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General Duke

Troops led by General Cabdi Samad Cali shire enter Laas Canood

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remember when u use to say...amxaaro will be gone in 3 weeks...!


looks like everytime you open your mouth, only foul air comes out.


yeey is not looking good to the amxaaro these days.. they will use him to do their last job. conquer rest of somalis...but in the end, the pig is gonna be their boy.


last yeey trip to addis was nothing but lecturing sermon. his unhappiness is already showing...the dice is still rolling, we shall see.

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^^^lool. my main prediction in SOL are well known. The landslide election of ina Yey in 2004. The defeat of the clan courts. The capture of Mogadishu, and TFG success.


Ethiopians will leave when its the right time, not a minute before.

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