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General Duke

Troops led by General Cabdi Samad Cali shire enter Laas Canood

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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^A weak man makes excuses for his failures. They blame the day, the method or heaven. Those who make history seldom have time for such weakness.

And what do you make of the coward who strives on the power of other than his, I dare imagine.

Again sxb keep on enjoying the ill-achieved accomplishments but just remember it will entirely depend on the duration - which is how long the Ethiopians will be in Somalia.

And you know that is a fact. In the mean time keep on singing the hyms that praise Zenawi and on the other side claim to be nationalist. Stop panicking and enjoy the little period that is left for you. :D

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Ciidamo Badan oo kusii qul qulaya Laas Caano iyo Warar dheeraad ah

Last Updated::2007-09-20 14:30:08


Laas Caano (HRNet):- Ciidamo ku qalabeysan gaadiidka dagaalka ee Tiknikada loo yaqaan ayaa gaaray magaalada Laas Caano

ee xarunta Gobalka Sool.


Ciidamadan oo ay hogaaminayaan saraakiil sar sare oo ka tirsan Ciidamada Daraawiishta ee Puntland oo uu hormuud u yahay Taliyaha Ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland C/samad Cali Shire ayaa ka amababaxay magaalada Garowe ee xarunta Puntland.


Ciidamadan ayaa gaaray magaalada Laas Caano xili shalay gelinkii danbe uu markale dagaal ka dhacay duleedka magaalada Laas Caano kaasi oo ay ku hardameen ciidamada Puntland iyo kuwa Soomaaliland.


Ciidamadan ayaa saaka u gudbay goobihii ay dagaalka ka dhaceen, ayadoo ay Ciidamada Puntland sheegteen in ay guulo ka gaareen dagaalkii shalay gelinkii danbe dhacay, isla markaana dib u riixeen ciidamada Soomaaliland ee weerarka ahaa.


Wararka dheeraadka ah ee kasoo baxaya magaalada Laas Caano ayaa sheegaya in 2 gaari oo nooca Tiknikada ah dagaalkii shalay looga gubay ciidamada Soomaaliland, sidoo kale ciidamada Puntland ayaa khasaaro soo gaareen ayadoo la xaqiijiyey in ay labo askari uga dhaawacantay.


Dagaalkii shalay ayaa la sheegay in ay soo qaadeen ciidamada Somaliland oo isku dayey in ay kusoo siqaan dhinaca Waqooyi ee magaalada Laas Caano, taasi oo keentay in ay isku dhacaan ciidamada Puntland oo difaac uga jiray deegaanka Ari Cadeeye gaar ahaan meesha loo yaqaan abeesalay.


Maamulka Soomaaliland ayaan asagu wax jawaab ah kasoo saarin dagaaladii shalay dhacay, ayadoo maanta si weyn loo dareemayo dhaq dhaqaaqa ay labada dhinac wadaan.


C/risaaq Shiino

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Juje, one can not preach to the converted. Those who have lost can waste their time chasing phantom's, and holding meetings in comfortable hotels. I dare say go to Mogadishu and talk.

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Originally posted by The Duke:

Juje, one can not preach to the converted. Those who have lost can waste their time chasing phantom's, and holding meetings in comfortable hotels. I dare say go to Mogadishu and talk.

Go to Mogadishu and talk.....loool. As if you are there..and for that matter those you support are inside a barricade or armed carriers which is what you call serenity and security. Cutting the BS Duke I know the reason to your awsome support to the Ethiopian invassion, and its an enthusiasm you share with the likes of Yeey and co. who have set a new history in Somalia by bringing in Ethiopian occupation. And this occupation like any other will be overcome, I just wonder where you will be by then.. :D

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go to Mog? yo, dont worry, we all be there soon..

and i shall let u crash in my home.. no cover charge required. cuz, we all know ppl make mistakes. its a human thing.


i love yah las Anod!!

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I doubt Somaliland orchestrated this. It looks like an eternal/dissident’s work. How to handle it is not to issue empty threats against that entity as Cadde did yesterday but to firstly get his acts together and be on the same page with the vast majority of his subjects---he must address their concerns!


Having said that I never understood those from both sides of the Somaliland/Puntland fence who tend to ignite latent explosives of this unfortunate conflict for mere financial/employment gains. It’s the effect of Somali civil war, I suppose!

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Finding solution to this crisis rests on the shoulders on the locals. These people have to put their act together first and foremost and then deal with the adjacent administrations.


It appears some of their leaders need to be eliminated in one way or another, this people are paying big price for their protracted passiveness, will they emancipate from the shackles of anarchy or dwell their lives as they've been doing for the last 16 years or so, remains to be seen.

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Xiin, Somaliland fighters were killed in the exchange and their armoyr captured. Thus enough proof og their involvement.


As for Juje, adeer, Mogadishu is coming back to what it was before 1991. Capital for all Somali's not a fringe town.

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i see the amxaaro tfg boyz are doing the masters call..! well, i never doubted sland will be next.


basically, the goal is here to march to hargeysa before next nov 08.


however, this is gonna cause 2 many doors open for the amxaar masters and will back fire in the end.


burn baby burn! this is gonna be major war.

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^^^A major war? Adeer there is no startegy to bring Somaliland into play. The TFG does not attack unless its under threat. It has patiance and foresight and avoids silly skirmishes which will cost the lives of our young armed forces.


They are still under extensive and touh training.


Hargaysa is not that important, just Puntland reacting to the over the top senseless provocation.

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some how u dealing with the wrong dawg! u know i aint take no shyte...dont even go there!


on the other hand...embarrasment are the ppl who brought amxaaro to subjgate their own ppl.


how could tfgs will ever live with that!! a forever disgraced ppl of somalia... this ppl will be hanging from the walls of somali hall of shame forever. may be u should run and take shower before they hang u in there 2!

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^^Predictable nonsence. Shame is what Somalia has been for 17 years, bottom of the world in any measure, wealth, education, security and so on.


Today the Governemnt of Somalia is restoring order. Those who led the 17 years of shame will no doubt want no change, make "amxaro" the excuse for their failure to comprehend reality.


The Somali governemnt will not be detered by mere talk, fake rehtoric, the old war hero ina Yey is working over time to restore the nation and a new age of hope. InSHA Allah.

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