan. What can 50 million do than to bribe the already corrupted so-called officials that nominally preside there? Real, legitimate companies, unlike this questionable one whose name is changed every other month to suit where their interest lies, invest in billions.


Dan Soomaaliyeed iyo dan Reer Bari midna uma aha tuugnimadaan, and anyone who thinks so is dreaming.

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Markaan Xanaaqnana waxaad oran ha la joojiyo, adigunna waad iska tuuran markaaka. Now, are you going to stop me when I chant after you? tuug weeyaan kuwaas! :D:D

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Again, the project is underway, Puntland is not region 5 or Secessionists or anyother region. The people are behind this project.

Also who will stop any Somali from any region moving to Puntland getting part of the pie? Its Somalia after all lads.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka:


Markaan Xanaaqnana waxaad oran ha la joojiyo, adigunna waad iska tuuran markaaka. Now, are you going to stop me when I chant after you? tuug weeyaan kuwaas!

Maxaa tuurtay, duqa?


Ee aniga teeda kale on the other thread caayda iyo aflagaada hala joojiyo waxaa ula jeeday insulting this site's members, this forum's participants, not Soomaali public figures. Waxaa rabtid ayaa ugu wici kartaa qabqabliyaashaas Soomaalida wareeriye. Tuug caay weynba ma'aha. Tuugo wey ka daranyihiin kuwaas iyo wixii lamid ah.

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My goodness clan court supporters, Qad merchant lovers and secsssionist do seem to be hot and bothered.


Names wont do a thing to anyone, for example we have Mr MMA here who hates Puntland commenting on its progress.


I would say mind your own business adeer, the fake nationalisam does has no effect on us lads.

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